3173 lines
66 KiB
3173 lines
66 KiB
# tdbcsqlite3.test --
# Tests for the tdbc::sqlite3 bridge
# Copyright (c) 2008 by Kevin B. Kenny
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: tdbcsqlite3.tcl,v 1.47 2008/02/27 02:08:27 kennykb Exp $
lappend auto_path .
if {[lsearch [namespace children] ::tcltest] == -1} {
package require tcltest 2
namespace import -force ::tcltest::*
package require tdbc::sqlite3
if {[info exists ::env(TDBCSQLITE3_TEST_DIR)]} {
set testDirName $::env(TDBCSQLITE3_TEST_DIR)
} else {
set testDirName tdbctest
if {[info exists ::env(TDBCSQLITE3_TEST_DB)]} {
set testFileName $::env(TDBCSQLITE3_TEST_DB)
} else {
set testFileName test.db
set testdir [makeDirectory $testDirName]
set testDBName [makeFile {} $testFileName $testdir]
catch {file delete -force $testDBName}
test tdbc::sqlite3-1.1 {create a connection, wrong # args} {*}{
-body {
tdbc::sqlite3::connection create
-returnCodes error
-match glob
-result {wrong # args*}
test tdbc::sqlite3-1.2 {create a connection, connection string missing} {*}{
-body {
tdbc::sqlite3::connection create db
-returnCodes error
-match glob
-result {wrong # args*}
test tdbc::sqlite3-1.3 {create a connection, failure} {*}{
-body {
set status [catch {
tdbc::sqlite3::connection create db /dev/null/wtf
} result]
list $status $result
-cleanup {catch {rename db {}}}
-match glob
-result {1 {unable to open database file}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-1.4 {create a connection, successful} {*}{
-body {
tdbc::sqlite3::connection create ::db $::testDBName
-result ::db
-cleanup {
catch {rename ::db {}}
# The tests that follow all require a connection to a database.
tdbc::sqlite3::connection create ::db $::testDBName
test tdbc::sqlite3-2.1 {prepare statement, wrong # args} {*}{
-body {
::db prepare
-returnCodes error
-match glob
-result {wrong # args*}
test tdbc::sqlite3-2.2 {don't make a statement without a connection} {*}{
-body {
tdbc::sqlite3::statement create stmt rubbish moreRubbish
-returnCodes error
-match glob
-result {invalid command name*}
test tdbc::sqlite3-2.3 {don't make a statement without a connection} {*}{
-body {
tdbc::sqlite3::statement create stmt oo::class moreRubbish
-returnCodes error
-match glob
-result {unknown method*}
test tdbc::sqlite3-3.0 {prepare a valid statement} {*}{
-body {
set stmt [::db prepare {
-match glob
-result *Stmt*
-cleanup {
catch [rename $stmt {}]
test tdbc::sqlite3-3.1 {execute a valid statement with no results} {*}{
-body {
set stmt [::db prepare {
set rs [$stmt execute]
list [expr {[$rs rowcount] <= 0}] [$rs columns] [$rs nextrow nothing]
-result {1 {} 0}
-cleanup {
catch {
rename $rs {}
rename $stmt {}
set stmt [::db prepare {
set rs [$stmt execute]
rename $rs {}
rename $stmt {}
test tdbc::sqlite3-3.2 {result set: wrong # args} {*}{
-body {
set stmt [::db prepare {
$stmt execute with extra args
-returnCodes error
-match glob
-result {wrong # args*}
-cleanup {
catch [rename $stmt {}]
test tdbc::sqlite3-3.3 {result set: trying to create against a non-object} {*}{
-body {
tdbc::sqlite3::resultset create rs nothing
-returnCodes error
-match glob
-result {invalid command name*}
test tdbc::sqlite3-3.4 {result set: trying to create against a non-statement} {*}{
-body {
tdbc::sqlite3::resultset create rs db
-returnCodes error
-match glob
-result {unknown method*}
# Following tests need a 'people' table in the database
set stmt [::db prepare {
set rs [$stmt execute]
rename $rs {}
rename $stmt {}
test tdbc::sqlite3-4.1 {execute an insert with no params} {*}{
-body {
set stmt [::db prepare {
INSERT INTO people(idnum, name, info) values(1, 'fred', 0)
set rs [$stmt execute]
list [$rs rowcount] [$rs columns] [$rs nextrow nothing]
-result {1 {} 0}
-cleanup {
catch {
rename $rs {}
rename $stmt {}
set stmt [::db prepare {
set rs [$stmt execute]
rename $rs {}
rename $stmt {}
test tdbc::sqlite3-4.2 {execute an insert with variable parameters} {*}{
-body {
set stmt [::db prepare {
INSERT INTO people(idnum, name, info) values(:idnum, :name, 0)
$stmt paramtype idnum integer
$stmt paramtype name varchar 40
set idnum 1
set name fred
set rs [$stmt execute]
list [$rs rowcount] [$rs columns] [$rs nextrow nothing]
-result {1 {} 0}
-cleanup {
catch {
rename $rs {}
rename $stmt {}
set stmt [::db prepare {
set rs [$stmt execute]
rename $rs {}
rename $stmt {}
test tdbc::sqlite3-4.3 {execute an insert with dictionary parameters} {*}{
-body {
set stmt [::db prepare {
INSERT INTO people(idnum, name, info) values(:idnum, :name, 0)
$stmt paramtype idnum integer
$stmt paramtype name varchar 40
set rs [$stmt execute {idnum 1 name fred}]
list [$rs rowcount] [$rs columns] [$rs nextrow nothing]
-result {1 {} 0}
-cleanup {
catch {
rename $rs {}
rename $stmt {}
set stmt [::db prepare {
set rs [$stmt execute]
rename $rs {}
rename $stmt {}
test tdbc::sqlite3-4.4 {bad dictionary} {*}{
-body {
set stmt [::db prepare {
INSERT INTO people(idnum, name, info) values(:idnum, :name)
$stmt paramtype idnum integer
$stmt paramtype name varchar 40
$stmt execute {idnum 1 name}
-returnCodes error
-result {missing value to go with key}
-cleanup {
catch {
rename $stmt {}
set stmt [::db prepare {
set rs [$stmt execute]
rename $rs {}
rename $stmt {}
test tdbc::sqlite3-4.7 {missing parameter - nullable} {*}{
-setup {
catch {unset info}
set stmt [::db prepare {
INSERT INTO people(idnum, name, info) values(:idnum, :name, :info)
$stmt paramtype idnum integer
$stmt paramtype name varchar 40
$stmt paramtype info integer
set stmt2 [::db prepare {
SELECT name, info FROM people WHERE idnum = :idnum
$stmt2 paramtype idnum integer
-body {
set name "mr. gravel"
set idnum 100
set rs [$stmt execute]
rename $rs {}
set rs [$stmt2 execute]
$rs nextrow -as dicts row
set row
-result {name {mr. gravel}}
-cleanup {
catch {rename $rs {}}
catch {
rename $stmt {}
rename $stmt2 {}
set stmt [::db prepare {
set rs [$stmt execute]
rename $rs {}
rename $stmt {}
test tdbc::sqlite3-4.8 {missing parameter in dictionary - nullable} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
INSERT INTO people(idnum, name, info) values(:idnum, :name, :info)
$stmt paramtype idnum integer
$stmt paramtype name varchar 40
$stmt paramtype info integer
set stmt2 [::db prepare {
SELECT name, info FROM people WHERE idnum = :idnum
$stmt2 paramtype idnum integer
-body {
set rs [$stmt execute {name {gary granite} idnum 200}]
rename $rs {}
set rs [$stmt2 execute {idnum 200}]
$rs nextrow -as dicts row
set row
-result {name {gary granite}}
-cleanup {
catch {rename $rs {}}
catch {
rename $stmt {}
rename $stmt2 {}
set stmt [::db prepare {
set rs [$stmt execute]
rename $rs {}
rename $stmt {}
test tdbc::sqlite3-4.9 {two result sets open against the same statement} {*}{
-body {
set stmt [::db prepare {
INSERT INTO people(idnum, name, info) values(:idnum, :name, 0)
$stmt paramtype idnum integer
$stmt paramtype name varchar 40
set rs1 [$stmt execute {idnum 1 name fred}]
set rs2 [$stmt execute {idnum 2 name wilma}]
list [$rs1 rowcount] [$rs1 columns] [$rs1 nextrow nothing] \
[$rs2 rowcount] [$rs2 columns] [$rs2 nextrow nothing]
-result {1 {} 0 1 {} 0}
-cleanup {
catch {
rename $rs1 {}
rename $rs2 {}
rename $stmt {}
set stmt [::db prepare {
set rs [$stmt execute]
rename $rs {}
rename $stmt {}
test tdbc::sqlite3-4.10 {failed execution} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
INSERT INTO people(idnum, name, info) values(:idnum, :name, 0)
$stmt paramtype idnum integer
$stmt paramtype name varchar 40
set rs [$stmt execute {idnum 1 name fred}]
rename $rs {}
-body {
catch {$stmt execute {idnum 1 name barney}}
-cleanup {
rename $stmt {}
set stmt [::db prepare {
set rs [$stmt execute]
rename $rs {}
rename $stmt {}
-result 1
if 0 {
# following tests check error syntax for 'paramtype' - and tdbcsqlite3
# ignores paramtype, so they're kind of meaningless
test tdbc::sqlite3-5.1 {paramtype - too few args} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
INSERT INTO people(idnum, name, info) values(:idnum, :name, 0)
-body {
$stmt paramtype idnum
-cleanup {
rename $stmt {}
-returnCodes error
-match glob
-result {wrong # args*}
test tdbc::sqlite3-5.2 {paramtype - just a direction} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
INSERT INTO people(idnum, name, info) values(:idnum, :name, 0)
-body {
$stmt paramtype idnum in
-cleanup {
rename $stmt {}
-returnCodes error
-match glob
-result {wrong # args*}
test tdbc::sqlite3-5.3 {paramtype - bad type} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
INSERT INTO people(idnum, name, info) values(:idnum, :name, 0)
-body {
$stmt paramtype idnum rubbish
-cleanup {
rename $stmt {}
-returnCodes error
-match glob
-result {bad SQL data type "rubbish":*}
test tdbc::sqlite3-5.4 {paramtype - bad scale} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
INSERT INTO people(idnum, name, info) values(:idnum, :name, 0)
-body {
$stmt paramtype idnum decimal rubbish
-cleanup {
rename $stmt {}
-returnCodes error
-match glob
-result {expected integer but got "rubbish"}
test tdbc::sqlite3-5.5 {paramtype - bad precision} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
INSERT INTO people(idnum, name, info) values(:idnum, :name, 0)
-body {
$stmt paramtype idnum decimal 12 rubbish
-cleanup {
rename $stmt {}
-returnCodes error
-match glob
-result {expected integer but got "rubbish"}
test tdbc::sqlite3-5.6 {paramtype - unknown parameter} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
INSERT INTO people(idnum, name, info) values(:idnum, :name, 0)
-body {
$stmt paramtype rubbish integer
-cleanup {
rename $stmt {}
-returnCodes error
-match glob
-result {unknown parameter "rubbish":*}
test tdbc::sqlite3-6.1 {rowcount - wrong args} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
INSERT INTO people(idnum, name, info) values(:idnum, :name, 0)
$stmt paramtype idnum integer
$stmt paramtype name varchar 40
set rs [$stmt execute {idnum 1 name fred}]
-body {
$rs rowcount rubbish
-cleanup {
rename $rs {}
rename $stmt {}
set stmt [::db prepare {
set rs [$stmt execute]
rename $rs {}
rename $stmt {}
-returnCodes error
-match glob
-result "wrong \# args*"
# next tests require data in the database
catch {
set stmt [db prepare {
INSERT INTO people(idnum, name, info) VALUES(:idnum, :name, NULL)
$stmt paramtype idnum integer
$stmt paramtype name varchar 40
set idnum 1
foreach name {fred wilma pebbles barney betty bam-bam} {
set rs [$stmt execute]
rename $rs {}
incr idnum
rename $stmt {}
test tdbc::sqlite3-7.1 {columns - bad args} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT * FROM people
set rs [$stmt execute]
-body {
$rs columns rubbish
-cleanup {
rename $rs {}
rename $stmt {}
-returnCodes error
-match glob
-result {wrong # args*}
test tdbc::sqlite3-7.2 {columns - get column names} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT * FROM people
set rs [$stmt execute]
-body {
$rs columns
-cleanup {
rename $rs {}
rename $stmt {}
-result {idnum name info}
test tdbc::sqlite3-8.1 {nextrow - as dicts} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people ORDER BY idnum
set rs [$stmt execute]
-body {
set idnum 1
set names {}
while {[$rs nextrow -- row]} {
if {$idnum != [dict get $row idnum]} {
error [list bad idnum [dict get $row idnum] should be $idnum]
lappend names [dict get $row name]
incr idnum
set names
-cleanup {
rename $rs {}
rename $stmt {}
-result {fred wilma pebbles barney betty bam-bam}
test tdbc::sqlite3-8.2 {nextrow - as lists} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people ORDER BY idnum
set rs [$stmt execute]
-body {
set idnum 1
set names {}
while {[$rs nextrow -as lists -- row]} {
if {$idnum != [lindex $row 0]} {
error [list bad idnum [lindex $row 0] should be $idnum]
lappend names [lindex $row 1]
incr idnum
set names
-cleanup {
rename $rs {}
rename $stmt {}
-result {fred wilma pebbles barney betty bam-bam}
test tdbc::sqlite3-8.3 {nextrow - bad cursor state} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people ORDER BY idnum
-body {
set rs [$stmt execute]
set names {}
while {[$rs nextrow row]} {}
$rs nextrow row
-cleanup {
rename $rs {}
rename $stmt {}
-result 0
test tdbc::sqlite3-8.4 {anonymous columns - dicts} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT COUNT(*), MAX(idnum) FROM people
set rs [$stmt execute]
-body {
list \
[$rs nextrow row] \
$row \
[$rs nextrow row]
-cleanup {
$stmt close
-match glob
-result {1 {* 6 * 6} 0}
test tdbc::sqlite3-8.5 {anonymous columns - lists} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT COUNT(*), MAX(idnum) FROM people
set rs [$stmt execute]
-body {
list [$rs nextrow -as lists row] \
$row \
[$rs nextrow -as lists row]
-cleanup {
$stmt close
-result {1 {6 6} 0}
test tdbc::sqlite3-8.6 {null results - dicts} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT idnum, name, info FROM people WHERE name = 'fred'
set rs [$stmt execute]
-body {
list [$rs nextrow row] $row [$rs nextrow row]
-cleanup {
$stmt close
-result {1 {idnum 1 name fred} 0}
test tdbc::sqlite3-8.7 {null results - lists} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT idnum, name, info FROM people WHERE name = 'fred'
set rs [$stmt execute]
-body {
list [$rs nextrow -as lists -- row] $row [$rs nextrow -as lists -- row]
-cleanup {
$stmt close
-result {1 {1 fred {}} 0}
test tdbc::sqlite3-9.1 {rs foreach var script} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'b%'
set rs [$stmt execute]
-body {
set result {}
$rs foreach row {
lappend result $row
set result
-cleanup {
$rs close
$stmt close
-result {{idnum 4 name barney} {idnum 5 name betty} {idnum 6 name bam-bam}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-9.2 {stmt foreach var script} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'b%'
-body {
set result {}
$stmt foreach row {
lappend result $row
set result
-cleanup {
$stmt close
-result {{idnum 4 name barney} {idnum 5 name betty} {idnum 6 name bam-bam}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-9.3 {db foreach var sqlcode script} {*}{
-body {
set result {}
db foreach row {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'b%'
} {
lappend result $row
set result
-result {{idnum 4 name barney} {idnum 5 name betty} {idnum 6 name bam-bam}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-9.4 {rs foreach -- var script} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'b%'
set rs [$stmt execute]
-body {
set result {}
$rs foreach -- row {
lappend result $row
set result
-cleanup {
$rs close
$stmt close
-result {{idnum 4 name barney} {idnum 5 name betty} {idnum 6 name bam-bam}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-9.5 {stmt foreach -- var script} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'b%'
-body {
set result {}
$stmt foreach -- row {
lappend result $row
set result
-cleanup {
$stmt close
-result {{idnum 4 name barney} {idnum 5 name betty} {idnum 6 name bam-bam}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-9.6 {db foreach -- var query script} {*}{
-body {
set result {}
db foreach -- row {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'b%'
} {
lappend result $row
set result
-result {{idnum 4 name barney} {idnum 5 name betty} {idnum 6 name bam-bam}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-9.7 {rs foreach -- -as lists} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT idnum, name, info FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'b%'
set rs [$stmt execute]
-body {
set result {}
$rs foreach -as lists row {
lappend result $row
set result
-cleanup {
$rs close
$stmt close
-result {{4 barney {}} {5 betty {}} {6 bam-bam {}}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-9.8 {stmt foreach -as lists} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT idnum, name, info FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'b%'
-body {
set result {}
$stmt foreach -as lists row {
lappend result $row
set result
-cleanup {
$stmt close
-result {{4 barney {}} {5 betty {}} {6 bam-bam {}}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-9.9 {db foreach -as lists} {*}{
-body {
set result {}
db foreach -as lists row {
SELECT idnum, name, info FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'b%'
} {
lappend result $row
set result
-result {{4 barney {}} {5 betty {}} {6 bam-bam {}}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-9.10 {rs foreach -as lists --} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT idnum, name, info FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'b%'
set rs [$stmt execute]
-body {
set result {}
$rs foreach -as lists -- row {
lappend result $row
set result
-cleanup {
$rs close
$stmt close
-result {{4 barney {}} {5 betty {}} {6 bam-bam {}}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-9.11 {stmt foreach -as lists --} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT idnum, name, info FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'b%'
-body {
set result {}
$stmt foreach -as lists -- row {
lappend result $row
set result
-cleanup {
$stmt close
-result {{4 barney {}} {5 betty {}} {6 bam-bam {}}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-9.12 {db foreach -as lists --} {*}{
-body {
set result {}
db foreach -as lists row {
SELECT idnum, name, info FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'b%'
} {
lappend result $row
set result
-result {{4 barney {}} {5 betty {}} {6 bam-bam {}}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-9.13 {rs foreach -as lists -columnsvar c --} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'b%'
set rs [$stmt execute]
-body {
set result {}
$rs foreach -as lists -columnsvar c -- row {
foreach cn $c cv $row {
lappend result $cn $cv
set result
-cleanup {
$rs close
$stmt close
-result {idnum 4 name barney idnum 5 name betty idnum 6 name bam-bam}
test tdbc::sqlite3-9.14 {stmt foreach -as lists -columnsvar c --} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'b%'
-body {
set result {}
$stmt foreach -as lists -columnsvar c -- row {
foreach cn $c cv $row {
lappend result $cn $cv
set result
-cleanup {
$stmt close
-result {idnum 4 name barney idnum 5 name betty idnum 6 name bam-bam}
test tdbc::sqlite3-9.15 {db foreach -as lists -columnsvar c --} {*}{
-body {
set result {}
db foreach -as lists -columnsvar c -- row {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'b%'
} {
foreach cn $c cv $row {
lappend result $cn $cv
set result
-result {idnum 4 name barney idnum 5 name betty idnum 6 name bam-bam}
test tdbc::sqlite3-9.16 {rs foreach / break out of loop} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT idnum, name, info FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'b%'
set rs [$stmt execute]
-body {
set result {}
$rs foreach -as lists -- row {
if {[lindex $row 1] eq {betty}} break
lappend result $row
set result
-cleanup {
$rs close
$stmt close
-result {{4 barney {}}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-9.17 {stmt foreach / break out of loop} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT idnum, name, info FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'b%'
-body {
set result {}
$stmt foreach -as lists -- row {
if {[lindex $row 1] eq {betty}} break
lappend result $row
set result
-cleanup {
$stmt close
-result {{4 barney {}}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-9.18 {db foreach / break out of loop} {*}{
-body {
set result {}
db foreach -as lists -- row {
SELECT idnum, name, info FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'b%'
} {
if {[lindex $row 1] eq {betty}} break
lappend result $row
set result
-result {{4 barney {}}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-9.19 {rs foreach / continue in loop} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT idnum, name, info FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'b%'
set rs [$stmt execute]
-body {
set result {}
$rs foreach -as lists -- row {
if {[lindex $row 1] eq {betty}} continue
lappend result $row
set result
-cleanup {
$rs close
$stmt close
-result {{4 barney {}} {6 bam-bam {}}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-9.20 {stmt foreach / continue in loop} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT idnum, name, info FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'b%'
-body {
set result {}
$stmt foreach -as lists -- row {
if {[lindex $row 1] eq {betty}} continue
lappend result $row
set result
-cleanup {
$stmt close
-result {{4 barney {}} {6 bam-bam {}}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-9.21 {db foreach / continue in loop} {*}{
-body {
set result {}
db foreach -as lists -- row {
SELECT idnum, name, info FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'b%'
} {
if {[lindex $row 1] eq {betty}} continue
lappend result $row
set result
-result {{4 barney {}} {6 bam-bam {}}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-9.22 {rs foreach / return out of the loop} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'b%'
set rs [$stmt execute]
proc tdbc::sqlite3-9.22 {rs} {
$rs foreach -as lists -- row {
if {[lindex $row 1] eq {betty}} {
return [lindex $row 0]
return failed
-body {
tdbc::sqlite3-9.22 $rs
-cleanup {
rename tdbc::sqlite3-9.22 {}
rename $rs {}
rename $stmt {}
-result 5
test tdbc::sqlite3-9.23 {stmt foreach / return out of the loop} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'b%'
proc tdbc::sqlite3-9.23 {stmt} {
$stmt foreach -as lists -- row {
if {[lindex $row 1] eq {betty}} {
return [lindex $row 0]
return failed
-body {
tdbc::sqlite3-9.23 $stmt
-cleanup {
rename tdbc::sqlite3-9.23 {}
rename $stmt {}
-result 5
test tdbc::sqlite3-9.24 {db foreach / return out of the loop} {*}{
-setup {
proc tdbc::sqlite3-9.24 {stmt} {
db foreach -as lists -- row {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'b%'
} {
if {[lindex $row 1] eq {betty}} {
return [lindex $row 0]
return failed
-body {
tdbc::sqlite3-9.24 $stmt
-cleanup {
rename tdbc::sqlite3-9.24 {}
-result 5
test tdbc::sqlite3-9.25 {rs foreach / error out of the loop} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'b%'
set rs [$stmt execute]
proc tdbc::sqlite3-9.25 {rs} {
$rs foreach -as lists -- row {
if {[lindex $row 1] eq {betty}} {
error [lindex $row 0]
return failed
-body {
tdbc::sqlite3-9.25 $rs
-cleanup {
rename tdbc::sqlite3-9.25 {}
rename $rs {}
rename $stmt {}
-returnCodes error
-result 5
test tdbc::sqlite3-9.26 {stmt foreach - error out of the loop} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'b%'
proc tdbc::sqlite3-9.26 {stmt} {
$stmt foreach -as lists -- row {
if {[lindex $row 1] eq {betty}} {
error [lindex $row 0]
return failed
-body {
tdbc::sqlite3-9.26 $stmt
-cleanup {
rename tdbc::sqlite3-9.26 {}
rename $stmt {}
-returnCodes error
-result 5
test tdbc::sqlite3-9.27 {db foreach / error out of the loop} {*}{
-setup {
proc tdbc::sqlite3-9.27 {} {
db foreach -as lists -- row {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'b%'
} {
if {[lindex $row 1] eq {betty}} {
error [lindex $row 0]
return failed
-body {
-cleanup {
rename tdbc::sqlite3-9.27 {}
-returnCodes error
-result 5
test tdbc::sqlite3-9.28 {rs foreach / unknown status from the loop} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'b%'
set rs [$stmt execute]
proc tdbc::sqlite3-9.28 {rs} {
$rs foreach -as lists -- row {
if {[lindex $row 1] eq {betty}} {
return -code 666 -level 0 [lindex $row 0]
return failed
-body {
tdbc::sqlite3-9.28 $rs
-cleanup {
rename tdbc::sqlite3-9.28 {}
rename $rs {}
rename $stmt {}
-returnCodes 666
-result 5
test tdbc::sqlite3-9.29 {stmt foreach / unknown status from the loop} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'b%'
proc tdbc::sqlite3-9.29 {stmt} {
$stmt foreach -as lists -- row {
if {[lindex $row 1] eq {betty}} {
return -code 666 -level 0 [lindex $row 0]
return failed
-body {
tdbc::sqlite3-9.29 $stmt
-cleanup {
rename tdbc::sqlite3-9.29 {}
rename $stmt {}
-returnCodes 666
-result 5
test tdbc::sqlite3-9.30 {db foreach / unknown status from the loop} {*}{
-setup {
proc tdbc::sqlite3-9.30 {stmt} {
db foreach -as lists -- row {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'b%'
} {
if {[lindex $row 1] eq {betty}} {
return -code 666 -level 0 [lindex $row 0]
return failed
-body {
tdbc::sqlite3-9.30 $stmt
-cleanup {
rename tdbc::sqlite3-9.30 {}
-returnCodes 666
-result 5
test tdbc::sqlite3-9.31 {stmt foreach / params in variables} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people WHERE name LIKE :thePattern
$stmt paramtype thePattern varchar 40
-body {
set result {}
set thePattern b%
$stmt foreach row {
lappend result $row
set result
-cleanup {
$stmt close
-result {{idnum 4 name barney} {idnum 5 name betty} {idnum 6 name bam-bam}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-9.32 {db foreach / params in variables} {*}{
-body {
set result {}
set thePattern b%
db foreach row {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people WHERE name LIKE :thePattern
} {
lappend result $row
set result
-result {{idnum 4 name barney} {idnum 5 name betty} {idnum 6 name bam-bam}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-9.33 {stmt foreach / parameters in a dictionary} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people WHERE name LIKE :thePattern
$stmt paramtype thePattern varchar 40
-body {
set result {}
$stmt foreach row {thePattern b%} {
lappend result $row
set result
-cleanup {
$stmt close
-result {{idnum 4 name barney} {idnum 5 name betty} {idnum 6 name bam-bam}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-9.34 {db foreach / parameters in a dictionary} {*}{
-body {
set result {}
db foreach row {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people WHERE name LIKE :thePattern
} {thePattern b%} {
lappend result $row
set result
-result {{idnum 4 name barney} {idnum 5 name betty} {idnum 6 name bam-bam}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-9.35 {stmt foreach - variable not found} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people WHERE name LIKE :thePattern
$stmt paramtype thePattern varchar 40
catch {unset thePattern}
-body {
set result {}
set thePattern(bogosity) {}
$stmt foreach row {
lappend result $row
set result
-cleanup {
unset thePattern
$stmt close
-result {}
test tdbc::sqlite3-9.36 {db foreach - variable not found} {*}{
-setup {
catch {unset thePattern}
-body {
set result {}
set thePattern(bogosity) {}
db foreach row {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people WHERE name LIKE :thePattern
} {
lappend result $row
set result
-cleanup {
unset thePattern
-result {}
test tdbc::sqlite3-9.37 {rs foreach - too few args} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people
set rs [$stmt execute]
-body {
$rs foreach row
-cleanup {
$rs close
$stmt close
-returnCodes error
-result {wrong # args*}
-match glob
test tdbc::sqlite3-9.38 {stmt foreach - too few args} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people
-body {
$stmt foreach row
-cleanup {
$stmt close
-returnCodes error
-result {wrong # args*}
-match glob
test tdbc::sqlite3-9.39 {db foreach - too few args} {*}{
-body {
db foreach row {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people
-returnCodes error
-result {wrong # args*}
-match glob
test tdbc::sqlite3-9.40 {rs foreach - too many args} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people
set rs [$stmt execute]
-body {
$rs foreach row do something
-cleanup {
$rs close
$stmt close
-returnCodes error
-result {wrong # args*}
-match glob
test tdbc::sqlite3-9.41 {stmt foreach - too many args} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people
-body {
$stmt foreach row do something else
-cleanup {
$stmt close
-returnCodes error
-result {wrong # args*}
-match glob
test tdbc::sqlite3-9.42 {db foreach - too many args} {*}{
-body {
db foreach row {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people
} {} do something
-returnCodes error
-result {wrong # args*}
-match glob
test tdbc::sqlite3-10.1 {allrows - no args} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'b%'
set rs [$stmt execute]
-body {
$rs allrows
-cleanup {
rename $rs {}
rename $stmt {}
-result {{idnum 4 name barney} {idnum 5 name betty} {idnum 6 name bam-bam}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-10.2 {allrows - no args} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'b%'
-body {
$stmt allrows
-cleanup {
rename $stmt {}
-result {{idnum 4 name barney} {idnum 5 name betty} {idnum 6 name bam-bam}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-10.3 {allrows - no args} {*}{
-body {
db allrows {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'b%'
-result {{idnum 4 name barney} {idnum 5 name betty} {idnum 6 name bam-bam}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-10.4 {allrows --} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'b%'
set rs [$stmt execute]
-body {
$rs allrows --
-cleanup {
rename $rs {}
rename $stmt {}
-result {{idnum 4 name barney} {idnum 5 name betty} {idnum 6 name bam-bam}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-10.5 {allrows --} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'b%'
-body {
$stmt allrows --
-cleanup {
rename $stmt {}
-result {{idnum 4 name barney} {idnum 5 name betty} {idnum 6 name bam-bam}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-10.6 {allrows --} {*}{
-body {
db allrows -- {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'b%'
-result {{idnum 4 name barney} {idnum 5 name betty} {idnum 6 name bam-bam}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-10.7 {allrows -as lists} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'b%'
set rs [$stmt execute]
-body {
$rs allrows -as lists
-cleanup {
rename $rs {}
rename $stmt {}
-result {{4 barney} {5 betty} {6 bam-bam}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-10.8 {allrows -as lists} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'b%'
-body {
$stmt allrows -as lists
-cleanup {
rename $stmt {}
-result {{4 barney} {5 betty} {6 bam-bam}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-10.9 {allrows -as lists} {*}{
-body {
db allrows -as lists {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'b%'
-result {{4 barney} {5 betty} {6 bam-bam}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-10.10 {allrows -as lists --} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'b%'
set rs [$stmt execute]
-body {
$rs allrows -as lists --
-cleanup {
rename $rs {}
rename $stmt {}
-result {{4 barney} {5 betty} {6 bam-bam}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-10.11 {allrows -as lists --} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'b%'
-body {
$stmt allrows -as lists --
-cleanup {
rename $stmt {}
-result {{4 barney} {5 betty} {6 bam-bam}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-10.12 {allrows -as lists --} {*}{
-body {
db allrows -as lists -- {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'b%'
-result {{4 barney} {5 betty} {6 bam-bam}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-10.13 {allrows -as lists -columnsvar c} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'b%'
set rs [$stmt execute]
-body {
set result [$rs allrows -as lists -columnsvar c]
list $c $result
-cleanup {
rename $rs {}
rename $stmt {}
-result {{idnum name} {{4 barney} {5 betty} {6 bam-bam}}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-10.14 {allrows -as lists -columnsvar c} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'b%'
-body {
set result [$stmt allrows -as lists -columnsvar c]
list $c $result
-cleanup {
rename $stmt {}
-result {{idnum name} {{4 barney} {5 betty} {6 bam-bam}}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-10.15 {allrows -as lists -columnsvar c} {*}{
-body {
set result [db allrows -as lists -columnsvar c {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'b%'
list $c $result
-result {{idnum name} {{4 barney} {5 betty} {6 bam-bam}}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-10.16 {allrows - correct lexical scoping of variables} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people WHERE name LIKE :thePattern
$stmt paramtype thePattern varchar 40
-body {
set thePattern b%
$stmt allrows
-cleanup {
$stmt close
-result {{idnum 4 name barney} {idnum 5 name betty} {idnum 6 name bam-bam}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-10.17 {allrows - parameters in a dictionary} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people WHERE name LIKE :thePattern
$stmt paramtype thePattern varchar 40
-body {
$stmt allrows {thePattern b%}
-cleanup {
$stmt close
-result {{idnum 4 name barney} {idnum 5 name betty} {idnum 6 name bam-bam}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-10.18 {allrows - parameters in a dictionary} {*}{
-body {
db allrows {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people WHERE name LIKE :thePattern
} {thePattern b%}
-result {{idnum 4 name barney} {idnum 5 name betty} {idnum 6 name bam-bam}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-10.19 {allrows - variable not found} {*}{
-setup {
catch {unset thePattern}
-body {
set thePattern(bogosity) {}
db allrows {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people WHERE name LIKE :thePattern
-cleanup {
unset thePattern
-result {}
test tdbc::sqlite3-10.20 {allrows - too many args} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people
-body {
$stmt allrows {} rubbish
-cleanup {
$stmt close
-returnCodes error
-result {wrong # args*}
-match glob
test tdbc::sqlite3-10.21 {bad -as} {*}{
-body {
db allrows -as trash {
SELECT idnum, name FROM people
-returnCodes error
-result {bad variable type "trash": must be lists or dicts}
test tdbc::sqlite3-11.1 {update - no rows} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
UPDATE people SET info = 1 WHERE idnum > 6
set rs [$stmt execute]
-body {
$rs rowcount
-cleanup {
rename $rs {}
rename $stmt {}
-result 0
test tdbc::sqlite3-11.2 {update - unique row} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
UPDATE people SET info = 1 WHERE name = 'fred'
-body {
set rs [$stmt execute]
$rs rowcount
-cleanup {
rename $rs {}
rename $stmt {}
-result 1
test tdbc::sqlite3-11.3 {update - multiple rows} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
UPDATE people SET info = 1 WHERE name LIKE 'b%'
-body {
set rs [$stmt execute]
$rs rowcount
-cleanup {
rename $rs {}
rename $stmt {}
-result 3
test tdbc::sqlite3-12.1 {delete - no rows} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
DELETE FROM people WHERE name = 'nobody'
-body {
set rs [$stmt execute]
$rs rowcount
-cleanup {
rename $rs {}
rename $stmt {}
-result 0
test tdbc::sqlite3-12.2 {delete - unique row} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
DELETE FROM people WHERE name = 'fred'
-body {
set rs [$stmt execute]
$rs rowcount
-cleanup {
rename $rs {}
rename $stmt {}
-result 1
test tdbc::sqlite3-12.3 {delete - multiple rows} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
DELETE FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'b%'
-body {
set rs [$stmt execute]
$rs rowcount
-cleanup {
rename $rs {}
rename $stmt {}
-result 3
test tdbc::sqlite3-13.1 {resultsets - no results} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt [::db prepare {
SELECT name FROM people WHERE idnum = $idnum
-body {
list \
[llength [$stmt resultsets]] \
[llength [::db resultsets]]
-cleanup {
rename $stmt {}
-result {0 0}
test tdbc::sqlite3-13.2 {resultsets - various statements and results} {*}{
-setup {
for {set i 0} {$i < 6} {incr i} {
set stmts($i) [::db prepare {
SELECT name FROM people WHERE idnum = :idnum
$stmts($i) paramtype idnum integer
for {set j 0} {$j < $i} {incr j} {
set resultsets($i,$j) [$stmts($i) execute [list idnum $j]]
for {set j 1} {$j < $i} {incr j 2} {
$resultsets($i,$j) close
unset resultsets($i,$j)
-body {
set x [list [llength [::db resultsets]]]
for {set i 0} {$i < 6} {incr i} {
lappend x [llength [$stmts($i) resultsets]]
set x
-cleanup {
for {set i 0} {$i < 6} {incr i} {
$stmts($i) close
-result {9 0 1 1 2 2 3}
# reset the database again
catch {
db allrows {DELETE FROM people}
set stmt [db prepare {
INSERT INTO people(idnum, name, info) VALUES(:idnum, :name, NULL)
$stmt paramtype idnum integer
$stmt paramtype name varchar 40
set idnum 1
foreach name {fred wilma pebbles barney betty bam-bam} {
set rs [$stmt execute]
rename $rs {}
incr idnum
rename $stmt {}
test tdbc::sqlite3-13.3 {duplicate column names} {*}{
-constraints knownBug
-body {
::db allrows -as dicts -- {
select a.name, b.name, c.name from people a, people b, people c
where a.idnum = 1
and b.idnum = a.idnum + 1
and c.idnum = a.idnum + 2
-result {{name fred name#2 wilma name#3 pebbles}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-13.4 {duplicate column names} {*}{
-constraints knownBug
-body {
::db allrows -as dicts -- {
select a.name, b.name, c.name as "name#2"
from people a, people b, people c
where a.idnum = 1
and b.idnum = a.idnum + 1
and c.idnum = a.idnum + 2
-result {{name fred name#2 wilma name#2#1 pebbles}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-13.5 {duplicate column names} {*}{
-constraints knownBug
-body {
::db allrows -as dicts -- {
select a.name, b.name as "name#2", c.name
from people a, people b, people c
where a.idnum = 1
and b.idnum = a.idnum + 1
and c.idnum = a.idnum + 2
-result {{name fred name#2 wilma name#2#1 pebbles}}
# next tests require a fresh database connection. Close the existing one down
catch {
set stmt [db prepare {
$stmt execute
catch {
rename ::db {}
tdbc::sqlite3::connection create ::db $::testDBName
catch {
set stmt [db prepare {
INSERT INTO people(idnum, name, info) VALUES(:idnum, :name, NULL)
$stmt paramtype idnum integer
$stmt paramtype name varchar 40
set idnum 1
foreach name {fred wilma pebbles barney betty bam-bam} {
set rs [$stmt execute]
rename $rs {}
incr idnum
rename $stmt {}
test tdbc::sqlite3-14.1 {begin transaction - wrong # args} {*}{
-body {
::db begintransaction junk
-returnCodes error
-match glob
-result {wrong # args*}
test tdbc::sqlite3-14.2 {commit - wrong # args} {*}{
-body {
::db commit junk
-returnCodes error
-match glob
-result {wrong # args*}
test tdbc::sqlite3-14.3 {rollback - wrong # args} {*}{
-body {
::db rollback junk
-returnCodes error
-match glob
-result {wrong # args*}
test tdbc::sqlite3-14.4 {commit - not in transaction} {*}{
-body {
list [catch {::db commit} result] $result
-result {1 {cannot commit - no transaction is active}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-14.5 {rollback - not in transaction} {*}{
-body {
list [catch {::db rollback} result] $result
-match glob
-result {1 {cannot rollback - no transaction is active}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-14.6 {empty transaction} {*}{
-body {
::db begintransaction
::db commit
-result {}
test tdbc::sqlite3-14.7 {empty rolled-back transaction} {*}{
-body {
::db begintransaction
::db rollback
-result {}
test tdbc::sqlite3-14.8 {rollback does not change database} {*}{
-body {
::db begintransaction
set stmt [::db prepare {DELETE FROM people WHERE name = 'fred'}]
set rs [$stmt execute]
while {[$rs nextrow trash]} {}
rename $rs {}
rename $stmt {}
::db rollback
set stmt [::db prepare {SELECT idnum FROM people WHERE name = 'fred'}]
set id {changes still visible after rollback}
set rs [$stmt execute]
while {[$rs nextrow -as lists row]} {
set id [lindex $row 0]
rename $rs {}
rename $stmt {}
set id
-result 1
test tdbc::sqlite3-14.9 {commit does change database} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt1 [db prepare {
INSERT INTO people(idnum, name, info)
VALUES(7, 'mr. gravel', 0)
set stmt2 [db prepare {
SELECT idnum FROM people WHERE name = 'mr. gravel'
-body {
::db begintransaction
set rs [$stmt1 execute]
rename $rs {}
::db commit
set rs [$stmt2 execute]
while {[$rs nextrow -as lists row]} {
set id [lindex $row 0]
rename $rs {}
set id
-cleanup {
rename $stmt1 {}
rename $stmt2 {}
-result 7
test tdbc::sqlite3-14.10 {nested transactions} {*}{
-body {
::db begintransaction
list [catch {::db begintransaction} result] $result
-cleanup {
catch {::db rollback}
-match glob
-result {1 {cannot start a transaction within a transaction}}
# Clean up database again for the next round.
catch {
set stmt [db prepare {
$stmt execute
catch {
rename ::db {}
tdbc::sqlite3::connection create ::db $::testDBName
catch {
set stmt [db prepare {
INSERT INTO people(idnum, name, info) VALUES(:idnum, :name, NULL)
$stmt paramtype idnum integer
$stmt paramtype name varchar 40
set idnum 1
foreach name {fred wilma pebbles barney betty bam-bam} {
set rs [$stmt execute]
rename $rs {}
incr idnum
rename $stmt {}
test tdbc::sqlite3-15.1 {successful (empty) transaction} {*}{
-body {
db transaction {
concat ok
-result ok
test tdbc::sqlite3-15.2 {failing transaction does not get committed} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt1 [db prepare {
DELETE FROM people WHERE name = 'fred'
set stmt2 [db prepare {
SELECT idnum FROM people WHERE name = 'fred'
-body {
catch {
::db transaction {
set rs [$stmt1 execute]
rename $rs {}
error "abort the transaction"
} result
set id {failed transaction got committed}
set rs [$stmt2 execute]
while {[$rs nextrow -as lists row]} {
set id [lindex $row 0]
rename $rs {}
list $result $id
-cleanup {
rename $stmt1 {}
rename $stmt2 {}
-result {{abort the transaction} 1}
test tdbc::sqlite3-15.3 {successful transaction gets committed} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt1 [db prepare {
INSERT INTO people(idnum, name, info)
VALUES(7, 'mr. gravel', 0)
set stmt2 [db prepare {
SELECT idnum FROM people WHERE name = 'mr. gravel'
-body {
::db transaction {
set rs [$stmt1 execute]
rename $rs {}
set rs [$stmt2 execute]
while {[$rs nextrow -as lists row]} {
set id [lindex $row 0]
rename $rs {}
set id
-cleanup {
rename $stmt1 {}
rename $stmt2 {}
-result 7
test tdbc::sqlite3-15.4 {break out of transaction commits it} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt1 [db prepare {
INSERT INTO people(idnum, name, info)
VALUES(8, 'gary granite', 0)
set stmt2 [db prepare {
SELECT idnum FROM people WHERE name = 'gary granite'
-body {
while {1} {
::db transaction {
set rs [$stmt1 execute]
rename $rs {}
set rs [$stmt2 execute]
while {[$rs nextrow -as lists row]} {
set id [lindex $row 0]
rename $rs {}
set id
-cleanup {
rename $stmt1 {}
rename $stmt2 {}
-result 8
test tdbc::sqlite3-15.5 {continue in transaction commits it} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt1 [db prepare {
INSERT INTO people(idnum, name, info)
VALUES(9, 'hud rockstone', 0)
set stmt2 [db prepare {
SELECT idnum FROM people WHERE name = 'hud rockstone'
-body {
for {set i 0} {$i < 1} {incr i} {
::db transaction {
set rs [$stmt1 execute]
rename $rs {}
set rs [$stmt2 execute]
while {[$rs nextrow -as lists row]} {
set id [lindex $row 0]
rename $rs {}
set id
-cleanup {
rename $stmt1 {}
rename $stmt2 {}
-result 9
test tdbc::sqlite3-15.6 {return in transaction commits it} {*}{
-setup {
set stmt1 [db prepare {
INSERT INTO people(idnum, name, info)
VALUES(10, 'nelson stoneyfeller', 0)
set stmt2 [db prepare {
SELECT idnum FROM people WHERE name = 'nelson stoneyfeller'
proc tdbc::sqlite3-15.6 {stmt1} {
::db transaction {
set rs [$stmt1 execute]
rename $rs {}
-body {
tdbc::sqlite3-15.6 $stmt1
set rs [$stmt2 execute]
while {[$rs nextrow -as lists row]} {
set id [lindex $row 0]
rename $rs {}
set id
-cleanup {
rename $stmt1 {}
rename $stmt2 {}
rename tdbc::sqlite3-15.6 {}
-result 10
test tdbc::sqlite3-16.1 {database tables, wrong # args} {
-body {
set dict [::db tables % rubbish]
-returnCodes error
-match glob
-result {wrong # args*}
test tdbc::sqlite3-16.2 {database tables - empty set} {
-body {
::db tables q%
-result {}
test tdbc::sqlite3-16.3 {enumerate database tables} {*}{
-body {
set dict [::db tables]
list [dict exists $dict people] [dict exists $dict property]
-result {1 0}
test tdbc::sqlite3-16.4 {enumerate database tables} {*}{
-body {
set dict [::db tables p%]
list [dict exists $dict people] [dict exists $dict property]
-result {1 0}
test tdbc::sqlite3-17.1 {database columns - wrong # args} {*}{
-body {
set dict [::db columns people % rubbish]
-returnCodes error
-match glob
-result {wrong # args*}
test tdbc::sqlite3-17.2 {database columns - no such table} {*}{
-body {
::db columns rubbish
-result {}
test tdbc::sqlite3-17.3 {database columns - no match pattern} {*}{
-body {
set result {}
dict for {colname attrs} [::db columns people] {
lappend result $colname \
[dict get $attrs type] \
[expr {[dict exists $attrs precision] ?
[dict get $attrs precision] : {NULL}}] \
[expr {[dict exists $attrs scale] ?
[dict get $attrs scale] : {NULL}}] \
[dict get $attrs nullable]
set result
-match glob
-result {idnum integer * 0 1 name varchar 40 * info integer * 0 1}
# sqlite driver appears not to implement pattern matching for SQLGetColumns
test tdbc::sqlite3-17.4 {database columns - match pattern} {*}{
-body {
set result {}
dict for {colname attrs} [::db columns people i%] {
lappend result $colname \
[dict get $attrs type] \
[expr {[dict exists $attrs precision] ?
[dict get $attrs precision] : {NULL}}] \
[expr {[dict exists $attrs scale] ?
[dict get $attrs scale] : {NULL}}] \
[dict get $attrs nullable]
set result
-result {idnum integer 0 0 1 info integer 0 0 1}
test tdbc::sqlite3-18.1 {$statement params - excess arg} {*}{
-setup {
set s [::db prepare {
SELECT name FROM people
WHERE name LIKE :pattern
AND idnum >= :minid
$s paramtype minid numeric 10 0
$s paramtype pattern varchar 40
-body {
$s params excess
-cleanup {
rename $s {}
-returnCodes error
-match glob
-result {wrong # args*}
test tdbc::sqlite3-18.2 {$statement params - no params} {*}{
-setup {
set s [::db prepare {
SELECT name FROM people
-body {
$s params
-cleanup {
rename $s {}
-result {}
test tdbc::sqlite3-18.3 {$statement params - excess arg} {*}{
-setup {
set s [::db prepare {
SELECT name FROM people
WHERE name LIKE :pattern
AND idnum >= :minid
$s paramtype minid numeric 10 0
$s paramtype pattern varchar 40
-body {
set d [$s params]
list \
[dict get $d minid direction] \
[dict get $d minid type] \
[dict get $d minid precision] \
[dict get $d minid scale] \
[dict get $d pattern direction] \
[dict get $d pattern type] \
[dict get $d pattern precision]
-cleanup {
rename $s {}
-result {in Tcl_Obj 0 0 in Tcl_Obj 0}
test tdbc::sqlite3-19.1 {$connection configure - no args} \
-body {
::db configure
} \
-match glob \
-result [list -encoding utf-8 \
-isolation serializable \
-readonly 0 \
-timeout 0]
test tdbc::sqlite3-19.2 {$connection configure - unknown arg} {*}{
-body {
::db configure -junk
-returnCodes error
-match glob
-result "bad option *"
test tdbc::sqlite3-19.4 {$connection configure - set unknown arg} {*}{
-body {
::db configure -junk morejunk
-returnCodes error
-match glob
-result "bad option *"
test tdbc::sqlite3-19.6 {$connection configure - wrong # args} {*}{
-body {
::db configure -parent . -junk
-returnCodes error
-match glob
-result "wrong # args*"
test tdbc::sqlite3-19.7 {$connection configure - -encoding} {*}{
-body {
::db configure -encoding junk
-returnCodes error
-match glob
-result {-encoding not supported*}
test tdbc::sqlite3-19.9 {$connection configure - -encoding} \
-body {
list [::db configure -encoding utf-8] \
[::db configure -encoding]
} \
-result [list {} utf-8]
test tdbc::sqlite3-19.10 {$connection configure - -isolation} {*}{
-body {
::db configure -isolation junk
-returnCodes error
-match glob
-result {bad isolation level "junk"*}
test tdbc::sqlite3-19.11 {$connection configure - -isolation} {*}{
-body {
list [::db configure -isolation readuncommitted] \
[::db configure -isolation] \
[::db configure -isolation readcommitted] \
[::db configure -isolation]
-result {{} readuncommitted {} serializable}
test tdbc::sqlite3-19.12 {$connection configure - -readonly} {*}{
-body {
::db configure -readonly junk
-returnCodes error
-result {expected boolean value but got "junk"}
test tdbc::sqlite3-19.14 {$connection configure - -timeout} {*}{
-body {
::db configure -timeout junk
-returnCodes error
-result {expected integer but got "junk"}
test tdbc::sqlite3-19.15 {$connection configure - -timeout} {*}{
-body {
catch {::db configure -timeout 5000} result
list [::db configure -timeout 0] [::db configure -timeout]
-result {{} 0}
# Information schema tests require additional tables in the database.
# Create them now.
catch {::db allrows {DROP TABLE d}}
catch {::db allrows {DROP TABLE c}}
catch {::db allrows {DROP TABLE b}}
catch {::db allrows {DROP TABLE a}}
::db allrows {
::db allrows {
::db allrows {
::db allrows {
dtext VARCHAR(40)
test tdbc::sqlite3-23.1 {Primary keys - no arg} {*}{
-body {
::db primarykeys
-returnCodes error
-match glob
-result {wrong # args*}
test tdbc::sqlite3-23.2 {Primary keys - no primary key} {*}{
-body {
::db primarykeys d
-result {}
test tdbc::sqlite3-23.3 {Primary keys - simple primary key} {*}{
-body {
set result {}
foreach row [::db primarykeys a] {
lappend result [dict get $row columnName] [dict get $row ordinalPosition]
set result
-result {k1 1}
test tdbc::sqlite3-23.4 {Primary keys - compound primary key} {*}{
-body {
set result {}
foreach row [::db primarykeys b] {
lappend result [dict get $row columnName] [dict get $row ordinalPosition]
set result
-result {k1 1 k2 2}
test tdbc::sqlite3-24.1 {Foreign keys - wrong # args} {*}{
-body {
::db foreignkeys -wrong
-returnCodes error
-match glob
-result {wrong # args*}
test tdbc::sqlite3-24.2 {Foreign keys - bad arg} {*}{
-body {
::db foreignkeys -primary a -rubbish b
-returnCodes error
-match glob
-result {bad option "-rubbish"*}
test tdbc::sqlite3-24.3 {Foreign keys - redundant arg} {*}{
-body {
::db foreignkeys -primary a -primary b
-returnCodes error
-match glob
-result {duplicate option "primary"*}
test tdbc::sqlite3-24.4 {Foreign keys - list all} \
-body {
set result {}
set wanted {a {} b {} c {} d {} people {}}
foreach row [::db foreignkeys] {
if {[dict exists $wanted [dict get $row foreignTable]]} {
dict set result [dict get $row foreignConstraintName] \
[dict get $row ordinalPosition] \
[list [dict get $row foreignTable] \
[dict get $row foreignColumn] \
[dict get $row primaryTable] \
[dict get $row primaryColumn]]
lsort [dict values $result]
} \
-result [list \
{1 {b k1 a k1}} \
{1 {b k2 a k1}} \
{1 {c p1 a k1}} \
{1 {c p1 b k2} 2 {c p2 b k1}} \
{1 {c p2 a k1}} \
test tdbc::sqlite3-24.5 {Foreign keys - -foreign} \
-body {
set result {}
set wanted {a {} b {} c {} d {} people {}}
foreach row [::db foreignkeys -foreign c] {
if {[dict exists $wanted [dict get $row foreignTable]]} {
dict set result [dict get $row foreignConstraintName] \
[dict get $row ordinalPosition] \
[list [dict get $row foreignTable] \
[dict get $row foreignColumn] \
[dict get $row primaryTable] \
[dict get $row primaryColumn]]
lsort [dict values $result]
} \
-result [list \
{1 {c p1 a k1}} \
{1 {c p1 b k2} 2 {c p2 b k1}} \
{1 {c p2 a k1}} \
test tdbc::sqlite3-24.6 {Foreign keys - -primary} \
-body {
set result {}
set wanted {a {} b {} c {} d {} people {}}
foreach row [::db foreignkeys -primary a] {
if {[dict exists $wanted [dict get $row foreignTable]]} {
dict set result [dict get $row foreignConstraintName] \
[dict get $row ordinalPosition] \
[list [dict get $row foreignTable] \
[dict get $row foreignColumn] \
[dict get $row primaryTable] \
[dict get $row primaryColumn]]
lsort [dict values $result]
} \
-result [list \
{1 {b k1 a k1}} \
{1 {b k2 a k1}} \
{1 {c p1 a k1}} \
{1 {c p2 a k1}}]
test tdbc::sqlite3-24.7 {Foreign keys - -foreign and -primary} \
-body {
set result {}
set wanted {a {} b {} c {} d {} people {}}
foreach row [::db foreignkeys -foreign c -primary b] {
if {[dict exists $wanted [dict get $row foreignTable]]} {
dict set result [dict get $row foreignConstraintName] \
[dict get $row ordinalPosition] \
[list [dict get $row foreignTable] \
[dict get $row foreignColumn] \
[dict get $row primaryTable] \
[dict get $row primaryColumn]]
lsort [dict values $result]
} \
-result [list {1 {c p1 b k2} 2 {c p2 b k1}}]
test tdbc::sqlite3-30.0 {Multiple result sets} {*}{
-body {
set stmt [::db prepare { }]
catch {
set resultset [$stmt execute {}]
catch {
set rowsets {}
while {1} {
set rows {}
while {[$resultset nextrow row]} {
lappend rows $row
lappend rowsets $rows
if {[$resultset nextresults] == 0} break
set rowsets
} results
rename $resultset {}
set results
} results
rename $stmt {}
set results
-result {{}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-30.1 {Multiple result sets - but in reality only one} {*}{
-setup {
::db allrows {delete from people}
set stmt [db prepare {
INSERT INTO people(idnum, name, info) VALUES(:idnum, :name, NULL)
$stmt paramtype idnum integer
$stmt paramtype name varchar 40
set idnum 1
foreach name {fred wilma pebbles barney betty bam-bam} {
set rs [$stmt execute]
rename $rs {}
incr idnum
rename $stmt {}
-body {
set stmt [::db prepare {
select idnum, name from people where name = :a;
catch {
set resultset [$stmt execute {a wilma}]
catch {
set rowsets {}
while {1} {
set rows {}
while {[$resultset nextrow row]} {
lappend rows $row
lappend rowsets $rows
if {[$resultset nextresults] == 0} break
set rowsets
} results
rename $resultset {}
set results
} results
rename $stmt {}
set results
-result {{{idnum 2 name wilma}}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-30.2 {Multiple result sets - actually multiple} {*}{
-setup {
::db allrows {delete from people}
set stmt [db prepare {
INSERT INTO people(idnum, name, info) VALUES(:idnum, :name, NULL)
$stmt paramtype idnum integer
$stmt paramtype name varchar 40
set idnum 1
foreach name {fred wilma pebbles barney betty bam-bam} {
set rs [$stmt execute]
rename $rs {}
incr idnum
rename $stmt {}
-body {
set stmt [::db prepare {
select idnum, name from people where name = :a;
select idnum, name, 1 as something from people where name = :b;
catch {
set resultset [$stmt execute {a wilma b pebbles}]
catch {
set rowsets {}
while {1} {
set rows {}
while {[$resultset nextrow row]} {
lappend rows $row
lappend rowsets $rows
if {[$resultset nextresults] == 0} break
set rowsets
} results
rename $resultset {}
set results
} results
rename $stmt {}
set results
-result {{{idnum 2 name wilma}} {{idnum 3 name pebbles something 1}}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-30.3 {Multiple result sets - try to read past end} {*}{
-setup {
::db allrows {delete from people}
set stmt [db prepare {
INSERT INTO people(idnum, name, info) VALUES(:idnum, :name, NULL)
$stmt paramtype idnum integer
$stmt paramtype name varchar 40
set idnum 1
foreach name {fred wilma pebbles barney betty bam-bam} {
set rs [$stmt execute]
rename $rs {}
incr idnum
rename $stmt {}
-body {
set stmt [::db prepare {
select idnum, name from people where name = :a;
catch {
set resultset [$stmt execute {a wilma}]
catch {
set rowsets {}
while {1} {
set rows {}
while {[$resultset nextrow row]} {
lappend rows $row
lappend rowsets $rows
if {[$resultset nextresults] == 0} break
lappend rowsets [catch {$resultset nextresults} msg] $msg
lappend rowsets [catch {$resultset nextrow foo} msg] $::errorCode
set rowsets
} results
rename $resultset {}
set results
} results
rename $stmt {}
set results
-match glob
-result {{{idnum 2 name wilma}} 0 0 1 {TDBC GENERAL_ERROR HY010 *}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-30.4 {Multiple result sets - foreach} {*}{
-setup {
::db allrows {delete from people}
set stmt [db prepare {
INSERT INTO people(idnum, name, info) VALUES(:idnum, :name, NULL)
$stmt paramtype idnum integer
$stmt paramtype name varchar 40
set idnum 1
foreach name {fred wilma pebbles barney betty bam-bam} {
set rs [$stmt execute]
rename $rs {}
incr idnum
rename $stmt {}
-body {
set rows {}
::db foreach -columnsvar c -- row {
select idnum, name from people where name = :a;
select idnum, name, 1 as something from people where name = :b;
} {a wilma b pebbles} {
lappend rows $c $row
set rows
-result {{idnum name} {idnum 2 name wilma} {idnum name something} {idnum 3 name pebbles something 1}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-30.5 {Multiple result sets - allrows} {*}{
-setup {
::db allrows {delete from people}
set stmt [db prepare {
INSERT INTO people(idnum, name, info) VALUES(:idnum, :name, NULL)
$stmt paramtype idnum integer
$stmt paramtype name varchar 40
set idnum 1
foreach name {fred wilma pebbles barney betty bam-bam} {
set rs [$stmt execute]
rename $rs {}
incr idnum
rename $stmt {}
-body {
::db allrows -as dicts {
select idnum, name from people where name = :a;
select idnum, name, 1 as something from people where name = :b;
} {a wilma b pebbles}
-result {{idnum 2 name wilma} {idnum 3 name pebbles something 1}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-30.6 {Empty result set among multiples} {
-setup {
::db allrows {delete from people}
set stmt [db prepare {
INSERT INTO people(idnum, name, info) VALUES(:idnum, :name, NULL)
$stmt paramtype idnum integer
$stmt paramtype name varchar 40
set idnum 1
foreach name {wilma pebbles barney betty bam-bam} {
set rs [$stmt execute]
rename $rs {}
incr idnum
rename $stmt {}
set stmt [::db prepare {
select idnum from people where name = 'fred';
select idnum from people where name = 'barney';
set rs [$stmt execute]
-body {
set result {}
while {1} {
lappend result resultset
while {[$rs nextdict row]} {
lappend result $row
if {[$rs nextresults] == 0} break
set result
-cleanup {
rename $rs {}
-result {resultset resultset {idnum 3}}
test tdbc::sqlite3-30.7 {Multiple empty result sets} {
-setup {
::db allrows {delete from people}
set stmt [db prepare {
INSERT INTO people(idnum, name, info) VALUES(:idnum, :name, NULL)
$stmt paramtype idnum integer
$stmt paramtype name varchar 40
set idnum 1
foreach name {wilma pebbles betty bam-bam} {
set rs [$stmt execute]
rename $rs {}
incr idnum
rename $stmt {}
set stmt [::db prepare {
select idnum from people where name = 'fred';
select idnum from people where name = 'barney';
set rs [$stmt execute]
-body {
set result {}
while {1} {
lappend result resultset
while {[$rs nextdict row]} {
lappend result $row
if {[$rs nextresults] == 0} break
set result
-cleanup {
rename $rs {}
-result {resultset resultset}
# Test cleanup. Drop tables and get rid of the test database.
catch {::db allrows {DROP TABLE d}}
catch {::db allrows {DROP TABLE c}}
catch {::db allrows {DROP TABLE b}}
catch {::db allrows {DROP TABLE a}}
catch {::db allrows {DROP TABLE people}}
catch {rename ::db {}}
removeFile $testFileName $testdir
removeDirectory tdbctest
# Local Variables:
# mode: tcl
# End: