As OpenFPGA integrates various tools, the commands are categorized into different classes:
Basic Commands
..option:: help
Show help desk to list all the available commands
..option:: exit
Exit OpenFPGA shell
..option:: vpr
OpenFPGA allows users to call ``vpr`` in the standard way as documented in vtr project.
Setup OpenFPGA
..option:: read_openfpga_arch
Read the XML architecture file required by OpenFPGA
-``--file`` or ``-f`` Specify the file name
-``--verbose`` Show verbose log
..option:: write_openfpga_arch
Write the OpenFPGA XML architecture file to a file
-``--file`` or ``-f`` Specify the file name
-``--verbose`` Show verbose log
..option:: link_openfpga_arch
Annotate the OpenFPGA architecture to VPR data base
-``--activity_file`` Specify the signal activity file
-``--sort_gsb_chan_node_in_edges`` Sort the edges for the routing tracks in General Switch Blocks (GSBs). Strongly recommand to turn this on for uniquifying the routing modules
Write the internal structure of General Switch Blocks (GSBs) across a FPGA fabric, including the interconnection between the nodes and node-level details, to XML files
-``--file`` or ``-f`` Specify the output directory of the XML files. Each GSB will be written to an indepedent XML file
-``--verbose`` Show verbose log
..note:: This command is used to help users to study the difference between GSBs
-``--compress_routing`` Enable compression on routing architecture modules. Strongly recommend this as it will minimize the number of routing modules to be outputted. It can reduce the netlist size significantly.
-``--duplicate_grid_pin`` Enable pin duplication on grid modules. This is optional unless ultra-dense layout generation is needed
This must be done before bitstream generator and testbench generation
Strongly recommend it is done after all the fix-up have been applied
-``--verbose`` Show verbose log
..option:: build_architecture_bitstream
Decode VPR implementing results to an fabric-independent bitstream database
-``--file`` or ``-f`` Output the fabric-independent bitstream to an XML file
-``--verbose`` Show verbose log
..option:: build_fabric_bitstream
Reorganize the bitstream database for a specific FPGA fabric
-``--verbose`` Show verbose log
..option:: write_fabric_verilog
Write the Verilog netlist for FPGA fabric based on module graph
-``--file`` or ``-f`` Specify the output directory for the Verilog netlists
-``--explict_port_mapping`` Use explict port mapping when writing the Verilog netlists
-``--include_timing`` Output timing information to Verilog netlists for primitive modules
-``--include_signal_init`` Output signal initialization to Verilog netlists for primitive modules
-``--support_icarus_simulator`` Output Verilog netlists with syntax that iVerilog simulatorcan accept
-``--print_user_defined_template`` Output a template Verilog netlist for all the user-defined ``circuit models`` in :ref:`circuit_library`. This aims to help engineers to check what is the port sequence required by top-level Verilog netlists
-``--verbose`` Show verbose log
..option:: write_verilog_testbench
Write the Verilog testbench for FPGA fabric
-``--file`` or ``-f`` The output directory for all the testbench netlists. We suggest the use of same output directory as fabric Verilog netlists
-``--reference_benchmark_file_path`` Must specify the reference benchmark Verilog file if you want to output any testbenches
-``--print_top_testbench`` Enable top-level testbench which is a full verification including programming circuit and core logic of FPGA
-``--print_formal_verification_top_netlist`` Generate a top-level module which can be used in formal verification
-``--print_preconfig_top_testbench`` Enable pre-configured top-level testbench which is a fast verification skipping programming phase
-``--print_simulation_ini`` Output an exchangeable simulation ini file, which is needed only when you need to interface different HDL simulators using openfpga flow-run scripts
..option:: write_pnr_sdc
Write the SDC files for PnR backend
-``--file`` or ``-f`` Specify the output directory for SDC files
-``--constrain_global_port`` Constrain all the global ports of FPGA fabric
-``--constrain_grid`` Constrain all the grids of FPGA fabric
-`--constrain_sb`` Constrain all the switch blocks of FPGA fabric
-``--constrain_cb`` Constrain all the connection blocks of FPGA fabric
-``--constrain_configurable_memory_outputs`` Constrain all the outputs of configurable memories of FPGA fabric
-``--constrain_routing_multiplexer_outputs`` Constrain all the outputs of routing multiplexer of FPGA fabric
-``--constrain_switch_block_outputs`` Constrain all the outputs of switch blocks of FPGA fabric
-``--verbose`` Enable verbose output
..option:: write_analysis_sdc
Write the SDC to run timing analysis for a mapped FPGA fabric
-``--file`` or ``-f`` Specify the output directory for SDC files