Specifiy a reference fabric key file, which has been already validated by OpenFPGA. For example, the reference fabric key can be a file which is written by OpenFPGA as a default key. The reference fabric key file is treated as the baseline, on which the input fabric key file will be compared to.
..note:: The reference fabric key should contain all the syntax, e.g., ``name``, ``value`` and ``alias``.
..option:: --input <string>
Specify the input fabric key file, which is typically hand-crafted by users. Sanity checks will be applied to the input fabric key file by comparing the reference.
..note:: The input fabric key should contain only the syntax ``alias``.
..option:: --output <string>
Specify the output fabric key file, which is an updated version of the input fabric key file. Difference from the input file, the output file contains ``name`` and ``value``, which is added by linking the ``alias`` from input file to reference file. For example, the reference fabric key includes a key: