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2018-07-26 12:28:21 -05:00
/************ Defines and types shared by all route files ********************/
struct s_heap {
int index;
float cost;
union {
int prev_node;
struct s_heap *next;
} u;
int prev_edge;
float backward_path_cost;
float R_upstream;
/* Used by the heap as its fundamental data structure. *
* index: Index (ID) of this routing resource node. *
* cost: Cost up to and including this node. *
* u.prev_node: Index (ID) of the predecessor to this node for *
* use in traceback. NO_PREVIOUS if none. *
* pointer to the next s_heap structure in the free *
* linked list. Not used when on the heap. *
* prev_edge: Index of the edge (between 0 and num_edges-1) used to *
* connect the previous node to this one. NO_PREVIOUS if *
* there is no previous node. *
* backward_path_cost: Used only by the timing-driven router. The "known" *
* cost of the path up to and including this node. *
* In this case, the .cost member contains not only *
* the known backward cost but also an expected cost *
* to the target. *
* R_upstream: Used only by the timing-driven router. Stores the upstream *
* resistance to ground from this node, including the *
* resistance of the node itself (rr_node[index].R). */
typedef struct {
int prev_node;
float pres_cost;
float acc_cost;
float path_cost;
float backward_path_cost;
short prev_edge;
short target_flag;
} t_rr_node_route_inf;
/* Extra information about each rr_node needed only during routing (i.e. *
* during the maze expansion). *
* *
* prev_node: Index of the previous node used to reach this one; *
* used to generate the traceback. If there is no *
* predecessor, prev_node = NO_PREVIOUS. *
* pres_cost: Present congestion cost term for this node. *
* acc_cost: Accumulated cost term from previous Pathfinder iterations. *
* path_cost: Total cost of the path up to and including this node + *
* the expected cost to the target if the timing_driven router *
* is being used. *
* backward_path_cost: Total cost of the path up to and including this *
* node. Not used by breadth-first router. *
* prev_edge: Index of the edge (from 0 to num_edges-1) that was used *
* to reach this node from the previous node. If there is *
* no predecessor, prev_edge = NO_PREVIOUS. *
* target_flag: Is this node a target (sink) for the current routing? *
* Number of times this node must be reached to fully route. */
/**************** Variables shared by all route_files ***********************/
extern t_rr_node_route_inf *rr_node_route_inf; /* [0..num_rr_nodes-1] */
extern struct s_bb *route_bb; /* [0..num_nets-1] */
/******* Subroutines in route_common used only by other router modules ******/
void pathfinder_update_one_cost(struct s_trace *route_segment_start,
int add_or_sub, float pres_fac);
void pathfinder_update_cost(float pres_fac, float acc_fac);
struct s_trace *update_traceback(struct s_heap *hptr, int inet);
void reset_path_costs(void);
float get_rr_cong_cost(int inode);
void mark_ends(int inet);
void node_to_heap(int inode, float cost, int prev_node, int prev_edge,
float backward_path_cost, float R_upstream);
boolean is_empty_heap(void);
void free_traceback(int inet);
void add_to_mod_list(float *fptr);
struct s_heap *get_heap_head(void);
void empty_heap(void);
void free_heap_data(struct s_heap *hptr);
void invalidate_heap_entries(int sink_node, int ipin_node);
void init_route_structs(int bb_factor);
void free_rr_node_route_structs(void);
void alloc_and_load_rr_node_route_structs(void);
void reset_rr_node_route_structs(void);
void alloc_route_static_structs(void);
void free_trace_structs(void);
void reserve_locally_used_opins(float pres_fac, boolean rip_up_local_opins,
t_ivec ** clb_opins_used_locally);
void auto_detect_and_reserve_locally_used_opins(float pres_fac, boolean rip_up_local_opins,
t_ivec ** clb_opins_used_locally);
void free_chunk_memory_trace(void);