[script] now change to use minidom and debugging the child removal

This commit is contained in:
tangxifan 2022-08-22 16:33:49 -07:00
parent 880d7122bf
commit 4efc506762
1 changed files with 41 additions and 24 deletions

View File

@ -10,7 +10,10 @@ from os.path import dirname, abspath
import argparse
import logging
import shutil
import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
from xml.dom import minidom
from datetime import timedelta
import time
import datetime
# Error codes
@ -41,42 +44,56 @@ def convert_arch_xml_from_v1p1_to_v1p2(input_fname, output_fname):
TILE_ROOT_TAG = "tiles"
TILE_NODE_TAG = "tile"
SUB_TILE_NODE_TAG = "sub_tile"
NAME_TAG = "capacity"
NAME_TAG = "name"
CAPACITY_TAG = "capacity"
logging.info("Converting \'" + input_fname + "\'" + " to " + "\'" + output_fname + "\'")
# Log runtime and status
status = error_codes["SUCCESS"]
start_time = time.time()
log_str = "Converting \'" + input_fname + "\'" + " to " + "\'" + output_fname + "\'..."
# Parse the input file
tree = etree.parse(input_fname)
root = tree.getroot()
doc = minidom.parse(input_fname)
# Iterate over <tile> nodes
if (root.findall(TILE_ROOT_TAG) != 1):
num_tile_roots = len(doc.getElementsByTagName(TILE_ROOT_TAG))
if (num_tile_roots != 1):
logging.info("Found " + str(num_tile_roots) + " <" + TILE_ROOT_TAG + ">")
logging.error("Fail to find a require node (one and only one) <" + TILE_ROOT_TAG + "> under the root node!")
tile_root = root.find(TILE_ROOT_TAG)
for tile_node in tile_root.iter(TILE_NODE_TAG):
return error_codes["ERROR"]
tile_root = doc.getElementsByTagName(TILE_ROOT_TAG)[0]
for tile_node in tile_root.getElementsByTagName(TILE_NODE_TAG):
# Create a new child node <sub_tile>
sub_tile_node = etree.SubElement(tile_node, SUB_TILE_NODE_TAG)
sub_tile_node = doc.createElement(SUB_TILE_NODE_TAG)
# Add attributes to the new child node
sub_tile_node.set(NAME_TAG, tile_node.get(NAME_TAG))
if tile_node.get(CAPACITY_TAG) is not None:
sub_tile_node.set(CAPACITY_TAG, tile_node.get(CAPACITY_TAG))
# Move other subelements to the new child node
for child in tile_node:
# Bypass new node
if (child.tag == SUB_TILE_NODE_TAG):
# Add the node to the child node
sub_tile_node.setAttribute(NAME_TAG, tile_node.getAttribute(NAME_TAG))
if tile_node.hasAttribute(CAPACITY_TAG):
sub_tile_node.setAttribute(CAPACITY_TAG, tile_node.getAttribute(CAPACITY_TAG))
# Delete the out-of-date attributes
tile_node.set(CAPACITY_TAG, None)
for child in tile_node:
if (child.tag != SUB_TILE_NODE_TAG):
# Move other subelements to the new child node
for child in tile_node.childNodes:
# Add the node to the child node
child_clone = child.cloneNode(deep=True)
# Remove no longer required child nodes
for child in tile_node.childNodes:
# Append the sub tile child to the tile node
# Output the modified content
output_xml_str = doc.toprettyxml(indent=" ")
with open(output_fname, "w") as output_xml_f:
# Finish up
end_time = time.time()
end_time_str = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(end_time).isoformat()
log_end_str = " [Done] took " + end_time_str
logging.info("." * (len(log_str) - len(log_end_str)) + log_end_str)
return status