[Doc] Add openfpga floorplanning to the overview part of documentation
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<tspan font-family="Times New Roman" font-size="16" font-weight="400" fill="black" x="11.570312" y="14">Behavioral</tspan>
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<tspan font-family="Times New Roman" font-size="16" font-weight="400" fill="black" x="1.6788368" y="14">Physical Design </tspan>
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<tspan font-family="Times New Roman" font-size="16" font-weight="400" fill="black" x="8.103254" y="14">FPGA-</tspan>
<tspan font-family="Times New Roman" font-size="16" font-weight="400" fill="black" x="7.669661" y="31.679688">Verilog</tspan>
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<tspan font-family="Times New Roman" font-size="16" font-weight="400" fill="black" x="3.519371" y="14">Technology-mapped </tspan>
<tspan font-family="Times New Roman" font-size="16" font-weight="400" fill="black" x="45.609215" y="31.679688">Verilog</tspan>
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<tspan font-family="Times New Roman" font-size="16" font-weight="400" fill="black" x="5.5481224" y="14">Synthesis </tspan>
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<tspan font-family="Times New Roman" font-size="16" font-weight="400" fill="black" x="1.6788368" y="14">Physical Design </tspan>
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<tspan font-family="Times New Roman" font-size="16" font-weight="400" fill="black" x="14.887966" y="14">GDSII</tspan>
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<tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="16" font-weight="400" fill="#ff2600" x="2842171e-19" y="15">Standard ASIC design flow</tspan>
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<tspan font-family="Times New Roman" font-size="16" font-weight="400" fill="black" x=".043434143" y="14">OpenFPGA Floorplanning </tspan>
<tspan font-family="Times New Roman" font-size="16" font-weight="400" fill="black" x="28.062965" y="31.679688">and Feed-through </tspan>
<tspan font-family="Times New Roman" font-size="16" font-weight="400" fill="black" x="49.176247" y="49.359375">Generation</tspan>
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<tspan font-family="Times New Roman" font-size="16" font-weight="400" fill="black" x="1.6788368" y="14">Physical Design </tspan>
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<tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="16" font-weight="400" fill="black" x="6.083999" y="15">FPGA-oriented </tspan>
<tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="16" font-weight="400" fill="black" x="15.268" y="33.448">ASIC design </tspan>
<tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="16" font-weight="400" fill="black" x="44.764" y="51.895996">flow</tspan>
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<tspan font-family="Times New Roman" font-size="16" font-weight="400" fill="black" x="15.442654" y="31.679688">Designs</tspan>
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<tspan font-family="Times New Roman" font-size="16" font-weight="400" fill="black" x="7.087967" y="14">OpenFPGA Floorplanning and </tspan>
<tspan font-family="Times New Roman" font-size="16" font-weight="400" fill="black" x="24.669998" y="31.679688">Feed-through Generation</tspan>
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<tspan font-family="Times New Roman" font-size="16" font-weight="400" fill="black" x="0" y="14">Physical Design Tools</tspan>
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@ -17,15 +17,15 @@ OpenFPGA also provides native bitstream generation support based the same XML-ba
OpenFPGA can support any architecture that VPR can describe, covering most of the architecture enhancements available in modern FPGAs, and hence unlocks a large design space in prototyping customizable FPGAs. In addition, OpenFPGA provides enriched syntax which allows users to customized primitive circuit designed downto transistor-level parameters. This helps developers to customize the P.P.A. (Power, Performance and Area) to the best. All these features open the door of prototyping/studying flexible FPGAs to a small group of junior engineers or researchers.
In terms of tool functionality, OpenFPGA consists of the following parts: FPGA-Verilog, FPGA-SDC, FPGA-Bitstream and FPGA-SPICE.
The rest of this section will focus on detailed motivation on each of them, as depicted in :numref:`fig_openfpga_flow`.
The rest of this section will focus on detailed motivation on each of them, as depicted in :numref:`fig_openfpga_framework`.
.. _fig_openfpga_flow:
.. _fig_openfpga_framework:
.. figure:: ./figures/openfpga_flow.png
.. figure:: ./figures/openfpga_framework.svg
:scale: 50%
:alt: Design flows avaiable in OpenFPGA
:alt: OpenFPGA framework
Design flows in different purposes using OpenFPGA
OpenFPGA: a unified framework for chip designer and FPGA programmer
Fully Customizable Architecture
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ FPGA-Verilog is designed to output flexible and standard Verilog netlists, enabl
.. _fig_fpga_verilog_motivation:
.. figure:: ./figures/fpga_verilog_motivation.png
.. figure:: ./figures/fpga_verilog_motivation.svg
:scale: 25%
:alt: Flexible netlist format support by FPGA-Verilog to enable various backend choices
Reference in New Issue