[Tool] Support multi-region frame-based configuration protocol
This commit is contained in:
@ -781,7 +781,12 @@ void add_top_module_sram_ports(ModuleManager& module_manager,
BasicPort en_port(std::string(DECODER_ENABLE_PORT_NAME), 1);
BasicPort en_port(std::string(DECODER_ENABLE_PORT_NAME), 1);
module_manager.add_port(module_id, en_port, ModuleManager::MODULE_INPUT_PORT);
module_manager.add_port(module_id, en_port, ModuleManager::MODULE_INPUT_PORT);
BasicPort addr_port(std::string(DECODER_ADDRESS_PORT_NAME), total_num_config_bits);
size_t max_num_config_bits = 0;
for (const size_t& curr_num_config_bits : num_config_bits) {
max_num_config_bits = std::max(max_num_config_bits, curr_num_config_bits);
BasicPort addr_port(std::string(DECODER_ADDRESS_PORT_NAME), max_num_config_bits);
module_manager.add_port(module_id, addr_port, ModuleManager::MODULE_INPUT_PORT);
module_manager.add_port(module_id, addr_port, ModuleManager::MODULE_INPUT_PORT);
BasicPort din_port(std::string(DECODER_DATA_IN_PORT_NAME), sram_port_size);
BasicPort din_port(std::string(DECODER_DATA_IN_PORT_NAME), sram_port_size);
@ -1258,6 +1263,343 @@ void add_top_module_nets_cmos_memory_chain_config_bus(ModuleManager& module_mana
* This function will create nets for the following types of connections:
* - Connect the enable signal to the EN of memory module
* - Connect the address port to the address port of memory module
* - Connect the data_in (Din) to the data_in of the memory module
* Note that the top-level module may have multiple regions and
* therefore the Din port have multiple pins. The Din of local decoder
* should be connected the Din pin indexed by current configuration region
* EN ADDR[X-1:0] DATA_IN[N-1:0]
* | | |
* | | | Top module
* +----+-----+------------+------------------
* | | | |
* | v v v
* | +-------------------------------+
* | | EN ADDR[X-1:0] DATA_IN[N-1:0] |
* | | |
* | | Configurable Child |
* | | |
* | +-------------------------------+
* Note:
* - This function is ONLY applicable to single configurable child case!!!
* - This function is applicable to the configurable child in a specific region!!!
void add_top_module_nets_cmos_memory_frame_short_config_bus(ModuleManager& module_manager,
const ModuleId& top_module,
const ConfigRegionId& config_region) {
std::vector<ModuleId> configurable_children = module_manager.region_configurable_children(top_module, config_region);
VTR_ASSERT(1 == configurable_children.size());
ModuleId child_module = configurable_children[0];
size_t child_instance = module_manager.region_configurable_child_instances(top_module, config_region)[0];
/* Connect the enable (EN) port of the parent module
* to the EN port of memory module
ModulePortId parent_en_port = module_manager.find_module_port(top_module, std::string(DECODER_ENABLE_PORT_NAME));
ModulePortId child_en_port = module_manager.find_module_port(child_module, std::string(DECODER_ENABLE_PORT_NAME));
add_module_bus_nets(module_manager, top_module,
top_module, 0, parent_en_port,
child_module, child_instance, child_en_port);
/* Connect the address port of the parent module to the child module address port */
ModulePortId parent_addr_port = module_manager.find_module_port(top_module, std::string(DECODER_ADDRESS_PORT_NAME));
ModulePortId child_addr_port = module_manager.find_module_port(child_module, std::string(DECODER_ADDRESS_PORT_NAME));
add_module_bus_nets(module_manager, top_module,
top_module, 0, parent_addr_port,
child_module, child_instance, child_addr_port);
/* Connect the data_in (Din) of parent module to the data_in of the memory module
ModulePortId parent_din_port = module_manager.find_module_port(top_module, std::string(DECODER_DATA_IN_PORT_NAME));
BasicPort parent_din_port_info = module_manager.module_port(top_module, parent_din_port);
ModulePortId child_din_port = module_manager.find_module_port(child_module, std::string(DECODER_DATA_IN_PORT_NAME));
BasicPort child_din_port_info = module_manager.module_port(child_module, child_din_port);
/* Ensure pin indices are in range! */
VTR_ASSERT(size_t(config_region) < parent_din_port_info.get_width());
VTR_ASSERT(1 == child_din_port_info.get_width());
/* Create a net for the Din[config_region] pin */
ModuleNetId din_net = create_module_source_pin_net(module_manager, top_module,
top_module, 0,
VTR_ASSERT(ModuleNetId::INVALID() != din_net);
/* Configure the net sink */
module_manager.add_module_net_sink(top_module, din_net, child_module, child_instance, child_din_port, child_din_port_info.pins()[0]);
* This function will
* - Add a frame decoder to the parent module
* - If the decoder exists in the library, we use the module
* - If the decoder does not exist, we create a new module and use it
* - Create nets for the following types of connections:
* - Connect the EN signal, first few bits of address of parent module
* to the frame decoder inputs
* Note that the top-level module may have more address bits than
* what is required for this configuration region.
* A decoder will be created anyway to avoid address collision
* to other configuration regions
* - Connect the enable (EN) port of memory modules under the parent module
* to the frame decoder outputs
* - Connect the data_in (Din) of parent module to the data_in of the all
* the memory modules
* Note that the top-level module may have multiple regions and
* therefore the Din port have multiple pins. The Din of local decoder
* should be connected the Din pin indexed by current configuration region
* EN ADDR[X-1:0] DATA_IN[Y-1:0]
* | | |
* | | | Top module
* +--------+-------+------------+------------------
* | | |
* | v v
* | EN ADDR[X - 1: X - log(N)/log2]
* | | |
* | v v
* | +--------------------------------------------+
* | | Frame-based decoder |
* | | |
* | | Data out |
* | +--------------------------------------------+
* | |
* | +-------------+--------------------+
* | | | |
* | Din | Din | Din |
* | [Y] | [Y] | [Y] |
* | | | | | | |
* | v v v v v v
* | +--------+ +--------+ +--------+
* | | Memory | | Memory | ... | Memory |
* | | Module | | Module | | Module |
* | | [0] | | [1] | | [N-1] |
* | +--------+ +--------+ +--------+
* | ^ ^ ^
* | | | |
* | +-------------+--------------------+
* | |
* | ADDR[X - log(N)/log2 - 1: 0]
* Note:
* - X is the port size of address port of the parent module
* - the address port of child memory modules may be smaller than
* X - log(N)/log2. In such case, we will drop the MSBs until it fit
* - This function is only applicable to 2+ configurable children!!!
void add_top_module_nets_cmos_memory_frame_decoder_config_bus(ModuleManager& module_manager,
DecoderLibrary& decoder_lib,
const ModuleId& parent_module,
const ConfigRegionId& config_region) {
std::vector<ModuleId> configurable_children = module_manager.region_configurable_children(parent_module, config_region);
std::vector<size_t> configurable_child_instances = module_manager.region_configurable_child_instances(parent_module, config_region);
/* Find the decoder specification */
size_t addr_size = find_mux_local_decoder_addr_size(configurable_children.size());
/* Data input should match the WL (data_in) of a SRAM */
size_t data_size = configurable_children.size();
/* Find the number of address bits that are wired directly to configurable children */
size_t max_child_addr_size = 0;
for (size_t mem_index = 0; mem_index < configurable_children.size(); ++mem_index) {
ModuleId child_module = configurable_children[mem_index];
ModulePortId child_addr_port = module_manager.find_module_port(child_module, std::string(DECODER_ADDRESS_PORT_NAME));
BasicPort child_addr_port_info = module_manager.module_port(child_module, child_addr_port);
max_child_addr_size = std::max(max_child_addr_size, child_addr_port_info.get_width());
/* Search the decoder library and try to find one
* If not found, create a new module and add it to the module manager
DecoderId decoder_id = decoder_lib.find_decoder(addr_size, data_size, true, false, false);
if (DecoderId::INVALID() == decoder_id) {
decoder_id = decoder_lib.add_decoder(addr_size, data_size, true, false, false);
VTR_ASSERT(DecoderId::INVALID() != decoder_id);
/* Create a module if not existed yet */
std::string decoder_module_name = generate_memory_decoder_subckt_name(addr_size, data_size);
ModuleId decoder_module = module_manager.find_module(decoder_module_name);
if (ModuleId::INVALID() == decoder_module) {
decoder_module = build_frame_memory_decoder_module(module_manager,
VTR_ASSERT(ModuleId::INVALID() != decoder_module);
/* Instanciate the decoder module here */
size_t decoder_instance = module_manager.num_instance(parent_module, decoder_module);
module_manager.add_child_module(parent_module, decoder_module);
/* Connect the enable (EN) port of memory modules under the parent module
* to the frame decoder inputs
ModulePortId parent_en_port = module_manager.find_module_port(parent_module, std::string(DECODER_ENABLE_PORT_NAME));
ModulePortId decoder_en_port = module_manager.find_module_port(decoder_module, std::string(DECODER_ENABLE_PORT_NAME));
add_module_bus_nets(module_manager, parent_module,
parent_module, 0, parent_en_port,
decoder_module, decoder_instance, decoder_en_port);
/* Connect the address port of the parent module to the frame decoder address port
* Note that we only connect to the first few bits of address port
ModulePortId parent_addr_port = module_manager.find_module_port(parent_module, std::string(DECODER_ADDRESS_PORT_NAME));
ModulePortId decoder_addr_port = module_manager.find_module_port(decoder_module, std::string(DECODER_ADDRESS_PORT_NAME));
BasicPort parent_addr_port_info = module_manager.module_port(parent_module, parent_addr_port);
BasicPort decoder_addr_port_info = module_manager.module_port(decoder_module, decoder_addr_port);
for (size_t ipin = 0; ipin < decoder_addr_port_info.get_width(); ++ipin) {
/* Create a net for the addr pin */
ModuleNetId addr_net = create_module_source_pin_net(module_manager, parent_module,
parent_module, 0,
parent_addr_port_info.pins()[ipin + max_child_addr_size]);
VTR_ASSERT(ModuleNetId::INVALID() != addr_net);
/* Configure the net sink */
module_manager.add_module_net_sink(parent_module, addr_net,
decoder_module, decoder_instance,
/* Connect the address port of the parent module to the address port of configurable children
* Note that we only connect to the last few bits of address port
for (size_t mem_index = 0; mem_index < configurable_children.size(); ++mem_index) {
ModuleId child_module = configurable_children[mem_index];
size_t child_instance = configurable_child_instances[mem_index];
ModulePortId child_addr_port = module_manager.find_module_port(child_module, std::string(DECODER_ADDRESS_PORT_NAME));
BasicPort child_addr_port_info = module_manager.module_port(child_module, child_addr_port);
for (size_t ipin = 0; ipin < child_addr_port_info.get_width(); ++ipin) {
ModuleNetId addr_net = create_module_source_pin_net(module_manager, parent_module,
parent_module, 0,
VTR_ASSERT(ModuleNetId::INVALID() != addr_net);
/* Configure the net sink */
module_manager.add_module_net_sink(parent_module, addr_net,
child_module, child_instance,
/* Connect the data_in (Din) of parent module to the data_in of the all
* the memory modules
ModulePortId parent_din_port = module_manager.find_module_port(parent_module, std::string(DECODER_DATA_IN_PORT_NAME));
BasicPort parent_din_port_info = module_manager.module_port(parent_module, parent_din_port);
for (size_t mem_index = 0; mem_index < configurable_children.size(); ++mem_index) {
ModuleId child_module = configurable_children[mem_index];
size_t child_instance = module_manager.configurable_child_instances(parent_module)[mem_index];
ModulePortId child_din_port = module_manager.find_module_port(child_module, std::string(DECODER_DATA_IN_PORT_NAME));
BasicPort child_din_port_info = module_manager.module_port(child_module, child_din_port);
/* Ensure pin indices are in range! */
VTR_ASSERT(size_t(config_region) < parent_din_port_info.get_width());
VTR_ASSERT(1 == child_din_port_info.get_width());
/* Create a net for the Din[config_region] pin */
ModuleNetId din_net = create_module_source_pin_net(module_manager, parent_module,
parent_module, 0,
VTR_ASSERT(ModuleNetId::INVALID() != din_net);
/* Configure the net sink */
module_manager.add_module_net_sink(parent_module, din_net, child_module, child_instance, child_din_port, child_din_port_info.pins()[0]);
/* Connect the data_out port of the decoder module
* to the enable port of configurable children
ModulePortId decoder_dout_port = module_manager.find_module_port(decoder_module, std::string(DECODER_DATA_OUT_PORT_NAME));
BasicPort decoder_dout_port_info = module_manager.module_port(decoder_module, decoder_dout_port);
VTR_ASSERT(decoder_dout_port_info.get_width() == configurable_children.size());
for (size_t mem_index = 0; mem_index < configurable_children.size(); ++mem_index) {
ModuleId child_module = configurable_children[mem_index];
size_t child_instance = module_manager.configurable_child_instances(parent_module)[mem_index];
ModulePortId child_en_port = module_manager.find_module_port(child_module, std::string(DECODER_ENABLE_PORT_NAME));
BasicPort child_en_port_info = module_manager.module_port(child_module, child_en_port);
for (size_t ipin = 0; ipin < child_en_port_info.get_width(); ++ipin) {
ModuleNetId en_net = create_module_source_pin_net(module_manager, parent_module,
decoder_module, decoder_instance,
VTR_ASSERT(ModuleNetId::INVALID() != en_net);
/* Configure the net sink */
module_manager.add_module_net_sink(parent_module, en_net,
child_module, child_instance,
/* Add the decoder as the last configurable children */
module_manager.add_configurable_child(parent_module, decoder_module, decoder_instance);
/* Register the configurable child to configuration region */
module_manager.configurable_children(parent_module).size() - 1);
* Add framed-based decoders to the top-level module
* and build net connections between decoders and subblocks
* For each configuration region, we create an independent decoder
* Note that to avoid parasitic programming, all the decoders will
* be in the same size, sharing the same principle as memory banks
* For each region, decoder and net addition will depend on the following cases:
* - If there is no configurable child, nothing to do.
* - If there is only one configurable child, short wire the EN, ADDR and DATA_IN to it
* - If there are more than two configurable childern, add a decoder and build interconnection
* between it and the children
void add_top_module_nets_cmos_memory_frame_config_bus(ModuleManager& module_manager,
DecoderLibrary& decoder_lib,
const ModuleId& top_module,
const vtr::vector<ConfigRegionId, size_t>& num_config_bits) {
/* Find the number of address bits for the top-level module */
size_t top_addr_size = 0;
for (const ConfigRegionId& config_region : module_manager.regions(top_module)) {
top_addr_size = std::max(top_addr_size, num_config_bits[config_region]);
for (const ConfigRegionId& config_region : module_manager.regions(top_module)) {
if (0 == module_manager.region_configurable_children(top_module, config_region).size()) {
/* Short-wiring is applicable only when all the following situations are met:
* - There is only 1 configurable child in the region
* - The number of address bits of the configurable child is the same as top-level
if ( (1 == module_manager.region_configurable_children(top_module, config_region).size())
&& (num_config_bits[config_region] == top_addr_size)) {
add_top_module_nets_cmos_memory_frame_short_config_bus(module_manager, top_module, config_region);
} else {
add_top_module_nets_cmos_memory_frame_decoder_config_bus(module_manager, decoder_lib, top_module, config_region);
* Add the port-to-port connection between all the memory modules
* Add the port-to-port connection between all the memory modules
* and their parent module
* and their parent module
@ -1323,7 +1665,7 @@ void add_top_module_nets_cmos_memory_config_bus(ModuleManager& module_manager,
add_top_module_nets_cmos_memory_bank_config_bus(module_manager, decoder_lib, parent_module, num_config_bits);
add_top_module_nets_cmos_memory_bank_config_bus(module_manager, decoder_lib, parent_module, num_config_bits);
add_module_nets_cmos_memory_frame_config_bus(module_manager, decoder_lib, parent_module);
add_top_module_nets_cmos_memory_frame_config_bus(module_manager, decoder_lib, parent_module, num_config_bits);
@ -85,14 +85,13 @@ size_t rec_estimate_device_bitstream_num_bits(const ModuleManager& module_manage
for (const ConfigRegionId& config_region : module_manager.regions(parent_module)) {
for (const ConfigRegionId& config_region : module_manager.regions(parent_module)) {
size_t curr_region_num_config_child = module_manager.region_configurable_children(parent_module, config_region).size();
size_t curr_region_num_config_child = module_manager.region_configurable_children(parent_module, config_region).size();
/* FIXME: This will be uncommented when multi-region support is extended for frame-based
/* Frame-based configuration protocol will have 1 decoder
* Frame-based configuration protocol will have 1 decoder
* if there are more than 1 configurable children
* if there are more than 1 configurable children
if ( (CONFIG_MEM_FRAME_BASED == config_protocol_type)
if ( (CONFIG_MEM_FRAME_BASED == config_protocol_type)
&& (2 <= curr_region_num_config_child)) {
&& (2 <= curr_region_num_config_child)) {
/* Memory configuration protocol will have 2 decoders
/* Memory configuration protocol will have 2 decoders
* at the top-level
* at the top-level
@ -281,6 +281,8 @@ static
void rec_build_module_fabric_dependent_frame_bitstream(const BitstreamManager& bitstream_manager,
void rec_build_module_fabric_dependent_frame_bitstream(const BitstreamManager& bitstream_manager,
const std::vector<ConfigBlockId>& parent_blocks,
const std::vector<ConfigBlockId>& parent_blocks,
const ModuleManager& module_manager,
const ModuleManager& module_manager,
const ModuleId& top_module,
const ConfigRegionId& config_region,
const std::vector<ModuleId>& parent_modules,
const std::vector<ModuleId>& parent_modules,
const std::vector<char>& addr_code,
const std::vector<char>& addr_code,
FabricBitstream& fabric_bitstream,
FabricBitstream& fabric_bitstream,
@ -293,7 +295,18 @@ void rec_build_module_fabric_dependent_frame_bitstream(const BitstreamManager& b
const ConfigBlockId& parent_block = parent_blocks.back();
const ConfigBlockId& parent_block = parent_blocks.back();
const ModuleId& parent_module = parent_modules.back();
const ModuleId& parent_module = parent_modules.back();
size_t num_configurable_children = module_manager.configurable_children(parent_modules.back()).size();
std::vector<ModuleId> configurable_children;
std::vector<size_t> configurable_child_instances;
if (top_module == parent_module) {
configurable_children = module_manager.region_configurable_children(parent_module, config_region);
configurable_child_instances = module_manager.region_configurable_child_instances(parent_module, config_region);
} else {
VTR_ASSERT(top_module != parent_module);
configurable_children = module_manager.configurable_children(parent_module);
configurable_child_instances = module_manager.configurable_child_instances(parent_module);
size_t num_configurable_children = configurable_children.size();
size_t max_child_addr_code_size = 0;
size_t max_child_addr_code_size = 0;
bool add_addr_code = true;
bool add_addr_code = true;
@ -318,11 +331,11 @@ void rec_build_module_fabric_dependent_frame_bitstream(const BitstreamManager& b
VTR_ASSERT(2 < num_configurable_children);
VTR_ASSERT(2 < num_configurable_children);
decoder_module = module_manager.configurable_children(parent_module).back();
decoder_module = configurable_children.back();
/* The address code size is the max. of address port of all the configurable children */
/* The address code size is the max. of address port of all the configurable children */
for (size_t child_id = 0; child_id < num_configurable_children; ++child_id) {
for (size_t child_id = 0; child_id < num_configurable_children; ++child_id) {
ModuleId child_module = module_manager.configurable_children(parent_module)[child_id];
ModuleId child_module = configurable_children[child_id];
const ModulePortId& child_addr_port_id = module_manager.find_module_port(child_module, std::string(DECODER_ADDRESS_PORT_NAME));
const ModulePortId& child_addr_port_id = module_manager.find_module_port(child_module, std::string(DECODER_ADDRESS_PORT_NAME));
const BasicPort& child_addr_port = module_manager.module_port(child_module, child_addr_port_id);
const BasicPort& child_addr_port = module_manager.module_port(child_module, child_addr_port_id);
max_child_addr_code_size = std::max((int)child_addr_port.get_width(), (int)max_child_addr_code_size);
max_child_addr_code_size = std::max((int)child_addr_port.get_width(), (int)max_child_addr_code_size);
@ -330,15 +343,14 @@ void rec_build_module_fabric_dependent_frame_bitstream(const BitstreamManager& b
for (size_t child_id = 0; child_id < num_configurable_children; ++child_id) {
for (size_t child_id = 0; child_id < num_configurable_children; ++child_id) {
ModuleId child_module = module_manager.configurable_children(parent_module)[child_id];
ModuleId child_module = configurable_children[child_id];
size_t child_instance = module_manager.configurable_child_instances(parent_module)[child_id];
size_t child_instance = configurable_child_instances[child_id];
/* Get the instance name and ensure it is not empty */
/* Get the instance name and ensure it is not empty */
std::string instance_name = module_manager.instance_name(parent_module, child_module, child_instance);
std::string instance_name = module_manager.instance_name(parent_module, child_module, child_instance);
/* Find the child block that matches the instance name! */
/* Find the child block that matches the instance name! */
ConfigBlockId child_block = bitstream_manager.find_child_block(parent_block, instance_name);
ConfigBlockId child_block = bitstream_manager.find_child_block(parent_block, instance_name);
/* We must have one valid block id! */
/* We must have one valid block id! */
if (true != bitstream_manager.valid_block_id(child_block))
VTR_ASSERT(true == bitstream_manager.valid_block_id(child_block));
VTR_ASSERT(true == bitstream_manager.valid_block_id(child_block));
/* Pass on the list of blocks, modules and address lists */
/* Pass on the list of blocks, modules and address lists */
@ -400,7 +412,10 @@ void rec_build_module_fabric_dependent_frame_bitstream(const BitstreamManager& b
/* Go recursively */
/* Go recursively */
rec_build_module_fabric_dependent_frame_bitstream(bitstream_manager, child_blocks,
rec_build_module_fabric_dependent_frame_bitstream(bitstream_manager, child_blocks,
module_manager, child_modules,
@ -417,9 +432,15 @@ void rec_build_module_fabric_dependent_frame_bitstream(const BitstreamManager& b
* We will find the address bit and add it to addr_code
* We will find the address bit and add it to addr_code
* Then we can add the configuration bits to the fabric_bitstream.
* Then we can add the configuration bits to the fabric_bitstream.
if (!(1 < module_manager.configurable_children(parent_modules.back()).size()))
std::vector<ModuleId> configurable_children;
VTR_ASSERT(1 < module_manager.configurable_children(parent_modules.back()).size());
if (top_module == parent_modules.back()) {
ModuleId decoder_module = module_manager.configurable_children(parent_modules.back()).back();
configurable_children = module_manager.region_configurable_children(parent_modules.back(), config_region);
} else {
VTR_ASSERT(top_module != parent_modules.back());
configurable_children = module_manager.configurable_children(parent_modules.back());
ModuleId decoder_module = configurable_children.back();
/* Find the address port from the decoder module */
/* Find the address port from the decoder module */
const ModulePortId& decoder_addr_port_id = module_manager.find_module_port(decoder_module, std::string(DECODER_ADDRESS_PORT_NAME));
const ModulePortId& decoder_addr_port_id = module_manager.find_module_port(decoder_module, std::string(DECODER_ADDRESS_PORT_NAME));
const BasicPort& decoder_addr_port = module_manager.module_port(decoder_module, decoder_addr_port_id);
const BasicPort& decoder_addr_port = module_manager.module_port(decoder_module, decoder_addr_port_id);
@ -557,6 +578,8 @@ void build_module_fabric_dependent_bitstream(const ConfigProtocol& config_protoc
std::vector<ConfigBlockId>(1, top_block),
std::vector<ConfigBlockId>(1, top_block),
std::vector<ModuleId>(1, top_module),
std::vector<ModuleId>(1, top_module),
@ -1676,29 +1676,74 @@ void print_verilog_top_testbench_frame_decoder_bitstream(std::fstream& fp,
fp << std::endl;
fp << std::endl;
/* Attention: the configuration chain protcol requires the last configuration bit is fed first
/* Reorganize the fabric bitstream by the same address across regions:
* We will visit the fabric bitstream in a reverse way
* This is due to that the length of fabric bitstream could be different in each region.
* Template:
* <address> <din_values_from_different_regions>
* An example:
* 000000 1011
* Note: the std::map may cause large memory footprint for large bitstream databases!
for (const FabricBitId& bit_id : fabric_bitstream.bits()) {
std::map<std::string, std::vector<bool>> fabric_bits_by_addr;
/* When fast configuration is enabled, we skip zero data_in values */
for (const FabricBitRegionId& region : fabric_bitstream.regions()) {
if ((true == fast_configuration)
for (const FabricBitId& bit_id : fabric_bitstream.region_bits(region)) {
&& (bit_value_to_skip == fabric_bitstream.bit_din(bit_id))) {
/* Create string for address */
VTR_ASSERT(addr_port.get_width() == fabric_bitstream.bit_address(bit_id).size());
std::string addr_str;
for (const char& addr_bit : fabric_bitstream.bit_address(bit_id)) {
/* Place the config bit */
auto result = fabric_bits_by_addr.find(addr_str);
if (result == fabric_bits_by_addr.end()) {
/* This is a new bit, resize the vector to the number of regions
* and deposit '0' to all the bits
fabric_bits_by_addr[addr_str] = std::vector<bool>(fabric_bitstream.regions().size(), false);
fabric_bits_by_addr[addr_str][size_t(region)] = fabric_bitstream.bit_din(bit_id);
} else {
VTR_ASSERT_SAFE(result != fabric_bits_by_addr.end());
result->second[size_t(region)] = fabric_bitstream.bit_din(bit_id);
for (const auto& addr_din_pair : fabric_bits_by_addr) {
/* When fast configuration is enabled,
* the rule to skip any configuration bit should consider the whole data input values.
* Only all the bits in the din port match the value to be skipped,
* the programming cycle can be skipped!
if (true == fast_configuration) {
bool skip_curr_bits = true;
for (const bool& bit : addr_din_pair.second) {
if (bit_value_to_skip != bit) {
skip_curr_bits = false;
if (true == skip_curr_bits) {
fp << "\t\t" << std::string(TOP_TESTBENCH_PROG_TASK_NAME);
fp << "\t\t" << std::string(TOP_TESTBENCH_PROG_TASK_NAME);
fp << "(" << addr_port.get_width() << "'b";
fp << "(" << addr_port.get_width() << "'b";
VTR_ASSERT(addr_port.get_width() == fabric_bitstream.bit_address(bit_id).size());
VTR_ASSERT(addr_port.get_width() == addr_din_pair.first.size());
for (const char& addr_bit : fabric_bitstream.bit_address(bit_id)) {
fp << addr_din_pair.first;
fp << addr_bit;
fp << ", ";
fp << ", ";
fp <<"1'b";
fp <<"1'b";
if (true == fabric_bitstream.bit_din(bit_id)) {
VTR_ASSERT(din_port.get_width() == addr_din_pair.second.size());
fp << "1";
for (const bool& din_value : addr_din_pair.second) {
} else {
if (true == din_value) {
VTR_ASSERT(false == fabric_bitstream.bit_din(bit_id));
fp << "1";
fp << "0";
} else {
VTR_ASSERT(false == din_value);
fp << "0";
fp << ");" << std::endl;
fp << ");" << std::endl;
Reference in New Issue