96 lines
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96 lines
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UC Berkeley, ABC 1.01 (compiled Dec 25 2006 17:15:00)
abc 01> so regtest.script
abc - > r examples/apex4.pla; resyn; if; cec; ps; clp; resyn; map; cec; ps
Networks are equivalent.
examples/apex4: i/o = 9/ 19 lat = 0 nd = 1172 aig = 4365 lev = 7
The shared BDD size is 917 nodes. BDD construction time = 0.04 sec
A simple supergate library is derived from gate library "mcnc_temp.genlib".
Loaded 20 unique 5-input supergates from "mcnc_temp.super". Time = 0.02 sec
Networks are equivalent.
examples/apex4: i/o = 9/ 19 lat = 0 nd = 1734 aig = 2576 lev = 12
abc - > r examples/C2670.blif; st; w 1.aig; cec 1.aig
Networks are equivalent after structural hashing.
abc - > r examples/C2670.blif; st; short_names; w 1.bench; cec 1.bench
Networks are equivalent after structural hashing.
abc - > r examples/C2670.blif; st; short_names; ren -s; w 1.eqn; cec 1.eqn
Networks are equivalent.
abc - > r examples/C2670.blif; resyn2; if -K 8; cec; ps; u; map; cec; ps
Networks are equivalent.
C2670.iscas : i/o = 233/ 140 lat = 0 nd = 120 aig = 1056 lev = 4
Networks are equivalent.
C2670.iscas : i/o = 233/ 140 lat = 0 nd = 467 aig = 651 lev = 14
abc - > r examples/frg2.blif; dsd; muxes; cec; ps; clp; share; resyn; map; cec; ps
Networks are equivalent.
frg2 : i/o = 143/ 139 lat = 0 nd = 1648 aig = 2268 lev = 18
The shared BDD size is 1672 nodes. BDD construction time = 0.14 sec
Networks are equivalent.
frg2 : i/o = 143/ 139 lat = 0 nd = 533 aig = 778 lev = 8
abc - > r examples/frg2.blif; bdd; muxes; cec; ps; clp; st; ren -b; muxes; cec; ps
Networks are equivalent.
frg2 : i/o = 143/ 139 lat = 0 nd = 2868 aig = 4221 lev = 38
The shared BDD size is 1684 nodes. BDD construction time = 0.14 sec
Networks are equivalent.
frg2 : i/o = 143/ 139 lat = 0 nd = 2331 aig = 3180 lev = 20
abc - > r examples/i10.blif; resyn2; fpga; cec; ps; u; map; cec; ps
Networks are equivalent.
i10 : i/o = 257/ 224 lat = 0 nd = 808 aig = 2630 lev = 12
Networks are equivalent.
i10 : i/o = 257/ 224 lat = 0 nd = 1555 aig = 1980 lev = 24
abc - > r examples/i10.blif; choice; fpga; cec; ps; u; map; cec; ps
Currently stored 3 networks with 5801 nodes will be fraiged.
Total fraiging time = 0.39 sec
Performing FPGA mapping with choices.
Networks are equivalent.
i10 : i/o = 257/ 224 lat = 0 nd = 798 aig = 2543 lev = 12
Performing mapping with choices.
Networks are equivalent.
i10 : i/o = 257/ 224 lat = 0 nd = 1463 aig = 1993 lev = 23
abc - > r examples/pj1.blif; st; if; cec; ps; u; map; cec; ps
Networks are equivalent after structural hashing.
exCombCkt : i/o = 1769/1063 lat = 0 nd = 5984 aig = 23156 lev = 52
Networks are equivalent.
exCombCkt : i/o = 1769/1063 lat = 0 nd = 11474 aig = 16032 lev = 80
abc - > r examples/s38417.blif; comb; w 1.blif; resyn; if; cec 1.blif; ps
examples/s38417.blif (line 14): Skipping directive ".wire_load_slope".
Networks are equivalent.
s38417 : i/o = 1664/1742 lat = 0 nd = 3479 aig = 10120 lev = 9
abc - > r examples/s38417.blif; resyn; if; cec; ps; u; map; cec; ps
examples/s38417.blif (line 14): Skipping directive ".wire_load_slope".
examples/s38417.blif (line 14): Skipping directive ".wire_load_slope".
Networks are equivalent.
s38417 : i/o = 28/ 106 lat = 1636 nd = 3479 aig = 10120 lev = 9
examples/s38417.blif (line 14): Skipping directive ".wire_load_slope".
Networks are equivalent.
s38417 : i/o = 28/ 106 lat = 1636 nd = 7189 aig = 8689 lev = 17
abc - > r examples/s38584.bench; resyn; ren -s; fx; if; cec; ps; u; map; cec; ps
The network was strashed and balanced before FPGA mapping.
Networks are equivalent.
examples/s38584: i/o = 12/ 278 lat = 1452 nd = 4266 aig = 12569 lev = 10
The network was strashed and balanced before mapping.
Networks are equivalent.
examples/s38584: i/o = 12/ 278 lat = 1452 nd = 8135 aig = 10674 lev = 18
abc - > r examples/s444.blif; b; esd -v; print_exdc; dsd; cec; ps
The shared BDD size is 181 nodes.
BDD nodes in the transition relation before reordering 557.
BDD nodes in the transition relation after reordering 456.
Reachability analysis completed in 151 iterations.
The number of minterms in the reachable state set = 8865.
BDD nodes in the unreachable states before reordering 124.
BDD nodes in the unreachable states after reordering 113.
EXDC network statistics:
exdc : i/o = 21/ 21 lat = 0 nd = 21 cube = 86 lev = 2
Networks are equivalent.
s444 : i/o = 3/ 6 lat = 21 nd = 82 aig = 176 lev = 7
abc - > r examples/s444.blif; double; frames -F 5; w 1.blif; ffpga -K 8; cec 1.blif
Networks are equivalent after structural hashing.
abc - > r examples/s5378.blif; frames -F 5; cycle; w 1.blif; ps; ret; ps; sec 1.blif
s5378_5_frames: i/o = 175/ 245 lat = 164 and = 6629 (exor = 115) lev = 59
s5378_5_frames: i/o = 175/ 245 lat = 182 nd = 6957 cube = 6956 lev = 50
Networks are equivalent after framing.
abc - > r examples/s6669.blif; cycle; w 1.blif; ps; ret -M 3; resyn; ps; sec 1.blif
s6669 : i/o = 83/ 55 lat = 239 nd = 3080 cube = 3080 lev = 93
s6669 : i/o = 83/ 55 lat = 183 and = 1915 (exor = 371) lev = 97
Networks are equivalent after fraiging.
abc - > time
elapse: 44.07 seconds, total: 44.07 seconds
abc 150>