2019-06-13 15:42:39 -05:00
#include <array>
#include <memory>
#include "vtr_assert.h"
namespace vtr {
//Proxy class for a sub-matrix of a NdMatrix class.
//This is used to allow chaining of array indexing [] operators in a natural way.
//Each instance of this class peels off one-dimension and returns a NdMatrixProxy representing
//the resulting sub-matrix. This is repeated recursively until we hit the 1-dimensional base-case.
//Since this expansion happens at compiler time all the proxy classes get optimized away,
//yielding both high performance and generality.
//Recursive case: N-dimensional array
template<typename T, size_t N>
class NdMatrixProxy {
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static_assert(N > 0, "Must have at least one dimension");
//Construct a matrix proxy object
// dim_sizes: Array of dimension sizes
// idim: The dimension associated with this proxy
// dim_stride: The stride of this dimension (i.e. how many element in memory between indicies of this dimension)
// start: Pointer to the start of the sub-matrix this proxy represents
NdMatrixProxy<T, N>(const size_t* dim_sizes, const size_t* dim_strides, T* start)
: dim_sizes_(dim_sizes)
, dim_strides_(dim_strides)
, start_(start) {}
const NdMatrixProxy<T, N - 1> operator[](size_t index) const {
VTR_ASSERT_SAFE_MSG(index >= 0, "Index out of range (below dimension minimum)");
VTR_ASSERT_SAFE_MSG(index < dim_sizes_[0], "Index out of range (above dimension maximum)");
VTR_ASSERT_SAFE_MSG(dim_sizes_[1] > 0, "Can not index into zero-sized dimension");
//Strip off one dimension
return NdMatrixProxy<T, N - 1>(
dim_sizes_ + 1, //Pass the dimension information
dim_strides_ + 1, //Pass the stride for the next dimension
start_ + dim_strides_[0] * index); //Advance to index in this dimension
NdMatrixProxy<T, N - 1> operator[](size_t index) {
//Call the const version and cast-away constness
return const_cast<const NdMatrixProxy<T, N>*>(this)->operator[](index);
const size_t* dim_sizes_;
const size_t* dim_strides_;
T* start_;
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//Base case: 1-dimensional array
template<typename T>
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class NdMatrixProxy<T, 1> {
NdMatrixProxy<T, 1>(const size_t* dim_sizes, const size_t* dim_stride, T* start)
: dim_sizes_(dim_sizes)
, dim_strides_(dim_stride)
, start_(start) {}
const T& operator[](size_t index) const {
VTR_ASSERT_SAFE_MSG(dim_strides_[0] == 1, "Final dimension must have stride 1");
VTR_ASSERT_SAFE_MSG(index >= 0, "Index out of range (below dimension minimum)");
VTR_ASSERT_SAFE_MSG(index < dim_sizes_[0], "Index out of range (above dimension maximum)");
//Base case
return start_[index];
T& operator[](size_t index) {
//Call the const version and cast-away constness
return const_cast<T&>(const_cast<const NdMatrixProxy<T, 1>*>(this)->operator[](index));
//For legacy compatibility (i.e. code expecting a pointer) we allow this base dimension
//case to retrieve a raw pointer to the last dimension elements.
//Note that it is the caller's responsibility to use this correctly; care must be taken
//not to clobber elements in other dimensions
const T* data() const {
return start_;
T* data() {
//Call the const version and cast-away constness
return const_cast<T*>(const_cast<const NdMatrixProxy<T, 1>*>(this)->data());
const size_t* dim_sizes_;
const size_t* dim_strides_;
T* start_;
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//Base class for an N-dimensional matrix supporting arbitrary index ranges per dimension.
//This class implements all of the matrix handling (lifetime etc.) except for indexing
//(which is implemented in the NdMatrix class). Indexing is split out to allows specialization
//of indexing for N = 1.
//This class uses a single linear array to store the matrix in c-style (row major)
//order. That is, the right-most index is laid out contiguous memory.
//This should improve memory usage (no extra pointers to store for each dimension),
//and cache locality (less indirection via pointers, predictable strides).
//The indicies are calculated based on the dimensions to access the appropriate elements.
//Since the indexing calculations are visible to the compiler at compile time they can be
//optimized to be efficient.
template<typename T, size_t N>
class NdMatrixBase {
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static_assert(N >= 1, "Minimum dimension 1");
//An empty matrix (all dimensions size zero)
NdMatrixBase() {
//Specified dimension sizes:
// [0..dim_sizes[0])
// [0..dim_sizes[1])
// ...
//with optional fill value
NdMatrixBase(std::array<size_t, N> dim_sizes, T value = T()) {
resize(dim_sizes, value);
public: //Accessors
//Returns the size of the matrix (number of elements)
size_t size() const {
VTR_ASSERT_DEBUG_MSG(calc_size() == size_, "Calculated and current matrix size must be consistent");
return size_;
//Returns true if there are no elements in the matrix
bool empty() const {
return size() == 0;
//Returns the number of dimensions (i.e. N)
size_t ndims() const {
return dim_sizes_.size();
//Returns the size of the ith dimension
size_t dim_size(size_t i) const {
VTR_ASSERT_SAFE(i < ndims());
return dim_sizes_[i];
//Returns the starting index of ith dimension
size_t begin_index(size_t i) const {
VTR_ASSERT_SAFE(i < ndims());
return 0;
//Returns the one-past-the-end index of the ith dimension
size_t end_index(size_t i) const {
VTR_ASSERT_SAFE(i < ndims());
return dim_sizes_[i];
// Flat accessors of NdMatrix
const T& get(size_t i) const {
VTR_ASSERT_SAFE(i < size_);
return data_[i];
T& get(size_t i) {
VTR_ASSERT_SAFE(i < size_);
return data_[i];
public: //Mutators
//Set all elements to 'value'
void fill(T value) {
std::fill(data_.get(), data_.get() + size(), value);
//Resize the matrix to the specified dimension ranges
//If 'value' is specified all elements will be initialized to it,
//otherwise they will be default constructed.
void resize(std::array<size_t, N> dim_sizes, T value = T()) {
dim_sizes_ = dim_sizes;
size_ = calc_size();
if (size_ > 0) {
dim_strides_[0] = size_ / dim_sizes_[0];
for (size_t dim = 1; dim < N; ++dim) {
dim_strides_[dim] = dim_strides_[dim - 1] / dim_sizes_[dim];
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} else {
//Reset the matrix to size zero
void clear() {
size_ = 0;
public: //Lifetime management
//Copy constructor
NdMatrixBase(const NdMatrixBase& other)
: NdMatrixBase(other.dim_sizes_) {
std::copy(other.data_.get(), other.data_.get() + other.size(), data_.get());
//Move constructor
NdMatrixBase(NdMatrixBase&& other)
: NdMatrixBase() {
swap(*this, other);
//Copy/move assignment
//Note that rhs is taken by value (copy-swap idiom)
NdMatrixBase& operator=(NdMatrixBase rhs) {
swap(*this, rhs);
return *this;
//Swap two NdMatrixBase objects
friend void swap(NdMatrixBase<T, N>& m1, NdMatrixBase<T, N>& m2) {
using std::swap;
swap(m1.size_, m2.size_);
swap(m1.dim_sizes_, m2.dim_sizes_);
swap(m1.dim_strides_, m2.dim_strides_);
swap(m1.data_, m2.data_);
//Allocate space for all the elements
void alloc() {
data_ = std::make_unique<T[]>(size());
//Returns the size of the matrix (number of elements) calucated
//from the current dimensions
size_t calc_size() const {
//Size is the product of all dimension sizes
size_t cnt = dim_size(0);
for (size_t idim = 1; idim < ndims(); ++idim) {
cnt *= dim_size(idim);
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return cnt;
size_t size_ = 0;
std::array<size_t, N> dim_sizes_;
std::array<size_t, N> dim_strides_;
std::unique_ptr<T[]> data_ = nullptr;
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//An N-dimensional matrix supporting arbitrary (continuous) index ranges
//per dimension.
// //A 2-dimensional matrix with indicies [0..4][0..9]
// NdMatrix<int,2> m1({5,10});
// //Accessing an element
// int i = m1[3][5];
// //Setting an element
// m1[2][8] = 0;
// //A 3-dimensional matrix with indicies [0..4][0..9][0..19]
// NdMatrix<int,3> m2({5,10,20});
// //A 2-dimensional matrix with indicies [0..4][0..9], with all entries
// //initialized to 42
// NdMatrix<int,2> m3({5,10}, 42);
// //Filling all entries with value 101
// m3.fill(101);
// //Resizing an existing matrix (all values reset to default constucted value)
// m3.resize({5,5})
// //Resizing an existing matrix (all elements set to value 88)
// m3.resize({15,55}, 88)
template<typename T, size_t N>
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class NdMatrix : public NdMatrixBase<T, N> {
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//General case
static_assert(N >= 2, "Minimum dimension 2");
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//Use the base constructors
using NdMatrixBase<T, N>::NdMatrixBase;
//Access an element
//Returns a proxy-object to allow chained array-style indexing (N >= 2 case)
const NdMatrixProxy<T, N - 1> operator[](size_t index) const {
VTR_ASSERT_SAFE_MSG(this->dim_size(0) > 0, "Can not index into size zero dimension");
VTR_ASSERT_SAFE_MSG(this->dim_size(1) > 0, "Can not index into size zero dimension");
VTR_ASSERT_SAFE_MSG(index >= 0, "Index out of range (below dimension minimum)");
VTR_ASSERT_SAFE_MSG(index < this->dim_sizes_[0], "Index out of range (above dimension maximum)");
//Peel off the first dimension
return NdMatrixProxy<T, N - 1>(
this->dim_sizes_.data() + 1, //Pass the dimension information
this->dim_strides_.data() + 1, //Pass the stride for the next dimension
this->data_.get() + this->dim_strides_[0] * index); //Advance to index in this dimension
//Access an element
//Returns a proxy-object to allow chained array-style indexing
NdMatrixProxy<T, N - 1> operator[](size_t index) {
//Call the const version, since returned by value don't need to worry about const
return const_cast<const NdMatrix<T, N>*>(this)->operator[](index);
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template<typename T>
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class NdMatrix<T, 1> : public NdMatrixBase<T, 1> {
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//Specialization for N = 1
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//Use the base constructors
using NdMatrixBase<T, 1>::NdMatrixBase;
//Access an element (immutable)
const T& operator[](size_t index) const {
VTR_ASSERT_SAFE_MSG(this->dim_size(0) > 0, "Can not index into size zero dimension");
VTR_ASSERT_SAFE_MSG(index >= 0, "Index out of range (below dimension minimum)");
VTR_ASSERT_SAFE_MSG(index < this->dim_sizes_[0], "Index out of range (above dimension maximum)");
return this->data_[index];
//Access an element (mutable)
T& operator[](size_t index) {
//Call the const version, and cast away const-ness
return const_cast<T&>(const_cast<const NdMatrix<T, 1>*>(this)->operator[](index));
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//Convenient short forms for common NdMatricies
template<typename T>
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using Matrix = NdMatrix<T, 2>;
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} // namespace vtr
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