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2018-07-26 12:28:21 -05:00
#!usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
#use Shell;
#Use the time
use Time::gmtime;
#Get Date
my $mydate = gmctime();
my ($fname,$frpt);
sub print_usage()
print "VPR accepts a certain format of blif so this script checks the latches and corrects them if needed\n"
2018-07-26 12:28:21 -05:00
print "Usage:\n";
print " perl <> [-options]\n";
print " Options:(Mandatory!)\n";
print " -i <input_blif_path>\n";
print " -o <output_blif_path>\n";
print "\n";
return 1;
sub opts_read()
if (-1 == $#ARGV)
print "Error: No input argument!\n";
for (my $iargv = 0; $iargv < $#ARGV+1; $iargv++)
if ("-i" eq $ARGV[$iargv])
{$fname = $ARGV[$iargv+1];}
elsif ("-o" eq $ARGV[$iargv])
{$frpt = $ARGV[$iargv+1];}
2018-07-26 12:28:21 -05:00
return 1;
sub scan_blif()
my ($line,$lines);
my @tokens;
# Open src file
open(FIN, "< $fname") or die "Fail to open $fname!\n";
# Open des file
open(FOUT, "> $frpt") or die "Fail to open $frpt!\n";
while(defined($line = <FIN>)) {
chomp $line;
# Replace the < and > with [ and ], VPR does not support...
$line =~ s/</[/g;
$line =~ s/>/]/g;
# Check if this line start with ".latch", which we cares only
if ($line =~ m/\.names/) {
# check the continue line
$lines = $line; # empty the buffer
while($lines =~ m/\\$/) {
$line = <FIN>;
chomp $line;
$lines =~ s/\\$//;
$lines = $lines.$line;
@tokens = split('\s+',$lines);
if (($#tokens - 1) == 3) {
print FOUT ".gate CARRY a=$tokens[1] b=$tokens[2] c=$tokens[3] O=$tokens[4]\n";
} elsif (($#tokens - 1) == 2) {
print FOUT ".gate AND a=$tokens[1] b=$tokens[2] O=$tokens[3]\n";
} elsif (($#tokens - 1) == 1) {
$line = <FIN>;
if ($line =~ m/^0/) {
print FOUT ".gate INV a=$tokens[1] O=$tokens[2]\n";
} else {
print FOUT ".gate BUF a=$tokens[1] O=$tokens[2]\n";
} elsif (($#tokens - 1) == 0) { # constant generator
$line = <FIN>;
if ($line =~ m/^0/) {
print FOUT ".gate ZERO O=$tokens[1]\n";
} else {
print FOUT ".gate ONE O=$tokens[1]\n";
} else {
print FOUT "$line\n";
return 1;
sub main()
return 1;