- k<lut\_size>\_<frac><Native>: Look-Up Table (LUT) size of FPGA. If you have fracturable LUTs or multiple LUT circuits, this should be largest input size.
* The keyword 'frac' is to specify if fracturable LUT is used or not.
* The keyword 'Native' is to specify if fracturable LUT design is a native one (without mode switch) or a standard one (with mode switch).
- N<le\_size>: Number of logic elements for a CLB. If you have multiple CLB architectures, this should be largest number.
- adder\_chain: If hard adder/carry chain is used inside CLBs
- register\_chain: If shift register chain is used inside CLBs
- scan\_chain: If scan chain testing infrastructure is used inside CLBs
- mem<mem\_size>: If block RAM (BRAM) is used or not. If used, the memory size should be clarified here. The keyword wide is to specify if the BRAM spanns more than 1 column.
- aib: If the Advanced Interface Bus (AIB) is used in place of some I/Os.
-<bank\|cc\|frame\|standalone>: specify the type of configuration protocol used in the architecture.
-`bank` refers to the memory bank
-`cc` refers to the configuration chain
-`frame` refers to the frame-based organization
-`standalone` referes to the vanilla organization
- fixed\_sim: fixed clock frequencies in simulation settings. If auto clock frequencies are used, there is no need to appear in the naming
- intermediate buffer: If intermediate buffers are used in LUT designs.
- behavioral: If behavioral Verilog modeling is specified
- local\_encoder: If local encoders are used in routing multiplexer design