[FPGA-SPICE] Add SPICE subcircuit writer
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,449 @@
* This file includes functions to write a SPICE module
* based on its definition in Module Manager
* Note that SPICE writer functions are just an outputter for the
* module definition.
* You should NOT modify any content of the module manager
* Please use const keyword to restrict this!
#include <algorithm>
/* Headers from vtrutil library */
#include "vtr_assert.h"
/* Headers from openfpgautil library */
#include "openfpga_port.h"
#include "openfpga_digest.h"
#include "openfpga_naming.h"
#include "module_manager_utils.h"
#include "spice_writer_utils.h"
#include "spice_subckt_writer.h"
/* begin namespace openfpga */
namespace openfpga {
* Generate the name of a local wire for a undriven port inside SPICE
* module
std::string generate_spice_undriven_local_wire_name(const ModuleManager& module_manager,
const ModuleId& parent,
const ModuleId& child,
const size_t& instance_id,
const ModulePortId& child_port_id) {
std::string wire_name;
if (!module_manager.instance_name(parent, child, instance_id).empty()) {
wire_name = module_manager.instance_name(parent, child, instance_id);
} else {
wire_name = module_manager.module_name(parent) + std::string("_") + std::to_string(instance_id);
wire_name += std::string("_");
wire_name += std::string("_undriven_");
wire_name += module_manager.module_port(child, child_port_id).get_name();
return wire_name;
* Name a net for a local wire for a SPICE subckt
* 1. If this is a local wire, name it after the <src_module_name>_<instance_id>_<src_port_name>
* 2. If this is not a local wire, name it after the port name of parent module
* In addition, it will assign the pin index as well
* Restriction: this function requires each net has single driver
* which is definitely always true in circuits.
BasicPort generate_spice_port_for_module_net(const ModuleManager& module_manager,
const ModuleId& module_id,
const ModuleNetId& module_net) {
/* Check all the sink modules of the net,
* if we have a source module is the current module, this is not local wire
for (ModuleNetSrcId src_id : module_manager.module_net_sources(module_id, module_net)) {
if (module_id == module_manager.net_source_modules(module_id, module_net)[src_id]) {
/* Here, this is not a local wire, return the port name of the src_port */
ModulePortId net_src_port = module_manager.net_source_ports(module_id, module_net)[src_id];
size_t src_pin_index = module_manager.net_source_pins(module_id, module_net)[src_id];
return BasicPort(module_manager.module_port(module_id, net_src_port).get_name(), src_pin_index, src_pin_index);
/* Check all the sink modules of the net */
for (ModuleNetSinkId sink_id : module_manager.module_net_sinks(module_id, module_net)) {
if (module_id == module_manager.net_sink_modules(module_id, module_net)[sink_id]) {
/* Here, this is not a local wire, return the port name of the sink_port */
ModulePortId net_sink_port = module_manager.net_sink_ports(module_id, module_net)[sink_id];
size_t sink_pin_index = module_manager.net_sink_pins(module_id, module_net)[sink_id];
return BasicPort(module_manager.module_port(module_id, net_sink_port).get_name(), sink_pin_index, sink_pin_index);
/* Reach here, this is a local wire */
std::string net_name;
/* Each net must only one 1 source */
VTR_ASSERT(1 == module_manager.net_source_modules(module_id, module_net).size());
/* Get the source module */
ModuleId net_src_module = module_manager.net_source_modules(module_id, module_net)[ModuleNetSrcId(0)];
/* Get the instance id */
size_t net_src_instance = module_manager.net_source_instances(module_id, module_net)[ModuleNetSrcId(0)];
/* Get the port id */
ModulePortId net_src_port = module_manager.net_source_ports(module_id, module_net)[ModuleNetSrcId(0)];
/* Get the pin id */
size_t net_src_pin = module_manager.net_source_pins(module_id, module_net)[ModuleNetSrcId(0)];
/* Load user-defined name if we have it */
if (false == module_manager.net_name(module_id, module_net).empty()) {
net_name = module_manager.net_name(module_id, module_net);
} else {
net_name = module_manager.module_name(net_src_module);
net_name += std::string("_") + std::to_string(net_src_instance) + std::string("_");
net_name += module_manager.module_port(net_src_module, net_src_port).get_name();
return BasicPort(net_name, net_src_pin, net_src_pin);
* Print a SPICE wire connection
* We search all the sinks of the net,
* if we find a module output, we try to find the next module output
* among the sinks of the net
* For each module output (except the first one), we print a wire connection
void print_spice_subckt_output_short_connection(std::fstream& fp,
const ModuleManager& module_manager,
const ModuleId& module_id,
const ModuleNetId& module_net) {
/* Ensure a valid file stream */
VTR_ASSERT(true == valid_file_stream(fp));
bool first_port = true;
BasicPort src_port;
/* We have found a module input, now check all the sink modules of the net */
for (ModuleNetSinkId net_sink : module_manager.module_net_sinks(module_id, module_net)) {
ModuleId sink_module = module_manager.net_sink_modules(module_id, module_net)[net_sink];
if (module_id != sink_module) {
/* Find the sink port and pin information */
ModulePortId sink_port_id = module_manager.net_sink_ports(module_id, module_net)[net_sink];
size_t sink_pin = module_manager.net_sink_pins(module_id, module_net)[net_sink];
BasicPort sink_port(module_manager.module_port(module_id, sink_port_id).get_name(), sink_pin, sink_pin);
/* For the first module output, this is the source port, we do nothing and go to the next */
if (true == first_port) {
src_port = sink_port;
/* Flip the flag */
first_port = false;
/* We need to print a wire connection here */
VTR_ASSERT(src_port.get_width() == sink_port.get_width());
for (size_t ipin = 0; ipin < src_port.pins().size(); ++ipin) {
BasicPort src_spice_pin(src_port.get_name(), src_port.pins()[ipin], src_port.pins()[ipin]);
BasicPort sink_spice_pin(sink_port.get_name(), sink_port.pins()[ipin], sink_port.pins()[ipin]);
* Print a SPICE wire connection
* We search all the sources of the net,
* if we find a module input, we try to find a module output
* among the sinks of the net
* If we find such a pair, we print a wire connection
void print_spice_subckt_local_short_connection(std::fstream& fp,
const ModuleManager& module_manager,
const ModuleId& module_id,
const ModuleNetId& module_net) {
/* Ensure a valid file stream */
VTR_ASSERT(true == valid_file_stream(fp));
for (ModuleNetSrcId net_src : module_manager.module_net_sources(module_id, module_net)) {
ModuleId src_module = module_manager.net_source_modules(module_id, module_net)[net_src];
if (module_id != src_module) {
/* Find the source port and pin information */
print_spice_comment(fp, std::string("Net source id " + std::to_string(size_t(net_src))));
ModulePortId src_port_id = module_manager.net_source_ports(module_id, module_net)[net_src];
size_t src_pin = module_manager.net_source_pins(module_id, module_net)[net_src];
BasicPort src_port(module_manager.module_port(module_id, src_port_id).get_name(), src_pin, src_pin);
/* We have found a module input, now check all the sink modules of the net */
for (ModuleNetSinkId net_sink : module_manager.module_net_sinks(module_id, module_net)) {
ModuleId sink_module = module_manager.net_sink_modules(module_id, module_net)[net_sink];
if (module_id != sink_module) {
/* Find the sink port and pin information */
print_spice_comment(fp, std::string("Net sink id " + std::to_string(size_t(net_sink))));
ModulePortId sink_port_id = module_manager.net_sink_ports(module_id, module_net)[net_sink];
size_t sink_pin = module_manager.net_sink_pins(module_id, module_net)[net_sink];
BasicPort sink_port(module_manager.module_port(module_id, sink_port_id).get_name(), sink_pin, sink_pin);
/* We need to print a wire connection here */
VTR_ASSERT(src_port.get_width() == sink_port.get_width());
for (size_t ipin = 0; ipin < src_port.pins().size(); ++ipin) {
BasicPort src_spice_pin(src_port.get_name(), src_port.pins()[ipin], src_port.pins()[ipin]);
BasicPort sink_spice_pin(sink_port.get_name(), sink_port.pins()[ipin], sink_port.pins()[ipin]);
* Print short connections inside a SPICE module
* The short connection is defined as the direct connection
* between an input port of the module and an output port of the module
* This type of connection is not covered when printing SPICE instances
* Therefore, they are covered in this function
* module
* +-----------------------------+
* | |
* inputA--->|---------------------------->|--->outputB
* | |
* | |
* | |
* +-----------------------------+
void print_spice_subckt_local_short_connections(std::fstream& fp,
const ModuleManager& module_manager,
const ModuleId& module_id) {
/* Local wires come from the child modules */
for (ModuleNetId module_net : module_manager.module_nets(module_id)) {
/* We only care the nets that indicate short connections */
if (false == module_net_include_local_short_connection(module_manager, module_id, module_net)) {
print_spice_comment(fp, std::string("Local connection due to Wire " + std::to_string(size_t(module_net))));
print_spice_subckt_local_short_connection(fp, module_manager, module_id, module_net);
* Print output short connections inside a SPICE module
* The output short connection is defined as the direct connection
* between two output ports of the module
* This type of connection is not covered when printing SPICE instances
* Therefore, they are covered in this function
* module
* +-----------------------------+
* |
* src------>+--------------->|--->outputA
* | |
* | |
* +--------------->|--->outputB
* +-----------------------------+
void print_spice_subckt_output_short_connections(std::fstream& fp,
const ModuleManager& module_manager,
const ModuleId& module_id) {
/* Local wires come from the child modules */
for (ModuleNetId module_net : module_manager.module_nets(module_id)) {
/* We only care the nets that indicate short connections */
if (false == module_net_include_output_short_connection(module_manager, module_id, module_net)) {
print_spice_subckt_output_short_connection(fp, module_manager, module_id, module_net);
* Write a SPICE instance to a file
* This function will name the input and output connections to
* the inputs/output or local wires available in the parent module
* Parent_module
* +-----------------------------+
* | |
* | +--------------+ |
* | | | |
* | | child_module | |
* | | [instance] | |
* | +--------------+ |
* | |
* +-----------------------------+
void write_spice_instance_to_file(std::fstream& fp,
const ModuleManager& module_manager,
const ModuleId& parent_module,
const ModuleId& child_module,
const size_t& instance_id) {
/* Ensure a valid file stream */
VTR_ASSERT(true == valid_file_stream(fp));
/* Print instance name:
* if we have an instance name, use it;
* if not, we use a default name <name>_<num_instance_in_parent_module>
std::string instance_head_line = "X ";
if (true == module_manager.instance_name(parent_module, child_module, instance_id).empty()) {
instance_head_line += generate_instance_name(module_manager.module_name(child_module), instance_id);
} else {
instance_head_line += module_manager.instance_name(parent_module, child_module, instance_id);
instance_head_line += " ";
fp << instance_head_line;
/* Port sequence: global, inout, input, output and clock ports, */
bool fit_one_line = true;
bool new_line = false;
size_t pin_cnt = 0;
for (int port_type = ModuleManager::MODULE_GLOBAL_PORT;
port_type < ModuleManager::NUM_MODULE_PORT_TYPES;
++port_type) {
for (const auto& child_port_id : module_manager.module_port_ids_by_type(child_module, static_cast<ModuleManager::e_module_port_type>(port_type))) {
BasicPort child_port = module_manager.module_port(child_module, child_port_id);
/* Create the port name and width to be used by the instance */
std::vector<BasicPort> instance_ports;
for (size_t child_pin : child_port.pins()) {
/* Find the net linked to the pin */
ModuleNetId net = module_manager.module_instance_port_net(parent_module, child_module, instance_id,
child_port_id, child_pin);
BasicPort instance_port;
if (ModuleNetId::INVALID() == net) {
/* We give the same port name as child module, this case happens to global ports */
instance_port.set_name(generate_spice_undriven_local_wire_name(module_manager, parent_module, child_module, instance_id, child_port_id));
instance_port.set_width(child_pin, child_pin);
} else {
/* Find the name for this child port */
instance_port = generate_spice_port_for_module_net(module_manager, parent_module, net);
if (true == new_line) {
std::string port_whitespace(instance_head_line.length() - 2, ' ');
fp << "+ " << port_whitespace;
if (0 != pin_cnt) {
write_space_to_file(fp, 1);
VTR_ASSERT(1 == instance_port.get_width());
/* For single-bit port,
* we can print the port name directly
bool omit_pin_zero = false;
if ((1 == instance_port.pins().size())
&& (0 == instance_port.get_lsb())) {
omit_pin_zero = true;
fp << generate_spice_port(instance_port, omit_pin_zero);
/* Increase the counter */
/* Currently we limit 10 ports per line to keep a clean netlist */
new_line = false;
if (10 == pin_cnt) {
pin_cnt = 0;
fp << std::endl;
new_line = true;
fit_one_line = false;
/* Print module name:
* if port print cannot fit one line, we create a new line for the module for a clean format
if (false == fit_one_line) {
fp << std::endl;
fp << "+";
write_space_to_file(fp, 1);
fp << module_manager.module_name(child_module);
/* Print an end to the instance */
fp << std::endl;
* Write a SPICE sub-circuit to a file
* This is a key function, maybe most frequently called in our SPICE writer
* Note that file stream must be valid
void write_spice_subckt_to_file(std::fstream& fp,
const ModuleManager& module_manager,
const ModuleId& module_id) {
VTR_ASSERT(true == valid_file_stream(fp));
/* Ensure we have a valid module_id */
/* Print module declaration */
print_spice_subckt_definition(fp, module_manager, module_id);
/* Print an empty line as splitter */
fp << std::endl;
/* Print an empty line as splitter */
fp << std::endl;
/* Print local connection (from module inputs to output! */
print_spice_comment(fp, std::string("BEGIN Local short connections"));
print_spice_subckt_local_short_connections(fp, module_manager, module_id);
print_spice_comment(fp, std::string("END Local short connections"));
print_spice_comment(fp, std::string("BEGIN Local output short connections"));
print_spice_subckt_output_short_connections(fp, module_manager, module_id);
print_spice_comment(fp, std::string("END Local output short connections"));
/* Print an empty line as splitter */
fp << std::endl;
/* Print instances */
for (ModuleId child_module : module_manager.child_modules(module_id)) {
for (size_t instance : module_manager.child_module_instances(module_id, child_module)) {
/* Print an instance */
write_spice_instance_to_file(fp, module_manager, module_id, child_module, instance);
/* Print an empty line as splitter */
fp << std::endl;
/* Print an end for the module */
print_spice_subckt_end(fp, module_manager.module_name(module_id));
/* Print an empty line as splitter */
fp << std::endl;
} /* end namespace openfpga */
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
* Include header files that are required by function declaration
#include <fstream>
#include "module_manager.h"
* Function declaration
/* begin namespace openfpga */
namespace openfpga {
void write_spice_subckt_to_file(std::fstream& fp,
const ModuleManager& module_manager,
const ModuleId& module_id);
} /* end namespace openfpga */
Reference in New Issue