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2022-06-07 11:15:20 -05:00
# Commands covered: 'upvar', 'namespace upvar'
# This file contains a collection of tests for one or more of the Tcl built-in
# commands. Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and generates output
# for errors. No output means no errors were found.
# Copyright (c) 1991-1993 The Regents of the University of California.
# Copyright (c) 1994 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of
# this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
if {"::tcltest" ni [namespace children]} {
package require tcltest 2.5
namespace import -force ::tcltest::*
catch [list package require -exact Tcltest [info patchlevel]]
testConstraint testupvar [llength [info commands testupvar]]
test upvar-1.1 {reading variables with upvar} {
proc p1 {a b} {set c 22; set d 33; p2}
proc p2 {} {upvar a x1 b x2 c x3 d x4; set a abc; list $x1 $x2 $x3 $x4 $a}
p1 foo bar
} {foo bar 22 33 abc}
test upvar-1.2 {reading variables with upvar} {
proc p1 {a b} {set c 22; set d 33; p2}
proc p2 {} {p3}
proc p3 {} {upvar 2 a x1 b x2 c x3 d x4; set a abc; list $x1 $x2 $x3 $x4 $a}
p1 foo bar
} {foo bar 22 33 abc}
test upvar-1.3 {reading variables with upvar} {
proc p1 {a b} {set c 22; set d 33; p2}
proc p2 {} {p3}
proc p3 {} {
upvar #1 a x1 b x2 c x3 d x4
set a abc
list $x1 $x2 $x3 $x4 $a
p1 foo bar
} {foo bar 22 33 abc}
test upvar-1.4 {reading variables with upvar} {
set x1 44
set x2 55
proc p1 {} {p2}
proc p2 {} {
upvar 2 x1 x1 x2 a
upvar #0 x1 b
set c $b
incr b 3
list $x1 $a $b
} {47 55 47}
test upvar-1.5 {reading array elements with upvar} {
proc p1 {} {set a(0) zeroth; set a(1) first; p2}
proc p2 {} {upvar a(0) x; set x}
} {zeroth}
test upvar-2.1 {writing variables with upvar} {
proc p1 {a b} {set c 22; set d 33; p2; list $a $b $c $d}
proc p2 {} {
upvar a x1 b x2 c x3 d x4
set x1 14
set x4 88
p1 foo bar
} {14 bar 22 88}
test upvar-2.2 {writing variables with upvar} {
set x1 44
set x2 55
proc p1 {x1 x2} {
upvar #0 x1 a
upvar x2 b
set a $x1
set b $x2
p1 newbits morebits
list $x1 $x2
} {newbits morebits}
test upvar-2.3 {writing variables with upvar} {
catch {unset x1}
catch {unset x2}
proc p1 {x1 x2} {
upvar #0 x1 a
upvar x2 b
set a $x1
set b $x2
p1 newbits morebits
list [catch {set x1} msg] $msg [catch {set x2} msg] $msg
} {0 newbits 0 morebits}
test upvar-2.4 {writing array elements with upvar} {
proc p1 {} {set a(0) zeroth; set a(1) first; list [p2] $a(0)}
proc p2 {} {upvar a(0) x; set x xyzzy}
} {xyzzy xyzzy}
test upvar-3.1 {unsetting variables with upvar} {
proc p1 {a b} {set c 22; set d 33; p2; lsort [info vars]}
proc p2 {} {
upvar 1 a x1 d x2
unset x1 x2
p1 foo bar
} {b c}
test upvar-3.2 {unsetting variables with upvar} {
proc p1 {a b} {set c 22; set d 33; p2; lsort [info vars]}
proc p2 {} {
upvar 1 a x1 d x2
unset x1 x2
set x2 28
p1 foo bar
} {b c d}
test upvar-3.3 {unsetting variables with upvar} {
set x1 44
set x2 55
proc p1 {} {p2}
proc p2 {} {
upvar 2 x1 a
upvar #0 x2 b
unset a b
list [info exists x1] [info exists x2]
} {0 0}
test upvar-3.4 {unsetting variables with upvar} {
set x1 44
set x2 55
proc p1 {} {
upvar x1 a x2 b
unset a b
set b 118
list [info exists x1] [catch {set x2} msg] $msg
} {0 0 118}
test upvar-3.5 {unsetting array elements with upvar} {
proc p1 {} {
set a(0) zeroth
set a(1) first
set a(2) second
array names a
proc p2 {} {upvar a(0) x; unset x}
lsort [p1]
} {1 2}
test upvar-3.6 {unsetting then resetting array elements with upvar} {
proc p1 {} {
set a(0) zeroth
set a(1) first
set a(2) second
list [lsort [array names a]] [catch {set a(0)} msg] $msg
proc p2 {} {upvar a(0) x; unset x; set x 12345}
} {{0 1 2} 0 12345}
test upvar-4.1 {nested upvars} {
set x1 88
proc p1 {a b} {set c 22; set d 33; p2}
proc p2 {} {global x1; upvar c x2; p3}
proc p3 {} {
upvar x1 a x2 b
list $a $b
p1 14 15
} {88 22}
test upvar-4.2 {nested upvars} {
set x1 88
proc p1 {a b} {set c 22; set d 33; p2; list $a $b $c $d}
proc p2 {} {global x1; upvar c x2; p3}
proc p3 {} {
upvar x1 a x2 b
set a foo
set b bar
list [p1 14 15] $x1
} {{14 15 bar 33} foo}
proc tproc {args} {global x; set x [list $args [uplevel info vars]]}
test upvar-5.1 {traces involving upvars} {
proc p1 {a b} {set c 22; set d 33; trace var c rw tproc; p2}
proc p2 {} {upvar c x1; set x1 22}
set x ---
p1 foo bar
set x
} {{x1 {} w} x1}
test upvar-5.2 {traces involving upvars} {
proc p1 {a b} {set c 22; set d 33; trace var c rw tproc; p2}
proc p2 {} {upvar c x1; set x1}
set x ---
p1 foo bar
set x
} {{x1 {} r} x1}
test upvar-5.3 {traces involving upvars} {
proc p1 {a b} {set c 22; set d 33; trace var c rwu tproc; p2}
proc p2 {} {upvar c x1; unset x1}
set x ---
p1 foo bar
set x
} {{x1 {} u} x1}
test upvar-6.1 {retargeting an upvar} {
proc p1 {} {
set a(0) zeroth
set a(1) first
set a(2) second
proc p2 {} {
upvar a x
set result {}
foreach i [array names x] {
upvar a($i) x
lappend result $x
lsort $result
} {first second zeroth}
test upvar-6.2 {retargeting an upvar} {
set x 44
set y abcde
proc p1 {} {
global x
set result $x
upvar y x
lappend result $x
} {44 abcde}
test upvar-6.3 {retargeting an upvar} {
set x 44
set y abcde
proc p1 {} {
upvar y x
lappend result $x
global x
lappend result $x
} {abcde 44}
test upvar-7.1 {upvar to same level} {
set x 44
set y 55
catch {unset uv}
upvar #0 x uv
set uv abc
upvar 0 y uv
set uv xyzzy
list $x $y
} {abc xyzzy}
test upvar-7.2 {upvar to same level} {
set x 1234
set y 4567
proc p1 {x y} {
upvar 0 x uv
set uv $y
return "$x $y"
p1 44 89
} {89 89}
test upvar-7.3 {upvar to same level} {
set x 1234
set y 4567
proc p1 {x y} {
upvar #1 x uv
set uv $y
return "$x $y"
p1 xyz abc
} {abc abc}
test upvar-7.4 {upvar to same level: tricky problems when deleting variable table} {
proc tt {} {upvar #1 toto loc; return $loc}
list [catch tt msg] $msg
} {1 {can't read "loc": no such variable}}
test upvar-7.5 {potential memory leak when deleting variable table} {
proc leak {} {
array set foo {1 2 3 4}
upvar 0 foo(1) bar
} {}
test upvar-8.1 {errors in upvar command} -returnCodes error -body {
} -result {wrong # args: should be "upvar ?level? otherVar localVar ?otherVar localVar ...?"}
test upvar-8.2 {errors in upvar command} -returnCodes error -body {
upvar 1
} -result {wrong # args: should be "upvar ?level? otherVar localVar ?otherVar localVar ...?"}
test upvar-8.2.1 {upvar with numeric first argument} {
apply {{} {set 0 ok; apply {{} {upvar 0 x; return $x}}}}
} ok
test upvar-8.3 {errors in upvar command} -returnCodes error -body {
proc p1 {} {upvar a b c}
} -result {bad level "a"}
test upvar-8.3.1 {bad level for upvar (upvar at top-level, bug [775ee88560])} -body {
proc p1 {} { uplevel { upvar b b; lappend b UNEXPECTED } }
uplevel #0 { p1 }
} -returnCodes error -result {bad level "1"}
test upvar-8.3.2 {bad level for upvar (upvar at top-level, bug [775ee88560])} -setup {
interp create i
} -body {
i eval { upvar b b; lappend b UNEXPECTED }
} -returnCodes error -result {bad level "1"} -cleanup {
interp delete i
test upvar-8.4 {errors in upvar command} -returnCodes error -body {
proc p1 {} {upvar 0 b b}
} -result {can't upvar from variable to itself}
test upvar-8.5 {errors in upvar command} -returnCodes error -body {
proc p1 {} {upvar 0 a b; upvar 0 b a}
} -result {can't upvar from variable to itself}
test upvar-8.6 {errors in upvar command} -returnCodes error -body {
proc p1 {} {set a 33; upvar b a}
} -result {variable "a" already exists}
test upvar-8.7 {errors in upvar command} -returnCodes error -body {
proc p1 {} {trace variable a w foo; upvar b a}
} -result {variable "a" has traces: can't use for upvar}
test upvar-8.8 {create nested array with upvar} -body {
proc p1 {} {upvar x(a) b; set b(2) 44}
catch {unset x}
} -returnCodes error -cleanup {
unset x
} -result {can't set "b(2)": variable isn't array}
test upvar-8.9 {upvar won't create namespace variable that refers to procedure variable} -setup {
catch {namespace delete {*}[namespace children :: test_ns_*]}
catch {rename MakeLink ""}
namespace eval ::test_ns_1 {}
} -returnCodes error -body {
proc MakeLink {a} {
namespace eval ::test_ns_1 {
upvar a a
unset ::test_ns_1::a
MakeLink 1
} -result {bad variable name "a": can't create namespace variable that refers to procedure variable}
test upvar-8.10 {upvar will create element alias for new array element} -setup {
catch {unset upvarArray}
} -body {
array set upvarArray {}
catch {upvar 0 upvarArray(elem) upvarArrayElemAlias}
} -result {0}
test upvar-8.11 {upvar will not create a variable that looks like an array} -setup {
catch {unset upvarArray}
} -body {
array set upvarArray {}
upvar 0 upvarArray(elem) upvarArrayElemAlias(elem)
} -returnCodes 1 -match glob -result *
test upvar-9.1 {Tcl_UpVar2 procedure} testupvar {
list [catch {testupvar xyz a {} x global} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad level "1"}}
test upvar-9.1.1 {TclGetFrame, via Tcl_UpVar2} testupvar {
apply {{} {testupvar xyz a {} x local; set x foo}}
set a
} foo
test upvar-9.2 {Tcl_UpVar2 procedure} testupvar {
catch {unset a}
catch {unset x}
set a 44
list [catch "testupvar #0 a 1 x global" msg] $msg
} {1 {can't access "a(1)": variable isn't array}}
test upvar-9.3 {Tcl_UpVar2 procedure} testupvar {
proc foo {} {
testupvar 1 a {} x local
set x
catch {unset a}
catch {unset x}
set a 44
} {44}
test upvar-9.4 {Tcl_UpVar2 procedure} testupvar {
proc foo {} {
testupvar 1 a {} _up_ global
list [catch {set x} msg] $msg
catch {unset a}
catch {unset _up_}
set a 44
concat [foo] $_up_
} {1 {can't read "x": no such variable} 44}
test upvar-9.5 {Tcl_UpVar2 procedure} testupvar {
proc foo {} {
testupvar 1 a b x local
set x
catch {unset a}
catch {unset x}
set a(b) 1234
} {1234}
test upvar-9.6 {Tcl_UpVar procedure} testupvar {
proc foo {} {
testupvar 1 a x local
set x
catch {unset a}
catch {unset x}
set a xyzzy
} {xyzzy}
test upvar-9.7 {Tcl_UpVar procedure} testupvar {
proc foo {} {
testupvar #0 a(b) x local
set x
catch {unset a}
catch {unset x}
set a(b) 1234
} {1234}
catch {unset a}
test upvar-10.1 {CompileWord OBOE} -setup {
proc linenumber {} {dict get [info frame -1] line}
} -body {
apply {n {
upvar 1 {*}{
} [return [incr n -[linenumber]]] x
}} [linenumber]
} -cleanup {
rename linenumber {}
} -result 1
# Tests for 'namespace upvar'. As the implementation is essentially the same as
# for 'upvar', we only test that the variables are linked correctly, i.e., we
# assume that the behaviour of variables once the link is established has
# already been tested above.
# Clear out any namespaces called test_ns_*
catch {namespace delete {*}[namespace children :: test_ns_*]}
namespace eval test_ns_0 {
variable x test_ns_0
set ::x test_global
test upvar-NS-1.1 {nsupvar links to correct variable} -body {
namespace eval test_ns_1 {
namespace upvar ::test_ns_0 x w
set w
} -result {test_ns_0} -cleanup {
namespace delete test_ns_1
test upvar-NS-1.2 {nsupvar links to correct variable} -body {
namespace eval test_ns_1 {
proc a {} {
namespace upvar ::test_ns_0 x w
set w
return [a]
} -result {test_ns_0} -cleanup {
namespace delete test_ns_1
test upvar-NS-1.3 {nsupvar links to correct variable} -body {
namespace eval test_ns_1 {
namespace upvar test_ns_0 x w
set w
} -returnCodes error -cleanup {
namespace delete test_ns_1
} -result {namespace "test_ns_0" not found in "::test_ns_1"}
test upvar-NS-1.4 {nsupvar links to correct variable} -body {
namespace eval test_ns_1 {
proc a {} {
namespace upvar test_ns_0 x w
set w
return [a]
} -returnCodes error -cleanup {
namespace delete test_ns_1
} -result {namespace "test_ns_0" not found in "::test_ns_1"}
test upvar-NS-1.5 {nsupvar links to correct variable} -body {
namespace eval test_ns_1 {
namespace eval test_ns_0 {}
namespace upvar test_ns_0 x w
set w
} -cleanup {
namespace delete test_ns_1
} -result {can't read "w": no such variable} -returnCodes error
test upvar-NS-1.6 {nsupvar links to correct variable} -body {
namespace eval test_ns_1 {
namespace eval test_ns_0 {}
proc a {} {
namespace upvar test_ns_0 x w
set w
return [a]
} -cleanup {
namespace delete test_ns_1
} -result {can't read "w": no such variable} -returnCodes error
test upvar-NS-1.7 {nsupvar links to correct variable} -body {
namespace eval test_ns_1 {
namespace eval test_ns_0 {
variable x test_ns_1::test_ns_0
namespace upvar test_ns_0 x w
set w
} -cleanup {
namespace delete test_ns_1
} -result {test_ns_1::test_ns_0}
test upvar-NS-1.8 {nsupvar links to correct variable} -body {
namespace eval test_ns_1 {
namespace eval test_ns_0 {
variable x test_ns_1::test_ns_0
proc a {} {
namespace upvar test_ns_0 x w
set w
return [a]
} -cleanup {
namespace delete test_ns_1
} -result {test_ns_1::test_ns_0}
test upvar-NS-1.9 {nsupvar links to correct variable} -body {
namespace eval test_ns_1 {
variable x test_ns_1
proc a {} {
namespace upvar test_ns_0 x w
set w
return [a]
} -returnCodes error -cleanup {
namespace delete test_ns_1
} -result {namespace "test_ns_0" not found in "::test_ns_1"}
test upvar-NS-2.1 {TIP 323} -returnCodes error -body {
namespace upvar
} -result {wrong # args: should be "namespace upvar ns ?otherVar myVar ...?"}
test upvar-NS-2.2 {TIP 323} -setup {
namespace eval test_ns_1 {}
} -body {
namespace upvar test_ns_1
} -cleanup {
namespace delete test_ns_1
} -result {}
test upvar-NS-3.1 {CompileWord OBOE} -setup {
proc linenumber {} {dict get [info frame -1] line}
} -body {
apply {n {
namespace upvar {*}{
} [return [incr n -[linenumber]]] x y
}} [linenumber]
} -cleanup {
rename linenumber {}
} -result 1
test upvar-NS-3.2 {CompileWord OBOE} -setup {
proc linenumber {} {dict get [info frame -1] line}
} -body {
apply {n {
namespace upvar :: {*}{
} [return [incr n -[linenumber]]] x
}} [linenumber]
} -cleanup {
rename linenumber {}
} -result 1
test upvar-NS-3.3 {CompileWord OBOE} -setup {
proc linenumber {} {dict get [info frame -1] line}
} -body {
apply {n {
variable x {*}{
} [return [incr n -[linenumber]]]
}} [linenumber]
} -cleanup {
rename linenumber {}
} -result 1
# cleanup
# Local Variables:
# mode: tcl
# End: