315 lines
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315 lines
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#ifndef SDC_H
#define SDC_H
* libsdcparse - Kevin E. Murray 2014
* Released under MIT License see LICENSE.txt for details.
* --------------------------
* This library provides basic parsing capabilities for a subset of commands in
* Synopsys Design Constraint (SDC) files. SDC files are typically used to
* set timing constraints on digital circuits.
* --------------------------
* Since this is NOT a full TCL interpreter, 'function calls' to get_ports or
* get_clocks, are converted to string_group, with the group_type field set
* to either StringType::CLOCK or StringType::SDC_PORT respectively. That is,
* they are represented as the sets of the strings passed to those functions.
* It is left up to the application to interpret them.
* After parsing, each SDC command is represented as a C struct. Typically each
* command is parsed into a unique type of struct, however some closely related commands
* (such as set_input_delay and set_output_delay) may share a struct and be identified
* by a 'type' field in the struct.
* All supported SDC commands are collected into a commands struct which
* represents the entire SDC file.
* See the associated main.c for example usage.
* --------------------------
* The parser uses a lexer generated by 'flex' (see sdc_parse.l), and a parser
* generated by 'bison' (see sdc_parse.y).
* While the parser currently supports only a subset of the full SDC specification,
* it should be relatively straightforward to extend it as follows:
* 1) To add a new option to an existing command
* a) Add the new token definition to sdc_parse.y (e.g. ARG_HOLD)
* b) Add a pattern to sdc_parse.l which returns the token (e.g. '-hold')
* c) Add a new (optional) rule to the appropriate command in sdc_parse.y
* d) Add an action for the added rule which makes the appropriate
* modifications to the command's struct. It likely that you will
* want to do this as a function call and put the function definition
* in sdc_common.c. If the option may conflict with others it is
* typically checked at this point, with errors reported using sdc_error().
* e) Command is automatically added using the appropriate add_sdc*()
* function, which also verifies the options. Command level consistency
* checks (e.g. option required) typically go here.
* 2) To add a new command
* a) Add the new token definition to sdc_parse.y (e.g. CMD_SET_TIME_FORMAT)
* b) Add a pattern to sdc_parse.l which returns the token (e.g. 'set_time_format')
* c) Add a new rule for the command to sdc_parse.y e.g.:
* cmd_set_time_format: CMD_SET_TIME_FORMAT
* d) Create a new C struct to represent the command, and write an alloc function
* (in sdc_common.c) that is called by the first rule e.g.:
* cmd_set_time_format: CMD_SET_TIME_FORMAT {$$ = alloc_sdc_set_time_units();}
* c) Add options to the command as outlined in (1)
* d) Create an add_sdc*() command and extend the s_sdc_commands struct to include
* the new command. Call it in the top level sdc_commands rule e.g.:
* sdc_commands: ...
* | ... //Other commands
* | sdc_commands cmd_set_time_format EOL {$$ = add_sdc_set_time_format($1, $2); }
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <memory>
#include <limits>
#include <functional>
namespace sdcparse {
* Forward declarations
enum class IoDelayType;
enum class ClockGroupsType;
enum class FromToType;
enum class McpType;
enum class StringGroupType;
struct CreateClock;
struct SetIoDelay;
struct SetClockGroups;
struct SetFalsePath;
struct SetMinMaxDelay;
struct SetMulticyclePath;
struct SetClockUncertainty;
struct SetClockLatency;
struct SetDisableTiming;
struct SetTimingDerate;
struct StringGroup;
class Callback {
virtual ~Callback() {}
//Start of parsing
virtual void start_parse() = 0;
//Sets current filename
virtual void filename(std::string fname) = 0;
//Sets current line number
virtual void lineno(int line_num) = 0;
virtual void create_clock(const CreateClock& cmd) = 0;
virtual void set_io_delay(const SetIoDelay& cmd) = 0;
virtual void set_clock_groups(const SetClockGroups& cmd) = 0;
virtual void set_false_path(const SetFalsePath& cmd) = 0;
virtual void set_min_max_delay(const SetMinMaxDelay& cmd) = 0;
virtual void set_multicycle_path(const SetMulticyclePath& cmd) = 0;
virtual void set_clock_uncertainty(const SetClockUncertainty& cmd) = 0;
virtual void set_clock_latency(const SetClockLatency& cmd) = 0;
virtual void set_disable_timing(const SetDisableTiming& cmd) = 0;
virtual void set_timing_derate(const SetTimingDerate& cmd) = 0;
//End of parsing
virtual void finish_parse() = 0;
//Error during parsing
virtual void parse_error(const int curr_lineno, const std::string& near_text, const std::string& msg) = 0;
* External functions for loading an SDC file
void sdc_parse_filename(std::string filename, Callback& callback);
void sdc_parse_filename(const char* filename, Callback& callback);
//Loads from 'sdc'. 'filename' only used to pass a filename to callback and can be left unspecified
void sdc_parse_file(FILE* sdc, Callback& callback, const char* filename="");
* Sentinal values
constexpr double UNINITIALIZED_FLOAT = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
constexpr int UNINITIALIZED_INT = -1;
* Enumerations to describe specific SDC command types and attributes
enum class IoDelayType {
enum class MinMaxType {
enum class ClockGroupsType {
enum class FromToType {
enum class ClockLatencyType {
enum class StringGroupType {
* Common SDC data structures
struct StringGroup {
StringGroup() = default;
StringGroup(StringGroupType group_type)
: type(group_type) {}
StringGroupType type = StringGroupType::STRING; //The type of the string group, default is STRING.
// Groups derived from 'calls' to [get_clocks {...}]
// and [get_ports {...}] will have types SDC_CLOCK
// and SDC_PORT respectively.
std::vector<std::string> strings; //The strings in the group
* Structures defining different SDC commands
struct CreateClock {
std::string name = ""; //Name of the clock
double period = UNINITIALIZED_FLOAT; //Clock period
double rise_edge = UNINITIALIZED_FLOAT; //Rise time from waveform definition
double fall_edge = UNINITIALIZED_FLOAT; //Fall time from waveform definition
StringGroup targets; //The set of strings indicating clock sources.
// May be explicit strings or regexs.
bool is_virtual = false; //Identifies this as a virtual (non-netlist) clock
struct SetIoDelay {
SetIoDelay() = default;
SetIoDelay(IoDelayType io_type)
: type(io_type) {}
IoDelayType type = IoDelayType::INPUT; //Identifies whether this represents a
// set_input_delay or set_output delay
// command.
bool is_min = false; //Does delay apply for maximum delays?
bool is_max = false; //Does delay apply for minimum delays?
// Note: is_min/is_max correspond to whether the option was
// provided, it is up to the application to handle the case
// where both are left unspecified (which SDC treats as
// implicitly specifying both)
std::string clock_name = ""; //Name of the clock this constraint is associated with
double delay = UNINITIALIZED_FLOAT; //The maximum input delay allowed on the target ports
StringGroup target_ports; //The target ports
struct SetClockGroups {
ClockGroupsType type = ClockGroupsType::NONE; //The type of clock group relation being specified
std::vector<StringGroup> clock_groups; //The groups of clocks
struct SetFalsePath {
StringGroup from; //The source list of startpoints or clocks
StringGroup to; //The target list of endpoints or clocks
struct SetMinMaxDelay {
SetMinMaxDelay() = default;
SetMinMaxDelay(MinMaxType delay_type)
: type(delay_type) {}
MinMaxType type = MinMaxType::NONE; //Whether this is a min or max delay
double value = UNINITIALIZED_FLOAT; //The maximum/minimum allowed delay between the from
// and to clocks
StringGroup from; //The source list of startpoints or clocks
StringGroup to; //The target list of endpoints or clocks
struct SetMulticyclePath {
bool is_setup = false; //Does mcp_value apply for setup?
bool is_hold = false; //Does mcp_value apply for hold?
// Note: is_setup/is_hold correspond to whether the option was
// provided, it is up to the application to handle the case
// where both are left unspecified (which SDC treats as
// applying mcp_value for the setup mcp, and 0 for the hold
// mcp)
int mcp_value = UNINITIALIZED_INT; //The number of cycles specifed
StringGroup from; //The source list of startpoints or clocks
StringGroup to; //The target list of endpoints or clocks
struct SetClockUncertainty {
bool is_setup = false; //Does value apply for setup?
bool is_hold = false; //Does value apply for hold?
// Note: is_setup/is_hold correspond to whether the option was
// provided, it is up to the application to handle the case
// where both are left unspecified (which SDC treats as
// implicitly specifying both)
float value = UNINITIALIZED_FLOAT; //The uncertainty value
StringGroup from; //Launch clock domain(s)
StringGroup to; //Capture clock domain(s)
struct SetClockLatency {
ClockLatencyType type = ClockLatencyType::NONE;//Latency type
bool is_early = false; //Does value apply for early transitions?
bool is_late = false; //Does value apply for late transitions?
// Note: is_early/is_late correspond to whether the option was
// provided, it is up to the application to handle the case
// where both are left unspecified (which SDC treats as
// implicitly specifying both)
float value = UNINITIALIZED_FLOAT; //The latency value
StringGroup target_clocks; //The target clocks
struct SetDisableTiming {
StringGroup from; //The source pins
StringGroup to; //The sink pins
struct SetTimingDerate {
bool is_early = false; //Does value apply for early transitions?
bool is_late = false; //Does value apply for late transitions?
// Note: is_early/is_late correspond to whether the option was
// provided, it is up to the application to handle the case
// where both are left unspecified (which SDC treats as
// implicitly specifying both)
bool derate_nets = false; //Should nets be derated?
bool derate_cells = false; //Should cells be derated?
float value = UNINITIALIZED_FLOAT; //The derate value
StringGroup cell_targets; //The (possibly empty) set of target cells
} //namespace