@ -31,13 +31,15 @@
namespace openfpga {
* Top-level function to add nets for quicklogic memory banks
* This function to add nets for quicklogic memory banks
* Each configuration region has independent memory bank circuitry
* - Find the number of BLs and WLs required for each region
* - Create BL and WL decoders, and add them to decoder library
* - Create nets to connect from top-level module inputs to inputs of decoders
* - Create nets to connect from outputs of decoders to BL/WL of configurable children
* @note this function only adds the BL configuration bus for decoders
* Detailed schematic of how memory banks are connected in the top-level:
* Consider a random Region X, local BL address lines are aligned to the LSB of the
* top-level BL address lines
@ -120,12 +122,13 @@ namespace openfpga {
* +---------+
void add_top_module_nets_cmos_ql_memory_bank_config_bus(ModuleManager& module_manager,
DecoderLibrary& decoder_lib,
const ModuleId& top_module,
const CircuitLibrary& circuit_lib,
const CircuitModelId& sram_model,
const TopModuleNumConfigBits& num_config_bits) {
void add_top_module_nets_cmos_ql_memory_bank_bl_decoder_config_bus(ModuleManager& module_manager,
DecoderLibrary& decoder_lib,
const ModuleId& top_module,
const CircuitLibrary& circuit_lib,
const CircuitModelId& sram_model,
const TopModuleNumConfigBits& num_config_bits) {
/* Find Enable port from the top-level module */
ModulePortId en_port = module_manager.find_module_port(top_module, std::string(DECODER_ENABLE_PORT_NAME));
BasicPort en_port_info = module_manager.module_port(top_module, en_port);
@ -137,26 +140,12 @@ void add_top_module_nets_cmos_ql_memory_bank_config_bus(ModuleManager& module_ma
/* Data in port should match the number of configuration regions */
VTR_ASSERT(din_port_info.get_width() == module_manager.regions(top_module).size());
/* Find readback port from the top-level module */
ModulePortId readback_port = module_manager.find_module_port(top_module, std::string(DECODER_READBACK_PORT_NAME));
BasicPort readback_port_info;
/* Readback port if available, should be a 1-bit port */
if (readback_port) {
readback_port_info = module_manager.module_port(top_module, readback_port);
VTR_ASSERT(readback_port_info.get_width() == 1);
/* Find BL and WL address port from the top-level module */
ModulePortId bl_addr_port = module_manager.find_module_port(top_module, std::string(DECODER_BL_ADDRESS_PORT_NAME));
BasicPort bl_addr_port_info = module_manager.module_port(top_module, bl_addr_port);
ModulePortId wl_addr_port = module_manager.find_module_port(top_module, std::string(DECODER_WL_ADDRESS_PORT_NAME));
BasicPort wl_addr_port_info = module_manager.module_port(top_module, wl_addr_port);
/* Find the top-level number of BLs and WLs required to access each memory bit */
size_t bl_addr_size = bl_addr_port_info.get_width();
size_t wl_addr_size = wl_addr_port_info.get_width();
/* Each memory bank has a unified number of BL/WLs */
size_t num_bls = 0;
@ -164,11 +153,6 @@ void add_top_module_nets_cmos_ql_memory_bank_config_bus(ModuleManager& module_ma
num_bls = std::max(num_bls, curr_config_bits.first);
size_t num_wls = 0;
for (const auto& curr_config_bits : num_config_bits) {
num_wls = std::max(num_wls, curr_config_bits.second);
/* Create separated memory bank circuitry, i.e., BL/WL decoders for each region */
for (const ConfigRegionId& config_region : module_manager.regions(top_module)) {
@ -199,34 +183,6 @@ void add_top_module_nets_cmos_ql_memory_bank_config_bus(ModuleManager& module_ma
size_t curr_bl_decoder_instance_id = module_manager.num_instance(top_module, bl_decoder_module);
module_manager.add_child_module(top_module, bl_decoder_module);
* Add the WL decoder module
* Search the decoder library
* If we find one, we use the module.
* Otherwise, we create one and add it to the decoder library
DecoderId wl_decoder_id = decoder_lib.find_decoder(wl_addr_size, num_wls,
true, false, false, readback_port != ModulePortId::INVALID());
if (DecoderId::INVALID() == wl_decoder_id) {
wl_decoder_id = decoder_lib.add_decoder(wl_addr_size, num_wls, true, false, false, readback_port != ModulePortId::INVALID());
VTR_ASSERT(DecoderId::INVALID() != wl_decoder_id);
/* Create a module if not existed yet */
std::string wl_decoder_module_name = generate_memory_decoder_subckt_name(wl_addr_size, num_wls);
ModuleId wl_decoder_module = module_manager.find_module(wl_decoder_module_name);
if (ModuleId::INVALID() == wl_decoder_module) {
/* BL decoder has the same ports as the frame-based decoders
* We reuse it here
wl_decoder_module = build_wl_memory_decoder_module(module_manager,
VTR_ASSERT(ModuleId::INVALID() != wl_decoder_module);
size_t curr_wl_decoder_instance_id = module_manager.num_instance(top_module, wl_decoder_module);
module_manager.add_child_module(top_module, wl_decoder_module);
* Add module nets from the top module to BL decoder's inputs
@ -267,57 +223,15 @@ void add_top_module_nets_cmos_ql_memory_bank_config_bus(ModuleManager& module_ma
/* Configure the net sink */
module_manager.add_module_net_sink(top_module, din_net, bl_decoder_module, curr_bl_decoder_instance_id, bl_decoder_din_port, bl_decoder_din_port_info.pins()[0]);
* Add module nets from the top module to WL decoder's inputs
ModulePortId wl_decoder_en_port = module_manager.find_module_port(wl_decoder_module, std::string(DECODER_ENABLE_PORT_NAME));
BasicPort wl_decoder_en_port_info = module_manager.module_port(wl_decoder_module, wl_decoder_en_port);
ModulePortId wl_decoder_addr_port = module_manager.find_module_port(wl_decoder_module, std::string(DECODER_ADDRESS_PORT_NAME));
BasicPort wl_decoder_addr_port_info = module_manager.module_port(wl_decoder_module, wl_decoder_addr_port);
ModulePortId wl_decoder_readback_port = module_manager.find_module_port(wl_decoder_module, std::string(DECODER_READBACK_PORT_NAME));
BasicPort wl_decoder_readback_port_info;
if (wl_decoder_readback_port) {
wl_decoder_readback_port_info = module_manager.module_port(wl_decoder_module, wl_decoder_readback_port);
/* Top module Enable port -> WL Decoder Enable port */
top_module, 0, en_port,
wl_decoder_module, curr_wl_decoder_instance_id, wl_decoder_en_port);
/* Top module Address port -> WL Decoder Address port */
top_module, 0, wl_addr_port,
wl_decoder_module, curr_wl_decoder_instance_id, wl_decoder_addr_port);
/* Top module readback port -> WL Decoder readback port */
if (wl_decoder_readback_port) {
top_module, 0, readback_port,
wl_decoder_module, curr_wl_decoder_instance_id, wl_decoder_readback_port);
* Precompute the BLs and WLs distribution across the FPGA fabric
* The distribution is a matrix which contains the starting index of BL/WL for each column or row
std::pair<int, int> child_x_range = compute_memory_bank_regional_configurable_child_x_range(module_manager, top_module, config_region);
std::pair<int, int> child_y_range = compute_memory_bank_regional_configurable_child_y_range(module_manager, top_module, config_region);
std::map<int, size_t> num_bls_per_tile = compute_memory_bank_regional_bitline_numbers_per_tile(module_manager, top_module,
circuit_lib, sram_model);
std::map<int, size_t> num_wls_per_tile = compute_memory_bank_regional_wordline_numbers_per_tile(module_manager, top_module,
circuit_lib, sram_model);
std::map<int, size_t> bl_start_index_per_tile = compute_memory_bank_regional_blwl_start_index_per_tile(child_x_range, num_bls_per_tile);
std::map<int, size_t> wl_start_index_per_tile = compute_memory_bank_regional_blwl_start_index_per_tile(child_y_range, num_wls_per_tile);
* Add nets from BL data out to each configurable child
@ -378,13 +292,148 @@ void add_top_module_nets_cmos_ql_memory_bank_config_bus(ModuleManager& module_ma
* Add the BL and WL decoders to the end of configurable children list
* Note: this MUST be done after adding all the module nets to other regular configurable children
module_manager.add_configurable_child(top_module, bl_decoder_module, curr_bl_decoder_instance_id);
module_manager.configurable_children(top_module).size() - 1);
* Top-level function to add nets for quicklogic memory banks
* Each configuration region has independent memory bank circuitry
* - Find the number of BLs and WLs required for each region
* - Create BL and WL decoders, and add them to decoder library
* - Create nets to connect from top-level module inputs to inputs of decoders
* - Create nets to connect from outputs of decoders to BL/WL of configurable children
* @note this function only adds the WL configuration bus for decoders
* @note see detailed explanation on the bus connection in function add_top_module_nets_cmos_ql_memory_bank_config_bus()
void add_top_module_nets_cmos_ql_memory_bank_wl_decoder_config_bus(ModuleManager& module_manager,
DecoderLibrary& decoder_lib,
const ModuleId& top_module,
const CircuitLibrary& circuit_lib,
const CircuitModelId& sram_model,
const TopModuleNumConfigBits& num_config_bits) {
/* Find Enable port from the top-level module */
ModulePortId en_port = module_manager.find_module_port(top_module, std::string(DECODER_ENABLE_PORT_NAME));
BasicPort en_port_info = module_manager.module_port(top_module, en_port);
/* Find readback port from the top-level module */
ModulePortId readback_port = module_manager.find_module_port(top_module, std::string(DECODER_READBACK_PORT_NAME));
BasicPort readback_port_info;
/* Readback port if available, should be a 1-bit port */
if (readback_port) {
readback_port_info = module_manager.module_port(top_module, readback_port);
VTR_ASSERT(readback_port_info.get_width() == 1);
/* Find BL and WL address port from the top-level module */
ModulePortId wl_addr_port = module_manager.find_module_port(top_module, std::string(DECODER_WL_ADDRESS_PORT_NAME));
BasicPort wl_addr_port_info = module_manager.module_port(top_module, wl_addr_port);
/* Find the top-level number of BLs and WLs required to access each memory bit */
size_t wl_addr_size = wl_addr_port_info.get_width();
/* Each memory bank has a unified number of BL/WLs */
size_t num_wls = 0;
for (const auto& curr_config_bits : num_config_bits) {
num_wls = std::max(num_wls, curr_config_bits.second);
/* Create separated memory bank circuitry, i.e., BL/WL decoders for each region */
for (const ConfigRegionId& config_region : module_manager.regions(top_module)) {
* Add the WL decoder module
* Search the decoder library
* If we find one, we use the module.
* Otherwise, we create one and add it to the decoder library
DecoderId wl_decoder_id = decoder_lib.find_decoder(wl_addr_size, num_wls,
true, false, false, readback_port != ModulePortId::INVALID());
if (DecoderId::INVALID() == wl_decoder_id) {
wl_decoder_id = decoder_lib.add_decoder(wl_addr_size, num_wls, true, false, false, readback_port != ModulePortId::INVALID());
VTR_ASSERT(DecoderId::INVALID() != wl_decoder_id);
/* Create a module if not existed yet */
std::string wl_decoder_module_name = generate_memory_decoder_subckt_name(wl_addr_size, num_wls);
ModuleId wl_decoder_module = module_manager.find_module(wl_decoder_module_name);
if (ModuleId::INVALID() == wl_decoder_module) {
/* BL decoder has the same ports as the frame-based decoders
* We reuse it here
wl_decoder_module = build_wl_memory_decoder_module(module_manager,
VTR_ASSERT(ModuleId::INVALID() != wl_decoder_module);
size_t curr_wl_decoder_instance_id = module_manager.num_instance(top_module, wl_decoder_module);
module_manager.add_child_module(top_module, wl_decoder_module);
* Add module nets from the top module to WL decoder's inputs
ModulePortId wl_decoder_en_port = module_manager.find_module_port(wl_decoder_module, std::string(DECODER_ENABLE_PORT_NAME));
BasicPort wl_decoder_en_port_info = module_manager.module_port(wl_decoder_module, wl_decoder_en_port);
ModulePortId wl_decoder_addr_port = module_manager.find_module_port(wl_decoder_module, std::string(DECODER_ADDRESS_PORT_NAME));
BasicPort wl_decoder_addr_port_info = module_manager.module_port(wl_decoder_module, wl_decoder_addr_port);
ModulePortId wl_decoder_readback_port = module_manager.find_module_port(wl_decoder_module, std::string(DECODER_READBACK_PORT_NAME));
BasicPort wl_decoder_readback_port_info;
if (wl_decoder_readback_port) {
wl_decoder_readback_port_info = module_manager.module_port(wl_decoder_module, wl_decoder_readback_port);
/* Top module Enable port -> WL Decoder Enable port */
top_module, 0, en_port,
wl_decoder_module, curr_wl_decoder_instance_id, wl_decoder_en_port);
/* Top module Address port -> WL Decoder Address port */
top_module, 0, wl_addr_port,
wl_decoder_module, curr_wl_decoder_instance_id, wl_decoder_addr_port);
/* Top module readback port -> WL Decoder readback port */
if (wl_decoder_readback_port) {
top_module, 0, readback_port,
wl_decoder_module, curr_wl_decoder_instance_id, wl_decoder_readback_port);
* Precompute the BLs and WLs distribution across the FPGA fabric
* The distribution is a matrix which contains the starting index of BL/WL for each column or row
std::pair<int, int> child_y_range = compute_memory_bank_regional_configurable_child_y_range(module_manager, top_module, config_region);
std::map<int, size_t> num_wls_per_tile = compute_memory_bank_regional_wordline_numbers_per_tile(module_manager, top_module,
circuit_lib, sram_model);
std::map<int, size_t> wl_start_index_per_tile = compute_memory_bank_regional_blwl_start_index_per_tile(child_y_range, num_wls_per_tile);
* Add nets from WL data out to each configurable child
ModulePortId wl_decoder_dout_port = module_manager.find_module_port(wl_decoder_module, std::string(DECODER_DATA_OUT_PORT_NAME));
BasicPort wl_decoder_dout_port_info = module_manager.module_port(wl_decoder_module, wl_decoder_dout_port);
for (size_t child_id = 0; child_id < module_manager.region_configurable_children(top_module, config_region).size(); ++child_id) {
/* Note we skip the last child which is the bl decoder added */
for (size_t child_id = 0; child_id < module_manager.region_configurable_children(top_module, config_region).size() - 1; ++child_id) {
ModuleId child_module = module_manager.region_configurable_children(top_module, config_region)[child_id];
vtr::Point<int> coord = module_manager.region_configurable_child_coordinates(top_module, config_region)[child_id];
@ -458,13 +507,6 @@ void add_top_module_nets_cmos_ql_memory_bank_config_bus(ModuleManager& module_ma
* Add the BL and WL decoders to the end of configurable children list
* Note: this MUST be done after adding all the module nets to other regular configurable children
module_manager.add_configurable_child(top_module, bl_decoder_module, curr_bl_decoder_instance_id);
module_manager.configurable_children(top_module).size() - 1);
module_manager.add_configurable_child(top_module, wl_decoder_module, curr_wl_decoder_instance_id);
@ -474,6 +516,68 @@ void add_top_module_nets_cmos_ql_memory_bank_config_bus(ModuleManager& module_ma
* Top-level function to add nets for quicklogic memory banks
* - Each configuration region has independent memory bank circuitry
* - BL and WL may have different circuitry and wire connection, e.g., decoder, flatten or shift-registers
* - BL control circuitry
* - Decoder: Add a BL decoder; Connect enable, address and data-in (din) between top-level and decoders; Connect data ports between between the decoder and configurable child modules
* - Flatten: Connect BLs between the top-level port and configurable child modules
* - TODO: Shift registers: add blocks of shift register chain (could be multi-head); Connect shift register outputs to configurable child modules
* - WL control circuitry
* - Decoder: Add a WL decoder; Connect address ports between top-level and decoders; Connect data ports between the decoder and configurable child modules
* - Flatten: Connect BLs between the top-level port and configurable child modules
* - TODO: Shift registers: add blocks of shift register chain (could be multi-head); Connect shift register outputs to configurable child modules
void add_top_module_nets_cmos_ql_memory_bank_config_bus(ModuleManager& module_manager,
DecoderLibrary& decoder_lib,
const ModuleId& top_module,
const CircuitLibrary& circuit_lib,
const ConfigProtocol& config_protocol,
const TopModuleNumConfigBits& num_config_bits) {
VTR_ASSERT_SAFE(CONFIG_MEM_QL_MEMORY_BANK == config_protocol.type());
CircuitModelId sram_model = config_protocol.memory_model();
switch (config_protocol.bl_protocol_type()) {
add_top_module_nets_cmos_ql_memory_bank_bl_decoder_config_bus(module_manager, decoder_lib, top_module, circuit_lib, sram_model, num_config_bits);
//add_top_module_nets_cmos_ql_memory_bank_bl_flatten_config_bus(module_manager, decoder_lib, top_module, circuit_lib, num_config_bits);
/* TODO */
default: {
VTR_LOG_ERROR("Invalid BL protocol");
switch (config_protocol.wl_protocol_type()) {
add_top_module_nets_cmos_ql_memory_bank_wl_decoder_config_bus(module_manager, decoder_lib, top_module, circuit_lib, sram_model, num_config_bits);
//add_top_module_nets_cmos_ql_memory_bank_wl_flatten_config_bus(module_manager, decoder_lib, top_module, circuit_lib, num_config_bits);
/* TODO */
default: {
VTR_LOG_ERROR("Invalid WL protocol");
* Add a list of ports that are used for SRAM configuration to the FPGA
* top-level module