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FileName [extraZddTrunc.c]
PackageName [extra]
Synopsis [Procedure to truncate a ZDD using variable probabilities.]
Author [Alan Mishchenko]
Affiliation [UC Berkeley]
Date [Ver. 2.0. Started - September 1, 2003.]
Revision [$Id: extraZddTrunc.c,v 1.0 2003/05/21 18:03:50 alanmi Exp $]
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "misc/st/st.h"
#include "bdd/cudd/cuddInt.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#define inline __inline // compatible with MS VS 6.0
#define TEST_VAR_MAX 10
#define TEST_SET_MAX 10
/* Constant declarations */
/* Stucture declarations */
/* Type declarations */
/* Variable declarations */
/* Macro declarations */
/* Static function prototypes */
// dynamic vector of intergers
typedef struct Vec_Int_t_ Vec_Int_t;
struct Vec_Int_t_
int nCap;
int nSize;
int * pArray;
static inline Vec_Int_t * Vec_IntAlloc( int nCap )
Vec_Int_t * p;
p = ABC_ALLOC( Vec_Int_t, 1 );
if ( nCap > 0 && nCap < 16 )
nCap = 16;
p->nSize = 0;
p->nCap = nCap;
p->pArray = p->nCap? ABC_ALLOC( int, p->nCap ) : NULL;
return p;
static inline void Vec_IntFree( Vec_Int_t * p )
ABC_FREE( p->pArray );
ABC_FREE( p );
static inline int * Vec_IntReleaseArray( Vec_Int_t * p )
int * pArray = p->pArray;
p->nCap = 0;
p->nSize = 0;
p->pArray = NULL;
return pArray;
static inline int Vec_IntAddToEntry( Vec_Int_t * p, int i, int Addition )
assert( i >= 0 && i < p->nSize );
return p->pArray[i] += Addition;
static inline void Vec_IntGrow( Vec_Int_t * p, int nCapMin )
if ( p->nCap >= nCapMin )
p->pArray = ABC_REALLOC( int, p->pArray, nCapMin );
assert( p->pArray );
p->nCap = nCapMin;
static inline int Vec_IntPop( Vec_Int_t * p )
assert( p->nSize > 0 );
return p->pArray[--p->nSize];
static inline void Vec_IntPush( Vec_Int_t * p, int Entry )
if ( p->nSize == p->nCap )
if ( p->nCap < 16 )
Vec_IntGrow( p, 16 );
Vec_IntGrow( p, 2 * p->nCap );
p->pArray[p->nSize++] = Entry;
static inline void Vec_IntAppend( Vec_Int_t * vVec1, Vec_Int_t * vVec2 )
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < vVec2->nSize; i++ )
Vec_IntPush( vVec1, vVec2->pArray[i] );
/* Definition of exported functions */
Synopsis [Compute the set of subsets whose probability is more than ProbLimit.]
Description [The resulting array has the following form: The first integer entry
is the number of resulting subsets. The following integer entries in the array
contain as many subsets. Each subset is an array of integers followed by -1.
See how subsets are printed in the included test procedure below.]
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Extra_zddTruncate_rec(
DdManager * dd,
DdNode * zFunc, // zFunc is the ZDD to be truncated
double * pVarProbs, // pVarProbs is probabilities of each variable (should have at least dd->sizeZ entries)
double ProbLimit, // ProbLimit is the limit on the probabilities (only those more than this will be collected)
double ProbThis, // current path probability
Vec_Int_t * vSubset, // current subset under construction
Vec_Int_t * vResult ) // resulting subsets to be returned to the user
// quit if probability of the path is less then the limit
if ( ProbThis < ProbLimit )
// quit if there is no subsets
if ( zFunc == Cudd_ReadZero(dd) )
// quit and save a new subset if there is one
if ( zFunc == Cudd_ReadOne(dd) )
Vec_IntAddToEntry( vResult, 0, 1 );
Vec_IntAppend( vResult, vSubset );
Vec_IntPush( vResult, -1 );
// call recursively for the set without the given variable
Extra_zddTruncate_rec( dd, cuddE(zFunc), pVarProbs, ProbLimit, ProbThis, vSubset, vResult );
// call recursively for the set with the given variable
Vec_IntPush( vSubset, Cudd_NodeReadIndex(zFunc) );
Extra_zddTruncate_rec( dd, cuddT(zFunc), pVarProbs, ProbLimit, ProbThis * pVarProbs[Cudd_NodeReadIndex(zFunc)], vSubset, vResult );
Vec_IntPop( vSubset );
int * Extra_zddTruncate(
DdManager * dd,
DdNode * zFunc, // zFunc is the ZDD to be truncated
double * pVarProbs, // pVarProbs is probabilities of each variable (should have at least dd->sizeZ entries)
double ProbLimit ) // ProbLimit is the limit on the probabilities (only those more than this will be collected)
Vec_Int_t * vSubset, * vResult;
int i, sizeZ = Cudd_ReadZddSize(dd);
int * pResult;
// check that probabilities are reasonable
assert( ProbLimit > 0 && ProbLimit <= 1 );
for ( i = 0; i < sizeZ; i++ )
assert( pVarProbs[i] > 0 && pVarProbs[i] <= 1 );
// enumerate assignments satisfying the probability limit
vSubset = Vec_IntAlloc( sizeZ );
vResult = Vec_IntAlloc( 10 * sizeZ );
Vec_IntPush( vResult, 0 );
Extra_zddTruncate_rec( dd, zFunc, pVarProbs, ProbLimit, 1, vSubset, vResult );
Vec_IntFree( vSubset );
pResult = Vec_IntReleaseArray( vResult );
Vec_IntFree( vResult );
return pResult;
} // end of Extra_zddTruncate
Synopsis [Creates the combination composed of a single ZDD variable.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
DdNode * Extra_zddVariable( DdManager * dd, int iVar )
DdNode * zRes;
do {
dd->reordered = 0;
zRes = cuddZddGetNode( dd, iVar, Cudd_ReadOne(dd), Cudd_ReadZero(dd) );
} while (dd->reordered == 1);
return zRes;
Synopsis [Creates ZDD representing a given set of subsets.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
DdNode * Extra_zddCreateSubsets(
DdManager * dd,
int pSubsets[][TEST_VAR_MAX+1],
int nSubsets )
int i, k;
DdNode * zOne, * zVar, * zRes, * zTemp;
zRes = Cudd_ReadZero(dd); Cudd_Ref( zRes );
for ( i = 0; i < nSubsets; i++ )
zOne = Cudd_ReadOne(dd); Cudd_Ref( zOne );
for ( k = 0; pSubsets[i][k] != -1; k++ )
assert( pSubsets[i][k] < TEST_VAR_MAX );
zVar = Extra_zddVariable( dd, pSubsets[i][k] );
zOne = Cudd_zddUnateProduct( dd, zTemp = zOne, zVar ); Cudd_Ref( zOne );
Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd( dd, zTemp );
zRes = Cudd_zddUnion( dd, zRes, zOne ); Cudd_Ref( zRes );
Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd( dd, zOne );
Cudd_Deref( zRes );
return zRes;
Synopsis [Prints a set of subsets represented using as an array.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Extra_zddPrintSubsets( int * pSubsets )
int i, k, Counter = 0;
printf( "The set contains %d subsets:\n", pSubsets[0] );
for ( i = k = 0; i < pSubsets[0]; i++ )
printf( "Subset %3d : {", Counter );
for ( k++; pSubsets[k] != -1; k++ )
printf( " %d", pSubsets[k] );
printf( " }\n" );
Synopsis [Testbench for the above truncation procedure.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Extra_zddTruncateTest()
// input data
int nSubsets = 5;
int pSubsets[TEST_SET_MAX][TEST_VAR_MAX+1] = { {0, 3, 5, -1}, {1, 2, 3, 6, 9, -1}, {1, 5, 7, 8, -1}, {2, 4, -1}, {0, 5, 6, 9, -1} };
// varible probabilities
double pVarProbs[TEST_VAR_MAX] = { 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 };
double ProbLimit = 0.001;
// output data
int * pOutput;
// start the manager and create ZDD representing the input subsets
DdManager * dd = Cudd_Init( 0, TEST_VAR_MAX, CUDD_UNIQUE_SLOTS, CUDD_CACHE_SLOTS , 0 );
DdNode * zFunc = Extra_zddCreateSubsets( dd, pSubsets, nSubsets ); Cudd_Ref( zFunc );
assert( nSubsets <= TEST_SET_MAX );
// print the input ZDD
printf( "The initial ZDD representing %d subsets:\n", nSubsets );
Cudd_zddPrintMinterm( dd, zFunc );
// compute the result of truncation
pOutput = Extra_zddTruncate( dd, zFunc, pVarProbs, ProbLimit );
// print the resulting ZDD
printf( "The resulting ZDD representing %d subsets:\n", pOutput[0] );
// print the resulting subsets
Extra_zddPrintSubsets( pOutput );
// cleanup
ABC_FREE( pOutput );
Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd( dd, zFunc );
Cudd_Quit( dd );
/// END OF FILE ///