Each ``<pb_type>`` should contain a ``<mode>`` that describe the physical implementation of the ``<pb_type>``. Note that this is fully compatible to the VPR architecture XML syntax.
This is mainly used for the mode that describes the physical implementation, which is typically not packable. Disable it in the packing and signficantly accelerate the packing runtime.
Tileable routing architecture can minimize the number of unique modules in FPGA fabric to be physically implemented.
Technical details can be found in :cite:`XTang_FPT_2019`.
..note:: Strongly recommend to enable the tileable routing architecture when you want to PnR large FPGA fabrics, which can effectively reduce the runtime.
..option:: through_channel="<bool>"
Allow routing channels to pass through multi-width and multi-height programable blocks. This is mainly used in heterogeneous FPGAs to increase routability, as illustrated in :numref:`fig_thru_channel`.
By default, it is ``off``.
..figure:: ./figures/thru_channel.png
:alt:Impact of through channel
Impact on routing architecture when through channel in multi-width and multi-height programmable blocks: (a) disabled; (b) enabled.
..warning:: You cannot use ``spread`` pin location for the ``height > 1`` or ``width >1`` tiles when using the tileable routing resource graph!!! Otherwise, it will cause undriven pins in your device!!!