1212 lines
37 KiB
1212 lines
37 KiB
# Commands covered: error, catch, throw, try
# This file contains a collection of tests for one or more of the Tcl built-in
# commands. Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and generates output
# for errors. No output means no errors were found.
# Copyright (c) 1991-1993 The Regents of the University of California.
# Copyright (c) 1994-1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of
# this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
if {"::tcltest" ni [namespace children]} {
package require tcltest 2.5
namespace import -force ::tcltest::*
testConstraint memory [llength [info commands memory]]
customMatch pairwise {apply {{a b} {
string equal [lindex $b 0] [lindex $b 1]
namespace eval ::tcl::test::error {
if {[testConstraint memory]} {
proc getbytes {} {
set lines [split [memory info] \n]
return [lindex $lines 3 3]
proc leaktest {script {iterations 3}} {
set end [getbytes]
for {set i 0} {$i < $iterations} {incr i} {
uplevel 1 $script
set tmp $end
set end [getbytes]
return [expr {$end - $tmp}]
proc foo {} {
global errorInfo
set a [catch {format [error glorp2]} b]
error {Human-generated}
proc foo2 {} {
global errorInfo
set a [catch {format [error glorp2]} b]
error {Human-generated} $errorInfo
# Catch errors occurring in commands and errors from "error" command
test error-1.1 {simple errors from commands} {
catch {format [string index]} b
} 1
test error-1.2 {simple errors from commands} {
catch {format [string index]} b
set b
} {wrong # args: should be "string index string charIndex"}
test error-1.3 {simple errors from commands} {
catch {format [string index]} b
set ::errorInfo
# This used to return '... while executing ...', but string index is fully
# compiled as of 8.4a3
} {wrong # args: should be "string index string charIndex"
while executing
"string index"}
test error-1.4 {simple errors from commands} {
catch {error glorp} b
} 1
test error-1.5 {simple errors from commands} {
catch {error glorp} b
set b
} glorp
test error-1.6 {simple errors from commands} {
catch {catch a b c d} b
} 1
test error-1.7 {simple errors from commands} {
catch {catch a b c d} b
set b
} {wrong # args: should be "catch script ?resultVarName? ?optionVarName?"}
test error-1.8 {simple errors from commands} {
# This test is non-portable: it generates a memory fault on machines like
# DEC Alphas (infinite recursion overflows stack?)
# That claims sounds like a bug to be fixed rather than a portability
# problem. Anyhow, I believe it's out of date (bug's been fixed) so this
# test is re-enabled.
proc p {} {
uplevel 1 catch p error
} 0
# Check errors nested in procedures. Also check the optional argument to
# "error" to generate a new error trace.
test error-2.1 {errors in nested procedures} {
catch foo b
} 1
test error-2.2 {errors in nested procedures} {
catch foo b
set b
} {Human-generated}
test error-2.3 {errors in nested procedures} {
catch foo b
set ::errorInfo
} {Human-generated
while executing
"error {Human-generated}"
(procedure "foo" line 4)
invoked from within
test error-2.4 {errors in nested procedures} {
catch foo2 b
} 1
test error-2.5 {errors in nested procedures} {
catch foo2 b
set b
} {Human-generated}
test error-2.6 {errors in nested procedures} {
catch foo2 b
set ::errorInfo
} {glorp2
while executing
"error glorp2"
(procedure "foo2" line 3)
invoked from within
# Error conditions related to "catch".
test error-3.1 {errors in catch command} {
list [catch {catch} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "catch script ?resultVarName? ?optionVarName?"}}
test error-3.2 {errors in catch command} {
list [catch {catch a b c} msg] $msg
} {0 1}
test error-3.3 {errors in catch command} {
catch {unset a}
set a(0) 22
list [catch {catch {format 44} a} msg] $msg
} {1 {can't set "a": variable is array}}
catch {unset a}
# More tests related to errorInfo and errorCode
test error-4.1 {errorInfo and errorCode variables} {
list [catch {error msg1 msg2 msg3} msg] $msg $::errorInfo $::errorCode
} {1 msg1 msg2 msg3}
test error-4.2 {errorInfo and errorCode variables} {
list [catch {error msg1 {} msg3} msg] $msg $::errorInfo $::errorCode
} {1 msg1 {msg1
while executing
"error msg1 {} msg3"} msg3}
test error-4.3 {errorInfo and errorCode variables} {
list [catch {error msg1 {}} msg] $msg $::errorInfo $::errorCode
} {1 msg1 {msg1
while executing
"error msg1 {}"} NONE}
test error-4.4 {errorInfo and errorCode variables} {
set ::errorCode bogus
list [catch {error msg1} msg] $msg $::errorInfo $::errorCode
} {1 msg1 {msg1
while executing
"error msg1"} NONE}
test error-4.5 {errorInfo and errorCode variables} {
set ::errorCode bogus
list [catch {error msg1 msg2 {}} msg] $msg $::errorInfo $::errorCode
} {1 msg1 msg2 {}}
test error-4.6 {errorstack via info } -body {
proc f x {g $x$x}
proc g x {error G:$x}
catch {f 12}
info errorstack
} -match glob -result {INNER * CALL {g 1212} CALL {f 12} UP 1}
test error-4.7 {errorstack via options dict } -body {
proc f x {g $x$x}
proc g x {error G:$x}
catch {f 12} m d
dict get $d -errorstack
} -match glob -result {INNER * CALL {g 1212} CALL {f 12} UP 1}
test error-4.8 {errorstack from exec traces} -body {
proc foo args {}
proc goo {} foo
trace add execution foo enter {error bar;#}
catch goo m d
dict get $d -errorstack
} -cleanup {
rename goo {}; rename foo {}
unset -nocomplain m d
} -result {INNER {error bar} CALL goo UP 1}
# Errors in error command itself
test error-5.1 {errors in error command} {
list [catch {error} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "error message ?errorInfo? ?errorCode?"}}
test error-5.2 {errors in error command} {
list [catch {error a b c d} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "error message ?errorInfo? ?errorCode?"}}
# Make sure that catch resets error information
test error-6.1 {catch must reset error state} {
catch {error outer [catch {error inner inner.errorInfo inner.errorCode}]}
list $::errorCode $::errorInfo
} {NONE 1}
test error-6.2 {catch must reset error state} {
catch {error outer [catch {return -level 0 -code error -errorcode BUG}]}
list $::errorCode $::errorInfo
} {NONE 1}
test error-6.3 {catch must reset error state} {
set ::errorCode BUG
catch {error outer [catch set]}
list $::errorCode $::errorInfo
} {NONE 1}
test error-6.4 {catch must reset error state} {
catch {error [catch {error foo bar baz}] 1}
list $::errorCode $::errorInfo
} {NONE 1}
test error-6.5 {catch must reset error state} {
catch {error [catch {return -level 0 -code error -errorcode BUG}] 1}
list $::errorCode $::errorInfo
} {NONE 1}
test error-6.6 {catch must reset error state} {
catch {return -level 0 -code error -errorinfo [catch {error foo bar baz}]}
list $::errorCode $::errorInfo
} {NONE 1}
test error-6.7 {catch must reset error state} {
proc foo {} {
return -code error -errorinfo [catch {error foo bar baz}]
catch foo
list $::errorCode
} {NONE}
test error-6.8 {catch must reset error state} {
catch {return -level 0 -code error [catch {error foo bar baz}]}
list $::errorCode
} {NONE}
test error-6.9 {catch must reset error state} {
proc foo {} {
return -code error [catch {error foo bar baz}]
catch foo
list $::errorCode
} {NONE}
test error-6.10 {catch must reset errorstack} -body {
proc f x {g $x$x}
proc g x {error G:$x}
catch {f 12}
set e1 [info errorstack]
catch {f 13}
set e2 [info errorstack]
list $e1 $e2
} -match glob -result {{INNER * CALL {g 1212} CALL {f 12} UP 1} {INNER * CALL {g 1313} CALL {f 13} UP 1}}
test error-7.1 {Bug 1397843} -body {
variable cmds
proc EIWrite args {
variable cmds
lappend cmds [lindex [info level -2] 0]
proc BadProc {} {
set i a
incr i
trace add variable ::errorInfo write [namespace code EIWrite]
catch BadProc
trace remove variable ::errorInfo write [namespace code EIWrite]
set cmds
} -match glob -result {*BadProc*}
# throw tests
test error-8.1 {throw produces error 1 at level 0} {
catch { throw FOO bar }
} {1}
test error-8.2 {throw behaves as error does at level 0} {
catch { throw FOO bar } em1 opts1
catch { error bar {} FOO } em2 opts2
dict set opts1 -result $em1
dict set opts2 -result $em2
foreach key {-code -level -result -errorcode} {
if { [dict get $opts1 $key] ne [dict get $opts2 $key] } {
error "error/throw outcome differs on '$key'"
} {}
test error-8.3 {throw produces error 1 at level > 0} {
proc throw_foo {} {
throw FOO bar
catch { throw_foo }
} {1}
test error-8.4 {throw behaves as error does at level > 0} {
proc throw_foo {} {
throw FOO bar
proc error_foo {} {
error bar {} FOO
catch { throw_foo } em1 opts1
catch { error_foo } em2 opts2
dict set opts1 -result $em1
dict set opts2 -result $em2
foreach key {-code -level -result -errorcode} {
if { [dict get $opts1 $key] ne [dict get $opts2 $key] } {
error "error/throw outcome differs on '$key'"
} {}
test error-8.5 {throw syntax checks} -returnCodes error -body {
} -result {wrong # args: should be "throw type message"}
test error-8.6 {throw syntax checks} -returnCodes error -body {
throw a
} -result {wrong # args: should be "throw type message"}
test error-8.7 {throw syntax checks} -returnCodes error -body {
throw a b c
} -result {wrong # args: should be "throw type message"}
test error-8.8 {throw syntax checks} -returnCodes error -body {
throw "not a \{ list" foo
} -result {unmatched open brace in list}
test error-8.9 {throw syntax checks} -returnCodes error -body {
throw {} foo
} -result {type must be non-empty list}
test error-8.10 {Bug 33b7abb8a2: throw stack usage} -returnCodes error -body {
apply {code {throw $code foo}} {}
} -result {type must be non-empty list}
test error-8.11 {Bug 7174354ecb: throw error message} -returnCodes error -body {
throw {not {}a list} x[]y
} -result {list element in braces followed by "a" instead of space}
# simple try tests: body completes with code ok
test error-9.1 {try (ok, empty result) with no handlers} {
try list
} {}
test error-9.2 {try (ok, non-empty result) with no handlers} {
try { list a b c }
} {a b c}
test error-9.3 {try (ok, non-empty result) with trap handler} {
try { list a b c } trap {} {} { list d e f }
} {a b c}
test error-9.4 {try (ok, non-empty result) with on handler} {
try { list a b c } on break {} { list d e f }
} {a b c}
test error-9.5 {try (ok, non-empty result) with on ok handler} {
try { list a b c } on ok {} { list d e f }
} {d e f}
# simple try tests - "on" handler matching
test error-10.1 {try with on ok} {
try { list a b c } on ok {} { list d e f }
} {d e f}
test error-10.2 {try with on 0} {
try { list a b c } on 0 {} { list d e f }
} {d e f}
test error-10.3 {try with on error (using error)} {
try { error a b c } on error {} { list d e f }
} {d e f}
test error-10.4 {try with on error (using return -code)} {
try { return -level 0 -code 1 a } on error {} { list d e f }
} {d e f}
test error-10.5 {try with on error (using throw)} {
try { throw c a } on error {} { list d e f }
} {d e f}
test error-10.6 {try with on 1 (using error)} {
try { error a b c } on 1 {} { list d e f }
} {d e f}
test error-10.7 {try with on return} {
try { return [list a b c] } on return {} { list d e f }
} {d e f}
test error-10.8 {try with on break} {
try { break } on break {} { list d e f }
} {d e f}
test error-10.9 {try with on continue} {
try { continue } on continue {} { list d e f }
} {d e f}
test error-10.10 {try with on for arbitrary (decimal) return code} {
try { return -level 0 -code 123456 } on 123456 {} { list d e f }
} {d e f}
test error-10.11 {try with on for arbitrary (hex) return code} {
try { return -level 0 -code 0x123456 } on 0x123456 {} { list d e f }
} {d e f}
test error-10.12 {try with on for arbitrary return code (mixed number representations)} {
try { return -level 0 -code 0x10 } on 16 {} { list d e f }
} {d e f}
# simple try tests - "trap" handler matching
test error-11.1 {try with trap all} {
try { throw FOO bar } trap {} {} { list d e f }
} {d e f}
test error-11.2 {try with trap (exact)} {
try { throw FOO bar } trap {FOO} {} { list d e f }
} {d e f}
test error-11.3 {try with trap (prefix 1)} {
try { throw [list FOO A B C D] bar } trap {FOO} {} { list d e f }
} {d e f}
test error-11.4 {try with trap (prefix 2)} {
try { throw [list FOO A B C D] bar } trap {FOO A} {} { list d e f }
} {d e f}
test error-11.5 {try with trap (prefix 3)} {
try { throw [list FOO A B C D] bar } trap {FOO A B} {} { list d e f }
} {d e f}
test error-11.6 {try with trap (prefix 4)} {
try { throw [list FOO A B C D] bar } trap {FOO A B C} {} { list d e f }
} {d e f}
test error-11.7 {try with trap (exact, 5 elements)} {
try { throw [list FOO A B C D] bar } trap {FOO A B C D} {} { list d e f }
} {d e f}
# simple try tests - variable assignment and result handling
test error-12.1 {try with no variable assignment in on handler} {
try { throw FOO bar } on error {} { list d e f }
} {d e f}
test error-12.2 {try with result variable assignment in on handler} {
try { throw FOO bar } on error {res} { set res }
} {bar}
test error-12.3 {try with result variable assignment in on handler, var remains in scope} {
try { throw FOO bar } on error {res} { list d e f }
set res
} {bar}
test error-12.4 {try with result/opts variable assignment in on handler} {
try {
throw FOO bar
} on error {res opts} {
set r "$res,[dict get $opts -errorcode]"
} {bar,FOO}
test error-12.5 {try with result/opts variable assignment in on handler, vars remain in scope} {
try { throw FOO bar } on error {res opts} { list d e f }
set r "$res,[dict get $opts -errorcode]"
} {bar,FOO}
test error-12.6 {try result is propagated if no matching handler} {
try { list a b c } on error {} { list d e f }
} {a b c}
test error-12.7 {handler result is propagated if handler executes} {
try { throw FOO bar } on error {} { list d e f }
} {d e f}
# negative case try tests - bad args to try
test error-13.1 {try with no arguments} -body {
# warning: error message may change
} -returnCodes error -match glob -result {wrong # args: *}
test error-13.2 {try with body only (ok)} {
try list
} {}
test error-13.3 {try with missing finally body} -body {
# warning: error message may change
try list finally
} -returnCodes error -match glob -result {wrong # args to finally clause: *}
test error-13.4 {try with bad handler keyword} -body {
# warning: error message may change
try list then a b c
} -returnCodes error -match glob -result {bad handler *}
test error-13.5 {try with partial handler #1} -body {
# warning: error message may change
try list on
} -returnCodes error -match glob -result {wrong # args to on clause: *}
test error-13.6 {try with partial handler #2} -body {
# warning: error message may change
try list on error
} -returnCodes error -match glob -result {wrong # args to on clause: *}
test error-13.7 {try with partial handler #3} -body {
# warning: error message may change
try list on error {em opts}
} -returnCodes error -match glob -result {wrong # args to on clause: *}
test error-13.8 {try with multiple handlers and finally (ok)} {
try list on error {} {} trap {} {} {} finally {}
} {}
test error-13.9 {last handler body can't be a fallthrough #1} -body {
try list on error {} {} on break {} -
} -returnCodes error -result {last non-finally clause must not have a body of "-"}
test error-13.10 {last handler body can't be a fallthrough #2} -body {
try list on error {} {} on break {} - finally { list d e f }
} -returnCodes error -result {last non-finally clause must not have a body of "-"}
# try tests - multiple handlers (left-to-right matching, only one runs)
test error-14.1 {try with multiple handlers (only one matches) #1} {
try { throw FOO bar } on ok {} { list a b c } trap FOO {} { list d e f }
} {d e f}
test error-14.2 {try with multiple handlers (only one matches) #2} {
try { throw FOO bar } trap FOO {} { list d e f } on ok {} { list a b c }
} {d e f}
test error-14.3 {try with multiple handlers (only one matches) #3} {
try {
throw FOO bar
} on break {} {
list x y z
} trap FOO {} {
list d e f
} on ok {} {
list a b c
} {d e f}
test error-14.4 {try with multiple matching handlers (only the first in left-to-right order runs) #1} {
try { throw FOO bar } on error {} { list a b c } trap FOO {} { list d e f }
} {a b c}
test error-14.5 {try with multiple matching handlers (only the first in left-to-right order runs) #2} {
try { throw FOO bar } trap FOO {} { list d e f } on error {} { list a b c }
} {d e f}
test error-14.6 {try with multiple matching handlers (only the first in left-to-right order runs) #3} {
try { throw FOO bar } trap {} {} { list d e f } on 1 {} { list a b c }
} {d e f}
test error-14.7 {try with multiple matching handlers (only the first in left-to-right order runs) #4} {
try { throw FOO bar } on 1 {} { list a b c } trap {} {} { list d e f }
} {a b c}
test error-14.8 {try with handler-of-last-resort "trap {}"} {
try { throw FOO bar } trap FOX {} { list a b c } trap {} {} { list d e f }
} {d e f}
test error-14.9 {try with handler-of-last-resort "on error"} {
try { foo } trap FOX {} { list a b c } on error {} { list d e f }
} {d e f}
# try tests - propagation (no matching handlers)
test error-15.1 {try with no handler (ok result propagates)} {
try { list a b c }
} {a b c}
test error-15.2 {try with no matching handler (ok result propagates)} {
try { list a b c } on error {} { list d e f }
} {a b c}
test error-15.3 {try with no handler (error result propagates)} -body {
try { throw FOO bar }
} -returnCodes error -result {bar}
test error-15.4 {try with no matching handler (error result propagates)} -body {
try { throw FOO bar } trap FOX {} { list a b c }
} -returnCodes error -result {bar}
test error-15.5 {try with no handler (return result propagates)} -body {
try { return bar }
} -returnCodes 2 -result {bar}
test error-15.6 {try with no matching handler (break result propagates)} -body {
try { if {1} break } on error {} { list a b c }
} -returnCodes 3 -result {}
test error-15.7 {try with no matching handler (unknown integer result propagates)} -body {
try { return -level 0 -code 123456 } trap {} {} { list a b c }
} -returnCodes 123456 -result {}
foreach level {0 1 2 3} {
foreach code {0 1 2 3 4 5} {
# Following cases have different -errorinfo; avoid false alarms
# TODO: examine whether these difference are as they ought to be.
if {$level == 0 && $code == 1} continue
foreach extras {{} {-bar soom}} {
test error-15.8.$level.$code.[llength $extras] {[try] coverage} {
set script {return -level $level -code $code {*}$extras foo}
catch $script m1 o1
catch {try $script} m2 o2
set o1 [lsort -stride 2 $o1]
set o2 [lsort -stride 2 $o2]
expr {$o1 eq $o2 ? "ok" : "$o1\n\tis not equal to\n$o2"}
} ok
test error-15.9.$level.$code.[llength $extras] {[try] coverage} {
set script {return -level $level -code $code {*}$extras foo}
catch $script m1 o1
catch {try $script finally {}} m2 o2
set o1 [lsort -stride 2 $o1]
set o2 [lsort -stride 2 $o2]
expr {$o1 eq $o2 ? "ok" : "$o1\n\tis not equal to\n$o2"}
} ok
test error-15.10.$level.$code.[llength $extras] {[try] coverage} {
set script {return -level $level -code $code {*}$extras foo}
catch $script m1 o1
catch {try $script on $code {x y} {return -options $y $x}} m2 o2
set o1 [lsort -stride 2 $o1]
set o2 [lsort -stride 2 $o2]
expr {$o1 eq $o2 ? "ok" : "$o1\n\tis not equal to\n$o2"}
} ok
# try tests - propagation (exceptions in handlers, exception chaining)
test error-16.1 {try with successfully executed handler} {
try { throw FOO bar } trap FOO {} { list a b c }
} {a b c}
test error-16.2 {try with exception (error) in handler} -body {
try { throw FOO bar } trap FOO {} { throw BAR foo }
} -returnCodes error -result {foo}
test error-16.3 {try with exception (return) in handler} -body {
try { throw FOO bar } trap FOO {} { return BAR }
} -returnCodes 2 -result {BAR}
test error-16.4 {try with exception (break) in handler #1} -body {
try { throw FOO bar } trap FOO {} { break }
} -returnCodes 3 -result {}
test error-16.5 {try with exception (break) in handler #2} {
for { set i 5 } { $i < 10 } { incr i } {
try { throw FOO bar } trap FOO {} { break }
set i
} {5}
test error-16.6 {try with variable assignment and propagation #1} {
# Ensure that the handler variables preserve the exception off the
# try-body, and are not modified by the exception off the handler
catch {
try { throw FOO bar } trap FOO {em} { throw BAR baz }
set em
} {bar}
test error-16.7 {try with variable assignment and propagation #2} {
catch {
try { throw FOO bar } trap FOO {em opts} { throw BAR baz }
list $em [dict get $opts -errorcode]
} {bar FOO}
test error-16.8 {exception chaining (try=ok, handler=error)} -body {
#FIXME is the intent of this test correct?
catch {
try { list a b c } on ok {em opts} { throw BAR baz }
} tryem tryopts
list $opts [dict get $tryopts -during]
} -match pairwise -result equal
test error-16.9 {exception chaining (try=error, handler=error)} -body {
# The exception off the handler should chain to the exception off the
# try-body (using the -during option)
catch {
try { throw FOO bar } trap {} {em opts} { throw BAR baz }
} tryem tryopts
list $opts [dict get $tryopts -during]
} -match pairwise -result equal
test error-16.10 {no exception chaining when handler is successful} {
catch {
try { throw FOO bar } trap {} {em opts} { list d e f }
} tryem tryopts
dict exists $tryopts -during
} {0}
test error-16.11 {no exception chaining when handler is a non-error exception} {
catch {
try { throw FOO bar } trap {} {em opts} { break }
} tryem tryopts
dict exists $tryopts -during
} {0}
test error-16.12 {compiled try with successfully executed handler} {
apply {{} {
try { throw FOO bar } trap FOO {} { list a b c }
} {a b c}
test error-16.13 {compiled try with exception (error) in handler} -body {
apply {{} {
try { throw FOO bar } trap FOO {} { throw BAR foo }
} -returnCodes error -result {foo}
test error-16.14 {compiled try with exception (return) in handler} -body {
apply {{} {
list [catch {
try { throw FOO bar } trap FOO {} { return BAR }
} msg] $msg
} -result {2 BAR}
test error-16.15 {compiled try with exception (break) in handler} {
apply {{} {
for { set i 5 } { $i < 10 } { incr i } {
try { throw FOO bar } trap FOO {} { break }
return $i
} {5}
test error-16.16 {compiled try with exception (continue) in handler} {
apply {{} {
for { set i 5 } { $i < 10 } { incr i } {
try { throw FOO bar } trap FOO {} { continue }
incr i 20
return $i
} {10}
test error-16.17 {compiled try with variable assignment and propagation #1} {
# Ensure that the handler variables preserve the exception off the
# try-body, and are not modified by the exception off the handler
apply {{} {
catch {
try { throw FOO bar } trap FOO {em} { throw BAR baz }
return $em
} {bar}
test error-16.18 {compiled try with variable assignment and propagation #2} {
apply {{} {
catch {
try { throw FOO bar } trap FOO {em opts} { throw BAR baz }
list $em [dict get $opts -errorcode]
} {bar FOO}
test error-16.19 {compiled try exception chaining (try=ok, handler=error)} -body {
#FIXME is the intent of this test correct?
apply {{} {
catch {
try { list a b c } on ok {em opts} { throw BAR baz }
} tryem tryopts
list $opts [dict get $tryopts -during]
} -match pairwise -result equal
test error-16.20 {compiled try exception chaining (try=error, handler=error)} -body {
# The exception off the handler should chain to the exception off the
# try-body (using the -during option)
apply {{} {
catch {
try { throw FOO bar } trap {} {em opts} { throw BAR baz }
} tryem tryopts
list $opts [dict get $tryopts -during]
} -match pairwise -result equal
test error-16.21 {compiled try exception chaining (try=error, finally=error)} {
# The exception off the handler should chain to the exception off the
# try-body (using the -during option)
apply {{} {
catch {
try { throw FOO bar } finally { throw BAR baz }
} tryem tryopts
dict get $tryopts -during -errorcode
test error-16.22 {compiled try: no exception chaining when handler is successful} {
apply {{} {
catch {
try { throw FOO bar } trap {} {em opts} { list d e f }
} tryem tryopts
dict exists $tryopts -during
} {0}
test error-16.23 {compiled try: no exception chaining when handler is a non-error exception} {
apply {{} {
catch {
try { throw FOO bar } trap {} {em opts} { break }
} tryem tryopts
dict exists $tryopts -during
} {0}
test error-16.24 {compiled try exception chaining (try=ok, handler=error, finally=error)} -body {
apply {{} {
catch {
try {
list a b c
} on ok {em opts} {
throw BAR baz
} finally {
throw DING dong
} tryem tryopts
list $opts [dict get $tryopts -during -during]
} -match pairwise -result equal
test error-16.25 {compiled try exception chaining (all errors)} -body {
apply {{} {
catch {
try {
throw FOO bar
} on error {em opts} {
throw BAR baz
} finally {
throw DING dong
} tryem tryopts
list $opts [dict get $tryopts -during -during]
} -match pairwise -result equal
# try tests - finally
test error-17.1 {finally always runs (try with ok result)} {
set RES {}
try { list a b c } finally { set RES done }
set RES
} {done}
test error-17.2 {finally always runs (try with error result)} {
set RES {}
catch {
try { throw FOO bar } finally { set RES done }
set RES
} {done}
test error-17.3 {finally always runs (try with matching handler)} {
set RES {}
try { throw FOO bar } trap FOO {} { list a b c } finally { set RES done }
set RES
} {done}
test error-17.4 {finally always runs (try with exception in handler)} {
set RES {}
catch {
try {
throw FOO bar
} trap FOO {} {
throw BAR baz
} finally {
set RES done
set RES
} {done}
test error-17.5 {successful finally doesn't modify try outcome (try=ok)} {
try { list a b c } finally { list d e f }
} {a b c}
test error-17.6 {successful finally doesn't modify try outcome (try=return)} -body {
try { return c } finally { list d e f }
} -returnCodes 2 -result {c}
test error-17.7 {successful finally doesn't modify try outcome (try=error)} -body {
try { error bar } finally { list d e f }
} -returnCodes 1 -result {bar}
test error-17.8 {successful finally doesn't modify handler outcome (handler=ok)} {
try { throw FOO bar } trap FOO {} { list a b c } finally { list d e f }
} {a b c}
test error-17.9 {successful finally doesn't modify handler outcome (handler=error)} -body {
try { throw FOO bar } trap FOO {} { throw BAR baz } finally { list d e f }
} -returnCodes error -result {baz}
test error-17.10 {successful finally doesn't affect variable assignment} {
catch {
try { throw FOO bar } trap FOO {em opts} { list d e f } finally { list d e f }
} result
list $em $result
} {bar {d e f}}
test error-17.11 {successful finally doesn't affect variable assignment or propagation} {
catch {
try { throw FOO bar } trap FOO {em opts} { throw BAR baz } finally { list d e f }
list $em [dict get $opts -errorcode]
} {bar FOO}
# try tests - propagation (exceptions in finally, exception chaining)
test error-18.1 {try (ok) with exception in finally (error)} -body {
try { list a b c } finally { throw BAR foo }
} -returnCodes error -result {foo}
test error-18.2 {try (error) with exception in finally (break)} -body {
try { throw FOO bar } finally { break }
} -returnCodes 3 -result {}
test error-18.3 {try (ok) with handler (ok) and exception in finally (error)} -body {
try { list a b c } on ok {} { list d e f } finally { throw BAR foo }
} -returnCodes error -result {foo}
test error-18.4 {try (error) with exception in handler (error) and in finally (arb code)} -body {
try { throw FOO bar } on error {} { throw BAR baz } finally { return -level 0 -code 99 zing }
} -returnCodes 99 -result {zing}
test error-18.5 {exception in finally doesn't affect variable assignment} {
catch {
try { throw FOO bar } trap FOO {em opts} { throw BAR baz } finally { throw BAZ zing }
list $em [dict get $opts -errorcode]
} {bar FOO}
test error-18.6 {exception chaining in finally (try=ok)} -body {
catch {
list a b c
} em expopts
catch {
try { list a b c } finally { throw BAR foo }
} em opts
list $expopts [dict get $opts -during]
} -match pairwise -result equal
test error-18.7 {exception chaining in finally (try=error)} {
catch {
try { throw FOO bar } finally { throw BAR baz }
} em opts
dict get $opts -during -errorcode
} {FOO}
test error-18.8 {exception chaining in finally (try=ok, handler=ok)} {
catch {
try { list a b c } on ok {} { list d e f } finally { throw BAR baz }
} em opts
list [dict get $opts -during -code] [dict exists $opts -during -during]
} {0 0}
test error-18.9 {exception chaining in finally (try=error, handler=ok)} {
catch {
try {
throw FOO bar
} on error {} {
list d e f
} finally {
throw BAR baz
} em opts
list [dict get $opts -during -code] [dict exists $opts -during -during]
} {0 0}
test error-18.10 {exception chaining in finally (try=error, handler=error)} {
catch {
try {
throw FOO bar
} on error {} {
throw BAR baz
} finally {
throw BAR baz
} em opts
list [dict get $opts -during -errorcode] [dict get $opts -during -during -errorcode]
test error-18.11 {no exception chaining if finally produces a non-error exception} {
catch {
try { throw FOO bar } on error {} { throw BAR baz } finally { break }
} em opts
dict exists $opts -during
} {0}
test error-18.12 {variable assignment unaffected by exception in finally} {
catch {
try {
throw FOO bar
} on error {em opts} {
list a b c
} finally {
throw BAR baz
list $em [dict get $opts -errorcode]
} {bar FOO}
# try tests - fallthough body cases
test error-19.1 {try with fallthrough body #1} {
set RES {}
try { list a b c } on ok { set RES 0 } - on error {} { set RES 1 }
set RES
} {1}
test error-19.2 {try with fallthrough body #2} {
set RES {}
try {
throw FOO bar
} trap BAR {} {
} trap FOO {} - trap {} {} {
set RES foo
} on error {} {
set RES err
set RES
} {foo}
test error-19.3 {try with cascade fallthrough} {
set RES {}
try {
throw FOO bar
} trap FOO {} - trap BAR {} - trap {} {} {
set RES trap
} on error {} { set RES err }
set RES
} {trap}
test error-19.4 {multiple unrelated fallthroughs #1} {
set RES {}
try {
throw FOO bar
} trap FOO {} - trap BAR {} {
set RES foo
} trap {} {} - on error {} {
set RES err
set RES
} {foo}
test error-19.5 {multiple unrelated fallthroughs #2} {
set RES {}
try {
throw BAZ zing
} trap FOO {} - trap BAR {} {
set RES foo
} trap {} {} - on error {} {
set RES err
set RES
} {err}
proc addmsg msg {
variable RES
lappend RES $msg
test error-19.6 {compiled try executes all clauses} -setup {
set RES {}
} -body {
apply {{} {
try {
addmsg a
throw bar hello
} trap bar {res opt} {
addmsg b
} finally {
addmsg c
addmsg d
} ::tcl::test::error}
} -cleanup {
unset RES
} -result {a b c d}
test error-19.7 {compiled try executes all clauses} -setup {
set RES {}
} -body {
apply {{} {
try {
addmsg a
} on error {res opt} {
addmsg b
} on ok {} {
addmsg c
} finally {
addmsg d
addmsg e
} ::tcl::test::error}
} -cleanup {
unset RES
} -result {a c d e}
test error-19.8 {compiled try executes all clauses} -setup {
set RES {}
} -body {
apply {{} {
try {
addmsg a
throw bar hello
} trap bar {res opt} {
addmsg b
addmsg c
} ::tcl::test::error}
} -cleanup {
unset RES
} -result {a b c}
test error-19.9 {compiled try executes all clauses} -setup {
set RES {}
} -body {
apply {{} {
try {
addmsg a
} on error {res opt} {
addmsg b
} on ok {} {
addmsg c
addmsg d
} ::tcl::test::error}
} -cleanup {
unset RES
} -result {a c d}
test error-19.10 {compiled try with chained clauses} -setup {
set RES {}
} -body {
list [apply {{} {
try {
return good
} on return {res} - on ok {res} {
addmsg ok
addmsg $res
return handler
} finally {
addmsg finally
} ::tcl::test::error}] $RES
} -cleanup {
unset RES
} -result {handler {ok good finally}}
test error-19.11 {compiled try and errors on variable write} -setup {
set RES {}
} -body {
apply {{} {
array set foo {bar boo}
set bar unset
catch {
try {
addmsg body
return a
} on return {bar foo} {
addmsg handler
return b
} finally {
addmsg finally,$bar
} msg
addmsg $msg
} ::tcl::test::error}
} -cleanup {
unset RES
} -result {body finally,a {can't set "foo": variable is array}}
test error-19.12 {interpreted try and errors on variable write} -setup {
set RES {}
} -body {
apply {try {
array set foo {bar boo}
set bar unset
catch {
$try {
addmsg body
return a
} on return {bar foo} {
addmsg handler
return b
} finally {
addmsg finally,$bar
} msg
addmsg $msg
} ::tcl::test::error} try
} -cleanup {
unset RES
} -result {body finally,a {can't set "foo": variable is array}}
test error-19.13 {compiled try and errors on variable write} -setup {
set RES {}
} -body {
apply {{} {
array set foo {bar boo}
set bar unset
catch {
try {
addmsg body
return a
} on return {bar foo} - on error {bar foo} {
addmsg handler
return b
} finally {
addmsg finally,$bar
} msg
addmsg $msg
} ::tcl::test::error}
} -cleanup {
unset RES
} -result {body finally,a {can't set "foo": variable is array}}
rename addmsg {}
# FIXME test what vars get set on fallthough ... what is the correct behavior?
# It would seem appropriate to set at least those for the matching handler and
# the executed body; possibly for each handler we fall through as well?
# negative case try tests - bad "on" handler
test error-20.1 {bad code name in on handler} -body {
try { list a b c } on err {} {}
} -returnCodes error -match glob -result {bad completion code "err": must be ok, error, return, break, continue*, or an integer}
test error-20.2 {bad code value in on handler} -body {
try { list a b c } on 34985723094872345 {} {}
} -returnCodes error -match glob -result {bad completion code "34985723094872345": must be ok, error, return, break, continue*, or an integer}
test error-21.1 {memory leaks in try: Bug 2910044} memory {
leaktest {
try {string repeat x 10} on ok {} {}
} 0
test error-21.2 {memory leaks in try: Bug 2910044} memory {
leaktest {
try {error [string repeat x 10]} on error {} {}
} 0
test error-21.3 {memory leaks in try: Bug 2910044} memory {
leaktest {
try {throw FOO [string repeat x 10]} trap FOO {} {}
} 0
test error-21.4 {memory leaks in try: Bug 2910044} memory {
leaktest {
try {string repeat x 10}
} 0
test error-21.5 {memory leaks in try: Bug 2910044} memory {
leaktest {
try {string repeat x 10} on ok {} {} finally {string repeat y 10}
} 0
test error-21.6 {memory leaks in try: Bug 2910044} memory {
leaktest {
try {
error [string repeat x 10]
} on error {} {} finally {
string repeat y 10
} 0
test error-21.7 {memory leaks in try: Bug 2910044} memory {
leaktest {
try {
throw FOO [string repeat x 10]
} trap FOO {} {} finally {
string repeat y 10
} 0
test error-21.8 {memory leaks in try: Bug 2910044} memory {
leaktest {
try {string repeat x 10} finally {string repeat y 10}
} 0
test error-21.9 {Bug cee90e4e88} {
# Just don't panic.
apply {{} {try {} on ok {} - on return {} {}}}
} {}
# negative case try tests - bad "trap" handler
# what is the effect if we attempt to trap an errorcode that is not a list?
# nested try
# catch inside try
# no tests for bad varslist?
# -errorcode but code!=1 doesn't trap
# throw negative case tests (no args, too many args, etc)
namespace delete ::tcl::test::error
# cleanup
catch {rename p ""}
# Local Variables:
# mode: tcl
# End: