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2022-06-07 11:15:20 -05:00
# Commands covered: none
# This file contains tests for the procedures in tclStringObj.c that implement
# the Tcl type manager for the string type.
# Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and generates output for errors.
# No output means no errors were found.
# Copyright (c) 1995-1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of
# this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
if {"::tcltest" ni [namespace children]} {
package require tcltest 2.5
namespace import -force ::tcltest::*
catch [list package require -exact Tcltest [info patchlevel]]
testConstraint testobj [llength [info commands testobj]]
testConstraint testbytestring [llength [info commands testbytestring]]
testConstraint testdstring [llength [info commands testdstring]]
test stringObj-1.1 {string type registration} testobj {
set t [testobj types]
set first [string first "string" $t]
set result [expr {$first >= 0}]
} 1
test stringObj-2.1 {Tcl_NewStringObj} testobj {
set result ""
lappend result [testobj freeallvars]
lappend result [teststringobj set 1 abcd]
lappend result [testobj type 1]
lappend result [testobj refcount 1]
} {{} abcd string 2}
test stringObj-3.1 {Tcl_SetStringObj, existing "empty string" object} testobj {
set result ""
lappend result [testobj freeallvars]
lappend result [testobj newobj 1]
lappend result [teststringobj set 1 xyz] ;# makes existing obj a string
lappend result [testobj type 1]
lappend result [testobj refcount 1]
} {{} {} xyz string 2}
test stringObj-3.2 {Tcl_SetStringObj, existing non-"empty string" object} testobj {
set result ""
lappend result [testobj freeallvars]
lappend result [testintobj set 1 512]
lappend result [teststringobj set 1 foo] ;# makes existing obj a string
lappend result [testobj type 1]
lappend result [testobj refcount 1]
} {{} 512 foo string 2}
test stringObj-4.1 {Tcl_SetObjLength procedure, string gets shorter} testobj {
testobj freeallvars
teststringobj set 1 test
teststringobj setlength 1 3
list [teststringobj length 1] [teststringobj length2 1] \
[teststringobj get 1]
} {3 4 tes}
test stringObj-4.2 {Tcl_SetObjLength procedure, string gets longer} testobj {
testobj freeallvars
teststringobj set 1 abcdef
teststringobj setlength 1 10
list [teststringobj length 1] [teststringobj length2 1]
} {10 10}
test stringObj-4.3 {Tcl_SetObjLength procedure, string gets longer} testobj {
testobj freeallvars
teststringobj set 1 abcdef
teststringobj append 1 xyzq -1
list [teststringobj length 1] [teststringobj length2 1] \
[teststringobj get 1]
} {10 20 abcdefxyzq}
test stringObj-4.4 {Tcl_SetObjLength procedure, "expty string", length 0} testobj {
testobj freeallvars
testobj newobj 1
teststringobj setlength 1 0
list [teststringobj length2 1] [teststringobj get 1]
} {0 {}}
test stringObj-5.1 {Tcl_AppendToObj procedure, type conversion} testobj {
testobj freeallvars
testintobj set2 1 43
teststringobj append 1 xyz -1
teststringobj get 1
} {43xyz}
test stringObj-5.2 {Tcl_AppendToObj procedure, length calculation} testobj {
testobj freeallvars
teststringobj set 1 {x y }
teststringobj append 1 bbCCddEE 4
teststringobj append 1 123 -1
teststringobj get 1
} {x y bbCC123}
test stringObj-5.3 {Tcl_AppendToObj procedure, reallocating space} testobj {
testobj freeallvars
teststringobj set 1 xyz
teststringobj setlength 1 15
teststringobj setlength 1 2
set result {}
teststringobj append 1 1234567890123 -1
lappend result [teststringobj length 1] [teststringobj length2 1]
teststringobj setlength 1 10
teststringobj append 1 abcdef -1
lappend result [teststringobj length 1] [teststringobj length2 1] \
[teststringobj get 1]
} {15 15 16 32 xy12345678abcdef}
test stringObj-6.1 {Tcl_AppendStringsToObj procedure, type conversion} testobj {
testobj freeallvars
teststringobj set2 1 [list a b]
teststringobj appendstrings 1 xyz { 1234 } foo
teststringobj get 1
} {a bxyz 1234 foo}
test stringObj-6.2 {Tcl_AppendStringsToObj procedure, counting space} testobj {
testobj freeallvars
teststringobj set 1 abc
teststringobj appendstrings 1
list [teststringobj length 1] [teststringobj get 1]
} {3 abc}
test stringObj-6.3 {Tcl_AppendStringsToObj procedure, counting space} testobj {
testobj freeallvars
teststringobj set 1 abc
teststringobj appendstrings 1 {} {} {} {}
list [teststringobj length 1] [teststringobj get 1]
} {3 abc}
test stringObj-6.4 {Tcl_AppendStringsToObj procedure, counting space} testobj {
testobj freeallvars
teststringobj set 1 abc
teststringobj appendstrings 1 { 123 } abcdefg
list [teststringobj length 1] [teststringobj get 1]
} {15 {abc 123 abcdefg}}
test stringObj-6.5 {Tcl_AppendStringsToObj procedure, don't double space if initial string empty} testobj {
testobj freeallvars
testobj newobj 1
teststringobj appendstrings 1 123 abcdefg
list [teststringobj length 1] [teststringobj length2 1] [teststringobj get 1]
} {10 20 123abcdefg}
test stringObj-6.6 {Tcl_AppendStringsToObj procedure, space reallocation} testobj {
testobj freeallvars
teststringobj set 1 abc
teststringobj setlength 1 10
teststringobj setlength 1 2
teststringobj appendstrings 1 34567890
list [teststringobj length 1] [teststringobj length2 1] \
[teststringobj get 1]
} {10 10 ab34567890}
test stringObj-6.7 {Tcl_AppendStringsToObj procedure, space reallocation} testobj {
testobj freeallvars
teststringobj set 1 abc
teststringobj setlength 1 10
teststringobj setlength 1 2
teststringobj appendstrings 1 34567890x
list [teststringobj length 1] [teststringobj length2 1] \
[teststringobj get 1]
} {11 22 ab34567890x}
test stringObj-6.8 {Tcl_AppendStringsToObj procedure, object totally empty} testobj {
testobj freeallvars
testobj newobj 1
teststringobj appendstrings 1 {}
list [teststringobj length2 1] [teststringobj get 1]
} {0 {}}
test stringObj-6.9 {Tcl_AppendStringToObj, pure unicode} testobj {
testobj freeallvars
teststringobj set2 1 [string replace abc 1 1 d]
teststringobj appendstrings 1 foo bar soom
teststringobj get 1
} adcfoobarsoom
test stringObj-7.1 {SetStringFromAny procedure} testobj {
testobj freeallvars
teststringobj set2 1 [list a b]
teststringobj append 1 x -1
list [teststringobj length 1] [teststringobj length2 1] \
[teststringobj get 1]
} {4 8 {a bx}}
test stringObj-7.2 {SetStringFromAny procedure, null object} testobj {
testobj freeallvars
testobj newobj 1
teststringobj appendstrings 1 {}
list [teststringobj length 1] [teststringobj length2 1] \
[teststringobj get 1]
} {0 0 {}}
test stringObj-7.3 {SetStringFromAny called with non-string obj} testobj {
set x 2345
list [incr x] [testobj objtype $x] [string index $x end] \
[testobj objtype $x]
} {2346 int 6 string}
test stringObj-7.4 {SetStringFromAny called with string obj} testobj {
set x "abcdef"
list [string length $x] [testobj objtype $x] \
[string length $x] [testobj objtype $x]
} {6 string 6 string}
test stringObj-8.1 {DupStringInternalRep procedure} testobj {
testobj freeallvars
teststringobj set 1 {}
teststringobj append 1 abcde -1
testobj duplicate 1 2
list [teststringobj length 1] [teststringobj length2 1] \
[teststringobj maxchars 1] [teststringobj get 1] \
[teststringobj length 2] [teststringobj length2 2] \
[teststringobj maxchars 2] [teststringobj get 2]
} {5 10 0 abcde 5 5 0 abcde}
test stringObj-8.2 {DupUnicodeInternalRep, mixed width chars} testobj {
set x abc\u00ef\u00bf\u00aeghi
string length $x
set y $x
list [testobj objtype $x] [testobj objtype $y] [append x "\u00ae\u00bf\u00ef"] \
[set y] [testobj objtype $x] [testobj objtype $y]
} "string string abc\u00ef\u00bf\u00aeghi\u00ae\u00bf\u00ef abc\u00ef\u00bf\u00aeghi string string"
test stringObj-8.3 {DupUnicodeInternalRep, mixed width chars} testobj {
set x abc\u00ef\u00bf\u00aeghi
set y $x
string length $x
list [testobj objtype $x] [testobj objtype $y] [append x "\u00ae\u00bf\u00ef"] \
[set y] [testobj objtype $x] [testobj objtype $y]
} "string string abc\u00ef\u00bf\u00aeghi\u00ae\u00bf\u00ef abc\u00ef\u00bf\u00aeghi string string"
test stringObj-8.4 {DupUnicodeInternalRep, all byte-size chars} testobj {
set x abcdefghi
string length $x
set y $x
list [testobj objtype $x] [testobj objtype $y] [append x jkl] \
[set y] [testobj objtype $x] [testobj objtype $y]
} {string string abcdefghijkl abcdefghi string string}
test stringObj-8.5 {DupUnicodeInternalRep, all byte-size chars} testobj {
set x abcdefghi
set y $x
string length $x
list [testobj objtype $x] [testobj objtype $y] [append x jkl] \
[set y] [testobj objtype $x] [testobj objtype $y]
} {string string abcdefghijkl abcdefghi string string}
test stringObj-9.1 {TclAppendObjToObj, mixed src & dest} {testobj testdstring} {
set x abc\u00ef\u00bf\u00aeghi
testdstring free
testdstring append \u00ae\u00bf\u00ef -1
set y [testdstring get]
string length $x
list [testobj objtype $x] [testobj objtype $y] [append x $y] \
[set y] [testobj objtype $x] [testobj objtype $y]
} "string none abc\u00ef\u00bf\u00aeghi\u00ae\u00bf\u00ef \u00ae\u00bf\u00ef string none"
test stringObj-9.2 {TclAppendObjToObj, mixed src & dest} testobj {
set x abc\u00ef\u00bf\u00aeghi
string length $x
list [testobj objtype $x] [append x $x] [testobj objtype $x] \
[append x $x] [testobj objtype $x]
} "string abc\u00ef\u00bf\u00aeghiabc\u00ef\u00bf\u00aeghi string\
test stringObj-9.3 {TclAppendObjToObj, mixed src & 1-byte dest} {testobj testdstring} {
set x abcdefghi
testdstring free
testdstring append \u00ae\u00bf\u00ef -1
set y [testdstring get]
string length $x
list [testobj objtype $x] [testobj objtype $y] [append x $y] \
[set y] [testobj objtype $x] [testobj objtype $y]
} "string none abcdefghi\u00ae\u00bf\u00ef \u00ae\u00bf\u00ef string none"
test stringObj-9.4 {TclAppendObjToObj, 1-byte src & dest} {testobj testdstring} {
set x abcdefghi
testdstring free
testdstring append jkl -1
set y [testdstring get]
string length $x
list [testobj objtype $x] [testobj objtype $y] [append x $y] \
[set y] [testobj objtype $x] [testobj objtype $y]
} {string none abcdefghijkl jkl string none}
test stringObj-9.5 {TclAppendObjToObj, 1-byte src & dest} testobj {
set x abcdefghi
string length $x
list [testobj objtype $x] [append x $x] [testobj objtype $x] \
[append x $x] [testobj objtype $x]
} {string abcdefghiabcdefghi string abcdefghiabcdefghiabcdefghiabcdefghi\
test stringObj-9.6 {TclAppendObjToObj, 1-byte src & mixed dest} {testobj testdstring} {
set x abc\u00ef\u00bf\u00aeghi
testdstring free
testdstring append jkl -1
set y [testdstring get]
string length $x
list [testobj objtype $x] [testobj objtype $y] [append x $y] \
[set y] [testobj objtype $x] [testobj objtype $y]
} "string none abc\u00ef\u00bf\u00aeghijkl jkl string none"
test stringObj-9.7 {TclAppendObjToObj, integer src & dest} testobj {
set x [expr {4 * 5}]
set y [expr {4 + 5}]
list [testobj objtype $x] [testobj objtype $y] [append x $y] \
[testobj objtype $x] [append x $y] [testobj objtype $x] \
[testobj objtype $y]
} {int int 209 string 2099 string int}
test stringObj-9.8 {TclAppendObjToObj, integer src & dest} testobj {
set x [expr {4 * 5}]
list [testobj objtype $x] [append x $x] [testobj objtype $x] \
[append x $x] [testobj objtype $x]
} {int 2020 string 20202020 string}
test stringObj-9.9 {TclAppendObjToObj, integer src & 1-byte dest} testobj {
set x abcdefghi
set y [expr {4 + 5}]
string length $x
list [testobj objtype $x] [testobj objtype $y] [append x $y] \
[set y] [testobj objtype $x] [testobj objtype $y]
} {string int abcdefghi9 9 string int}
test stringObj-9.10 {TclAppendObjToObj, integer src & mixed dest} testobj {
set x abc\u00ef\u00bf\u00aeghi
set y [expr {4 + 5}]
string length $x
list [testobj objtype $x] [testobj objtype $y] [append x $y] \
[set y] [testobj objtype $x] [testobj objtype $y]
} "string int abc\u00ef\u00bf\u00aeghi9 9 string int"
test stringObj-9.11 {TclAppendObjToObj, mixed src & 1-byte dest index check} testobj {
# bug 2678, in <=8.2.0, the second obj (the one to append) in
# Tcl_AppendObjToObj was not correctly checked to see if it was all one
# byte chars, so a unicode string would be added as one byte chars.
set x abcdef
set len [string length $x]
set y a\u00fcb\u00e5c\u00ef
set len [string length $y]
append x $y
string length $x
set q {}
for {set i 0} {$i < 12} {incr i} {
lappend q [string index $x $i]
set q
} "a b c d e f a \u00fc b \u00e5 c \u00ef"
test stringObj-10.1 {Tcl_GetRange with all byte-size chars} {testobj testdstring} {
testdstring free
testdstring append abcdef -1
set x [testdstring get]
list [testobj objtype $x] [set y [string range $x 1 end-1]] \
[testobj objtype $x] [testobj objtype $y]
} [list none bcde string string]
test stringObj-10.2 {Tcl_GetRange with some mixed width chars} {testobj testdstring} {
# Because this test does not use \uXXXX notation below instead of
# hardcoding the values, it may fail in multibyte locales. However, we
# need to test that the parser produces untyped objects even when there
# are high-ASCII characters in the input (like "ï"). I don't know what
# else to do but inline those characters here.
testdstring free
testdstring append "abc\u00ef\u00efdef" -1
set x [testdstring get]
list [testobj objtype $x] [set y [string range $x 1 end-1]] \
[testobj objtype $x] [testobj objtype $y]
} [list none "bc\u00EF\u00EFde" string string]
test stringObj-10.3 {Tcl_GetRange with some mixed width chars} testobj {
# set x "abcïïdef"
# Use \uXXXX notation below instead of hardcoding the values, otherwise
# the test will fail in multibyte locales.
set x "abc\u00EF\u00EFdef"
string length $x
list [testobj objtype $x] [set y [string range $x 1 end-1]] \
[testobj objtype $x] [testobj objtype $y]
} [list string "bc\u00EF\u00EFde" string string]
test stringObj-10.4 {Tcl_GetRange with some mixed width chars} testobj {
# set a "ïa¿b®cï¿d®"
# Use \uXXXX notation below instead of hardcoding the values, otherwise
# the test will fail in multibyte locales.
set a "\u00EFa\u00BFb\u00AEc\u00EF\u00BFd\u00AE"
set result [list]
while {[string length $a] > 0} {
set a [string range $a 1 end-1]
lappend result $a
set result
} [list a\u00BFb\u00AEc\u00EF\u00BFd \
\u00BFb\u00AEc\u00EF\u00BF \
b\u00AEc\u00EF \
\u00AEc \
test stringObj-11.1 {UpdateStringOfString} testobj {
set x 2345
list [string index $x end] [testobj objtype $x] [incr x] \
[testobj objtype $x]
} {5 string 2346 int}
test stringObj-12.1 {Tcl_GetUniChar with byte-size chars} testobj {
set x "abcdefghi"
list [string index $x 0] [string index $x 1]
} {a b}
test stringObj-12.2 {Tcl_GetUniChar with byte-size chars} testobj {
set x "abcdefghi"
list [string index $x 3] [string index $x end]
} {d i}
test stringObj-12.3 {Tcl_GetUniChar with byte-size chars} testobj {
set x "abcdefghi"
list [string index $x end] [string index $x end-1]
} {i h}
test stringObj-12.4 {Tcl_GetUniChar with mixed width chars} testobj {
string index "\u00efa\u00bfb\u00aec\u00ae\u00bfd\u00ef" 0
} "\u00ef"
test stringObj-12.5 {Tcl_GetUniChar} testobj {
set x "\u00efa\u00bfb\u00aec\u00ae\u00bfd\u00ef"
list [string index $x 4] [string index $x 0]
} "\u00ae \u00ef"
test stringObj-12.6 {Tcl_GetUniChar} testobj {
string index "\u00efa\u00bfb\u00aec\u00ef\u00bfd\u00ae" end
} "\u00ae"
test stringObj-13.1 {Tcl_GetCharLength with byte-size chars} testobj {
set a ""
list [string length $a] [string length $a]
} {0 0}
test stringObj-13.2 {Tcl_GetCharLength with byte-size chars} testobj {
string length "a"
} 1
test stringObj-13.3 {Tcl_GetCharLength with byte-size chars} testobj {
set a "abcdef"
list [string length $a] [string length $a]
} {6 6}
test stringObj-13.4 {Tcl_GetCharLength with mixed width chars} testobj {
string length "\u00ae"
} 1
test stringObj-13.5 {Tcl_GetCharLength with mixed width chars} testobj {
# string length "○○"
# Use \uXXXX notation below instead of hardcoding the values, otherwise
# the test will fail in multibyte locales.
string length "\u00EF\u00BF\u00AE\u00EF\u00BF\u00AE"
} 6
test stringObj-13.6 {Tcl_GetCharLength with mixed width chars} testobj {
# set a "ïa¿b®cï¿d®"
# Use \uXXXX notation below instead of hardcoding the values, otherwise
# the test will fail in multibyte locales.
set a "\u00EFa\u00BFb\u00AEc\u00EF\u00BFd\u00AE"
list [string length $a] [string length $a]
} {10 10}
test stringObj-13.7 {Tcl_GetCharLength with identity nulls} {testobj testbytestring} {
# SF bug #684699
string length [testbytestring \x00]
} 1
test stringObj-13.8 {Tcl_GetCharLength with identity nulls} {testobj testbytestring} {
string length [testbytestring \x01\x00\x02]
} 3
test stringObj-14.1 {Tcl_SetObjLength on pure unicode object} testobj {
teststringobj set 1 foo
teststringobj getunicode 1
teststringobj append 1 bar -1
teststringobj getunicode 1
teststringobj append 1 bar -1
teststringobj setlength 1 0
teststringobj append 1 bar -1
teststringobj get 1
} {bar}
test stringObj-15.1 {Tcl_Append*ToObj: self appends} testobj {
teststringobj set 1 foo
teststringobj appendself 1 0
} foofoo
test stringObj-15.2 {Tcl_Append*ToObj: self appends} testobj {
teststringobj set 1 foo
teststringobj appendself 1 1
} foooo
test stringObj-15.3 {Tcl_Append*ToObj: self appends} testobj {
teststringobj set 1 foo
teststringobj appendself 1 2
} fooo
test stringObj-15.4 {Tcl_Append*ToObj: self appends} testobj {
teststringobj set 1 foo
teststringobj appendself 1 3
} foo
test stringObj-15.5 {Tcl_Append*ToObj: self appends} testobj {
teststringobj set 1 foo
teststringobj appendself2 1 0
} foofoo
test stringObj-15.6 {Tcl_Append*ToObj: self appends} testobj {
teststringobj set 1 foo
teststringobj appendself2 1 1
} foooo
test stringObj-15.7 {Tcl_Append*ToObj: self appends} testobj {
teststringobj set 1 foo
teststringobj appendself2 1 2
} fooo
test stringObj-15.8 {Tcl_Append*ToObj: self appends} testobj {
teststringobj set 1 foo
teststringobj appendself2 1 3
} foo
if {[testConstraint testobj]} {
testobj freeallvars
# cleanup