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2022-06-07 11:15:20 -05:00
# This file contains internal facilities for Tcl tests.
# Source this file in the related tests to include from tcl-tests:
# source [file join [file dirname [info script]] internals.tcl]
# Copyright (c) 2020 Sergey G. Brester (sebres).
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
if {[namespace which -command ::tcltest::internals::scriptpath] eq ""} {namespace eval ::tcltest::internals {
namespace path ::tcltest
::tcltest::ConstraintInitializer testWithLimit { expr {[testConstraint macOrUnix] && ![catch { exec prlimit --version }]} }
# test-with-limit --
# Usage: test-with-limit ?-addmem bytes? ?-maxmem bytes? command
# Options:
# -addmem - set additional memory limit (in bytes) as difference (extra memory needed to run a test)
# -maxmem - set absolute maximum address space limit (in bytes)
proc testWithLimit args {
set body [lindex $args end]
array set in [lrange $args 0 end-1]
# test in child process (with limits):
set pipe {}
if {[catch {
# start new process:
set pipe [open |[list [interpreter]] r+]
set ppid [pid $pipe]
# create prlimit args:
set args {}
# with limited address space:
if {[info exists in(-addmem)] || [info exists in(-maxmem)]} {
if {[info exists in(-addmem)]} {
# as differnce to normal usage, so try to retrieve current memory usage:
if {[catch {
# using ps (vsz is in KB):
incr in(-addmem) [expr {[lindex [exec ps -hq $ppid -o vsz] end] * 1024}]
}]} {
# ps failed, use default size 20MB:
incr in(-addmem) 20000000
# + size of locale-archive (may be up to 100MB):
incr in(-addmem) [expr {
[file exists /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive] ?
[file size /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive] : 0
if {![info exists in(-maxmem)]} {
set in(-maxmem) $in(-addmem)
set in(-maxmem) [expr { max($in(-addmem), $in(-maxmem)) }]
append args --as=$in(-maxmem)
# apply limits:
exec prlimit -p $ppid {*}$args
} msg opt]} {
catch {close $pipe}
tcltest::Warn "testWithLimit: error - [regsub {^\s*([^\n]*).*$} $msg {\1}]"
tcltest::Skip testWithLimit
# execute body, close process and return:
set ret [catch {
chan configure $pipe -buffering line
puts $pipe "puts \[$body\]"
puts $pipe exit
set result [read $pipe]
close $pipe
set pipe {}
set result
} result opt]
if {$pipe ne ""} { catch { close $pipe } }
if {$ret && [dict get $opt -errorcode] eq "BYPASS-SKIPPED-TEST"} {
return {*}$opt $result
if { ( [info exists in(-warn-on-code)] && $ret in $in(-warn-on-code) )
|| ( $ret && [info exists in(-warn-on-alloc-error)] && $in(-warn-on-alloc-error)
&& [regexp {\munable to (?:re)?alloc\M} $result] )
} {
tcltest::Warn "testWithLimit: wrong limit, result: $result"
tcltest::Skip testWithLimit
return {*}$opt $result
# export all routines starting with test
namespace export test*
# for script path & as mark for loaded
proc scriptpath {} [list return [info script]]
}}; # end of internals.