71 lines
1.7 KiB
71 lines
1.7 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
lappend auto_path .
package require Thread
if {[llength $argv] != 3} {
puts "Usage: $argv0 handle path times"
puts {
A persistent storage handle (see [tsv::array bind] manpage).
The path to file containing lines in the form of "key<tab>val", where
key is a single-word and val is everyting else.
The number of times to reload the data from persistent storage.
This script reads lines of data from <path> and stores them into the
persistent storage described by <handle>. Values for duplicate keys are
handled as a lists. The persistent storage engine is then stress-tested by
reloading the whole store <times> times.
exit 1
lassign $argv handle path times
### Cleanup
set filename [string range $handle [string first : $handle]+1 end]
file delete -force $filename
### Load and store tab-separated values
tsv::array bind a $handle
set fd [open $path r]
set start [clock milliseconds]
set pairs 0
while {[gets $fd line] > 0} {
if {[string index $line 0] eq {#}} {
set tab [string first { } $line]
if {$tab == -1} {
set k [string range $line 0 $tab-1]
set v [string range $line $tab+1 end]
if {![tsv::exists a $k]} {
incr pairs
tsv::lappend a $k $v
puts "Stored $pairs pairs in [expr {[clock milliseconds]-$start}] milliseconds"
tsv::array unbind a
tsv::unset a
### Reload
set pairs 0
set iter [time {
tsv::array bind a $handle
set pairs [tsv::array size a]
tsv::array unbind a
tsv::unset a
} $times]
puts "Loaded $pairs pairs $times times at $iter"
## Dump file stats
puts "File $filename is [file size $filename] bytes long"