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2022-06-07 11:15:20 -05:00
# Commands covered: thread
# This file contains a collection of tests for one or more of the Tcl
# built-in commands. Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and
# generates output for errors. No output means no errors were found.
# Copyright (c) 1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Scriptics Corporation.
# Copyright (c) 2002 ActiveState Corporation.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
package require tcltest
namespace import ::tcltest::*
package require Thread
tcltest::testConstraint chanTransfer \
[expr { $::tcl_platform(platform) == "unix" \
|| $::tcl_patchLevel > "8.4.10"}]
set dummy [makeFile dummyForTransfer dummyForTransfer]
set tcltest::mainThread [thread::id]
proc ThreadReap {} {
while {[llength [thread::names]] > 1} {
foreach tid [thread::names] {
if {$tid != $::tcltest::mainThread} {
catch {thread::release -wait $tid}
llength [thread::names]
test thread-2.0 {no global thread command} {
info commands thread
} {}
test thread-2.84 {thread subcommands} {
set cmds [info commands thread::*]
set idx [lsearch -exact $cmds ::thread::cancel]
lsort [lreplace $cmds $idx $idx]
} {::thread::attach ::thread::broadcast ::thread::cond ::thread::configure ::thread::create ::thread::detach ::thread::errorproc ::thread::eval ::thread::exists ::thread::exit ::thread::id ::thread::join ::thread::mutex ::thread::names ::thread::preserve ::thread::release ::thread::rwmutex ::thread::send ::thread::transfer ::thread::unwind ::thread::wait}
test thread-3.0 {thread::names initial thread list} {
list [ThreadReap] [llength [thread::names]]
} {1 1}
test thread-4.0 {thread::create: create server thread} {
set tid [thread::create]
set l [llength [thread::names]]
set l
} {2}
test thread-4.1 {thread::create: create one shot thread} {
thread::create {set x 5}
foreach try {0 1 2 4 5 6} {
# Try various ways to yield
after 10
set l [llength [thread::names]]
if {$l == 1} {
set l
} {1}
test thread-4.2 {thread::create - create preservable thread} {
set tid [thread::create -preserved]
set c [thread::preserve $tid]
thread::release -wait $tid
set c
} {2}
test thread-4.3 {thread::create - release a thread} {
set tid [thread::create {thread::release}]
after 10
set l [llength [thread::names]]
set l
} {1}
test thread-4.4 {thread::create - create joinable thread} {
set tid [thread::create -joinable {set x 5}]
set c [thread::join $tid]
set c
} {0}
test thread-4.5 {thread::create - join detached thread} {
set tid [thread::create]
thread::send -async $tid {after 1000 ; thread::release}
catch {set res [thread::join $tid]} msg
lrange $msg 0 2
} {cannot join thread}
test thread-5.0 {thread::release} {
set tid [thread::create {thread::release}]
after 10
set l [llength [thread::names]]
set l
} {1}
test thread-6.0 {thread::unwind - simple unwind} {
thread::create {thread::unwind}
after 10
set l [llength [thread::names]]
set l
} {1}
test thread-6.1 {thread::unwind - blocked unwind} {
thread::create {thread::unwind; vwait dummy}
after 10
set l [llength [thread::names]]
set l
} {2}
test thread-7.0 {thread::exit} {
set tid [thread::create -joinable {thread::exit}]
set c [thread::join $tid]
set c
} {666}
test thread-7.1 {thread::exit - # args} {
set tid [thread::create]
catch {thread::send $tid {thread::exit 1 0}} msg
set msg
} {wrong # args: should be "thread::exit ?status?"}
test thread-7.2 {thread::exit - args} {
set tid [thread::create]
catch {thread::send $tid {thread::exit foo}} msg
set msg
} {expected integer but got "foo"}
test thread-7.3 {thread::exit - status} {
set tid [thread::create -joinable {thread::exit 0}]
set c [thread::join $tid]
set c
} {0}
test thread-8.0 {thread::exists - true} {
set c [thread::exists [thread::create]]
set c
} {1}
test thread-8.1 {thread::exists - false} {
set tid [thread::create {set x 5}]
after 10
set c [thread::exists $tid]
set c
} {0}
test thread-9.0 {thread::id} {
expr {[thread::id] == $::tcltest::mainThread}
} {1}
test thread-9.1 {thread::id - args} {
set x [catch {thread::id x} msg]
list $x $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "thread::id"}}
test thread-10.0 {thread::names args} {
set x [catch {thread::names x} msg]
list $x $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "thread::names"}}
test thread-11.0 {thread::send - no args} {
set x [catch {thread::send} msg]
list $x $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "thread::send ?-async? ?-head? id script ?varName?"}}
test thread-11.1 {thread::send - simple script} {
set tid [thread::create]
set five [thread::send $tid {set x 5}]
set five
} 5
test thread-11.2 {thread::send - bad thread id} {
set tid dummy
set x [catch {thread::send $tid {set x 5}} msg]
list $x $msg
} {1 {invalid thread handle "dummy"}}
test thread-11.3 {thread::send - test TCL_ERROR return code} {
set tid [thread::create]
set c [thread::send $tid {dummy} msg]
list $c $msg} {1 {invalid command name "dummy"}}
test thread-11.4 {thread::send - test TCL_RETURN return code} {
set tid [thread::create]
set c [thread::send $tid {return} msg]
list $c $msg
} {2 {}}
test thread-11.5 {thread::send - test TCL_BREAK return code} {
set tid [thread::create]
set c [thread::send $tid {break} msg]
list $c $msg
} {3 {}}
test thread-11.6 {thread::send - asynchronous send} {
set tid [thread::create]
thread::send -async $tid {set x 5}
after 10
set five [thread::send $tid {set x}]
set five
} {5}
test thread-11.7 {thread::send - async send with event-loop wait} {
set res {}
set tid [thread::create]
thread::send -async $tid {set x 5} five
vwait five
lappend res $five; set five {}
thread::send -async $tid {set x 5} [binary format cccc 0x66 0x69 0x76 0x65]; # five as byte array without str-rep.
vwait five
lappend res $five; set five {}
set res
} {5 5}
test thread-11.7.1 {thread::send - sync send with var} {
set res {}
set tid [thread::create]
thread::send $tid {set x 5} five
lappend res $five; set five {}
thread::send $tid {set x 5} [binary format cccc 0x66 0x69 0x76 0x65]; # five as byte array without str-rep.
lappend res $five; set five {}
set res
} {5 5}
test thread-11.8 {thread::send - send to self directly} {
thread::send [thread::id] {set x 5} five
set five
} {5}
test thread-11.9 {thread::send - send to self asynchronously} {
set c [catch {thread::send -async [thread::id] {set x 5} five} msg]
list $c $msg
} {1 {can't notify self}}
test thread-11.10 {thread::send - preserve errorInfo} {
set len [llength [thread::names]]
set tid [thread::create]
set c [catch {thread::send $tid {set undef}} msg]
list $c $msg $errorInfo
} {1 {can't read "undef": no such variable} {can't read "undef": no such variable
while executing
"set undef"
invoked from within
"thread::send $tid {set undef}"}}
test thread-11.11 {Thread_Send preserve errorCode} {
set tid [thread::create]
set c [catch {thread::send $tid {error ERR INFO CODE}} msg]
list $c $msg $errorCode
} {1 ERR CODE}
test thread-12.0 {thread::wait} {
set tid [thread::create {set x 5; thread::wait}]
thread::send $tid {set x} five
set five
} {5}
test thread-13.0 {thread::broadcast} {
catch {unset tids}
foreach i {1 2 3 4} {
lappend tids [thread::create]
thread::broadcast {set x 5}
catch {unset r}
foreach tid $tids {
lappend r [thread::send $tid {if {[info exists x]} {set x}}]
set r
} {5 5 5 5}
test thread-13.1 {thread::broadcast no args} {
set c [catch {thread::broadcast} msg]
list $c $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "thread::broadcast script"}}
test thread-14.0 {thread::eval - no arguments} {
set c [catch {thread::eval} msg]
list $c $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "thread::eval ?-lock <mutexHandle>? arg ?arg...?"}}
test thread-14.1 {thread::eval - bad arguments} {
set c [catch {thread::eval -lock} msg]
list $c $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "thread::eval ?-lock <mutexHandle>? arg ?arg...?"}}
test thread-14.2 {thread::eval - missing script argument} {
set c [catch {thread::eval -lock dummy} msg]
list $c $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "thread::eval ?-lock <mutexHandle>? arg ?arg...?"}}
test thread-14.3 {thread::eval - bad mutex handle} {
set c [catch {thread::eval -lock dummy {set x 5}} msg]
list $c $msg
} {1 {no such mutex "dummy"}}
test thread-14.4 {thread::eval - nested eval} {
thread::eval {thread::eval {thread::eval {set x 5}}}
} {5}
test thread-15.0 {thread::configure - bad arguments} {
set c [catch {thread::configure} msg]
list $c $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "thread::configure threadlId ?optionName? ?value? ?optionName value?..."}}
test thread-15.1 {thread::configure - bad thread id argument} {
set c [catch {thread::configure dummy} msg]
list $c $msg
} {1 {invalid thread handle "dummy"}}
test thread-15.2 {thread::configure - bad configure option} {
set c [catch {thread::configure [thread::id] -dummy} msg]
list $c $msg
} {1 {bad option "-dummy", should be one of -eventmark, -unwindonerror or -errorstate}}
test thread-15.3 {thread::configure - read all configure options} {
set tid [thread::create]
catch {unset opts}
set opts [thread::configure $tid]
expr {[llength $opts] % 2}
} {0}
test thread-15.4 {thread::configure - check configure option names} {
set tid [thread::create]
after 10
catch {unset opts}
array set opts [thread::configure $tid]
array names opts
} {-errorstate -unwindonerror -eventmark}
test thread-15.5 {thread::configure - get one config option} {
set tid [thread::create]
after 10
set l ""
lappend l [thread::configure $tid -eventmark]
lappend l [thread::configure $tid -unwindonerror]
lappend l [thread::configure $tid -errorstate]
set l
} {0 0 0}
test thread-15.6 {thread::configure - set -unwindonerror option} {
set tid [thread::create]
after 10
thread::configure $tid -unwindonerror 1
set c [catch {thread::send $tid {set dummy}}]
after 10
set e [thread::exists $tid]
list $c $e
} {1 0}
test thread-15.7 {thread::configure - set -errorstate option} {
set tid [thread::create]
after 10
thread::configure $tid -errorstate 1
set c [thread::send $tid {set dummy} msg]
list $c $msg
} {1 {thread is in error}}
test thread-15.8 {thread::configure - set -eventmark option} {
set tid [thread::create]
after 10
thread::configure $tid -eventmark 1
thread::send -async $tid {after 2000}
set t1 [clock seconds]
thread::send -async $tid {after 2000}
set t2 [clock seconds]
expr {($t2 - $t1) >= 2}
} {1}
test thread-16.0 {thread::errorproc - args} {
set x [catch {thread::errorproc foo bar} msg]
list $x $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "thread::errorproc ?proc?"}}
test thread-16.1 {thread::errorproc - errorproc change} {
thread::errorproc foo
thread::errorproc ThreadError
set new [thread::errorproc]
} {ThreadError}
test thread-16.2 {thread::errorproc - async reporting} {
set etid ""
set emsg ""
proc myerrproc {tid msg} {
global etid emsg
set etid $tid
set emsg $msg
thread::errorproc myerrproc
set tid [thread::create]
after 10
thread::send -async $tid {set x}
after 10
list [expr {$etid == $tid}] $emsg
} {1 {can't read "x": no such variable
while executing
"set x"}}
test thread-17.1 {thread::transfer - channel lists} {chanTransfer} {
set tid [thread::create]
set file [open $dummy r]
set res [regexp $file [file channels]]
thread::transfer $tid $file
lappend res [regexp $file [file channels]]
lappend res [regexp $file [thread::send $tid {file channels}]]
thread::send $tid "close $file"
set res
} {1 0 1}
test thread-17.2 {thread::transfer - target thread dying} {chanTransfer} {
set tid [thread::create]
set file [open $dummy r]
thread::send -async $tid {after 3000 ; thread::release}
catch {thread::transfer $tid $file} msg
close $file
set msg
} {transfer failed: target thread died}
test thread-17.3 {thread::transfer - clearing of fileevents} {chanTransfer} {
proc _HandleIt_ {} {
global gotEvents tid file
if {$gotEvents == 0} {
thread::transfer $tid $file
# From now on no events should be delivered anymore,
# restricting the end value to 1
incr gotEvents
set tid [thread::create]
set file [open $dummy r]
set gotEvents 0
fileevent $file readable _HandleIt_
vwait gotEvents
thread::send $tid "close $file"
set gotEvents
} {1}
test thread-17.4 {thread::transfer - file - readable?} {chanTransfer} {
set tid [thread::create]
set file [open $dummy r]
set res [regexp $file [file channels]]
thread::transfer $tid $file
set res [string length [thread::send $tid "read -nonewline $file"]]
thread::send $tid "close $file"
set res
} [string length [::tcltest::viewFile dummyForTransfer]]
test thread-17.5 {thread::transfer - file - closeable?} {chanTransfer} {
set tid [thread::create]
set file [open $dummy r]
set res [regexp $file [file channels]]
thread::transfer $tid $file
set res [thread::send $tid "close $file"]
set res
} {}
test thread-17.6 {thread::transfer - socket - readable?} {chanTransfer} {
set tid [thread::create]
set lsock ""
proc accept {sock host port} {global lsock ; set lsock $sock}
set listener [socket -server accept 0]
set port [lindex [fconfigure $listener -sockname] 2]
set socket [socket localhost $port]
vwait lsock
thread::transfer $tid $socket
puts $lsock hello
flush $lsock
set res [thread::send $tid [list gets $socket]]
thread::send $tid [list close $socket]
close $listener
close $lsock
set res
} {hello}
test thread-17.7 {thread::transfer - socket - closeable?} {chanTransfer} {
set tid [thread::create]
set lsock ""
proc accept {sock host port} {global lsock ; set lsock $sock}
set listener [socket -server accept 0]
set port [lindex [fconfigure $listener -sockname] 2]
set socket [socket localhost $port]
vwait lsock
thread::transfer $tid $socket
set res [thread::send $tid "regexp {$socket} \[file channels\]"]
lappend res [thread::send $tid [list close $socket]]
lappend res [thread::send $tid "regexp {$socket} \[file channels\]"]
close $listener
close $lsock
set res
} {1 {} 0}
# We cannot test console channels, nor serials. Because we do not
# really know if they are available, and under what names. But a pipe
# channel, which uses the same type of code is something we can
# do. Lucky us.
test thread-17.8 {thread::transfer - pipe - readable?} {chanTransfer} {
set tid [thread::create]
set s [makeFile {
puts hello
flush stdout
} pscript]
set pipe [open "|[info nameofexecutable] $s" r]
thread::transfer $tid $pipe
thread::send $tid [list set pipe $pipe]
set res [thread::send $tid {gets $pipe}]
thread::send $tid {catch {close $pipe}}
removeFile pscript
set res
} {hello}
# The difference between 9 and 10 is the location of the close
# operation. For 9 it is the original thread, for 10 the other
# thread. 10 currently fails. It seems to be some signal stuff.
test thread-17.9 {thread::transfer - pipe - closable?} {chanTransfer} {
set tid [thread::create]
set s [makeFile {
fileevent stdin readable {if {[eof stdin]} {exit 0} ; gets stdin}
vwait forever
exit 0
} pscript]
set pipe [open "|[info nameofexecutable] $s" r+]
thread::send $tid [list set chan $pipe]
thread::transfer $tid $pipe
thread::send $tid {thread::detach $chan}
thread::attach $pipe
set res [regexp $pipe [file channels]]
lappend res [close $pipe]
lappend res [regexp $pipe [file channels]]
removeFile pscript
set res
} {1 {} 0}
test thread-17.10 {thread::transfer - pipe - closable?} {chanTransfer} {
set tid [thread::create]
set s [makeFile {
fileevent stdin readable {if {[eof stdin]} {exit 0} ; gets stdin}
vwait forever
exit 0
} pscript]
set pipe [open "|[info nameofexecutable] $s" r+]
thread::send $tid [list set chan $pipe]
thread::transfer $tid $pipe
set res [thread::send $tid {regexp $chan [file channels]}]
if {[catch {
# This can fail on Linux, because there a thread cannot 'wait' on
# the children of a different thread (in the same process). This
# is for Linux < 2.4. For 2.4 it should be possible, but the
# language is cautionary, so it may still fail.
lappend res [thread::send $tid {close $chan}]
}]} {
# Fake a result
lappend res {}
lappend res [thread::send $tid {regexp $chan [file channels]}]
removeFile pscript
set res
} {1 {} 0}
test thread-17.11a {thread::transfer - pipe - readable event - no transfer} {
set tid [thread::create]
set s [makeFile {
after 5000 {exit 0}
fileevent stdin readable {
if {[eof stdin]} {exit 0}
if {[gets stdin line] <0} return
puts response
vwait forever
exit 0
} pscript] ;# {}
set pipe [open "|[info nameofexecutable] $s" r+]
fconfigure $pipe -blocking 0
fileevent $pipe readable {read $pipe ; set cond ok}
after 3000 {set cond timeout}
puts $pipe tick ; flush $pipe
vwait ::cond
catch {close $pipe}
removeFile pscript
set cond
} ok
test thread-17.11b {thread::transfer - pipe - readable event - with transfer} {
set tid [thread::create]
set s [makeFile {
after 5000 {exit 0}
fileevent stdin readable {
if {[eof stdin]} {exit 0}
if {[gets stdin line] <0} return
puts response
vwait forever
exit 0
} pscript] ;# {}
set pipe [open "|[info nameofexecutable] $s" r+]
thread::transfer $tid $pipe
thread::send $tid [list set chan $pipe]
set cond [thread::send $tid {
fconfigure $chan -blocking 0
fileevent $chan readable {read $chan ; set cond ok}
after 3000 {set cond timeout}
puts $chan tick ; flush $chan
vwait ::cond
catch {close $pipe}
set cond
removeFile pscript
set cond
} ok
test thread-18.0 {thread::detach - args} {
set x [catch {thread::detach} msg]
list $x $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "thread::detach channel"}}
test thread-18.1 {thread::detach - channel} {
global fd
set fd [open $dummy r]
set r1 [regexp $fd [file channels]]
thread::detach $fd
set r2 [regexp $fd [file channels]]
list $r1 $r2
} {1 0}
test thread-18.2 {thread::attach - in different thread} {
global fd
set tid [thread::create]
thread::send $tid "thread::attach $fd"
set r1 [thread::send $tid "regexp $fd \[file channels\]"]
thread::send $tid "thread::detach $fd"
list $r1
} {1}
test thread-18.3 {thread::attach - in same thread} {
global fd
thread::attach $fd
set r1 [regexp $fd [file channels]]
close $fd
set r1
} {1}
test thread-19.0 {thread::mutex - args} {
set x [catch {thread::mutex} msg]
list $x $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "thread::mutex option ?args?"}}
test thread-19.1 {thread::mutex - command options} {
set x [catch {thread::mutex dummy} msg]
list $x $msg
} {1 {bad option "dummy": must be create, destroy, lock, or unlock}}
test thread-19.2 {thread::mutex - more command options} {
set x [catch {thread::mutex create -dummy} msg]
list $x $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "thread::mutex create ?-recursive?"}}
test thread-19.3 {thread::mutex - create exclusive mutex} {
set emutex [thread::mutex create]
set c [regexp {mid[0-9]+} $emutex]
thread::mutex destroy $emutex
set c
} {1}
test thread-19.4 {thread::mutex - create recursive mutex} {
set rmutex [thread::mutex create -recursive]
set c [regexp {rid[0-9]+} $rmutex]
thread::mutex destroy $rmutex
set c
} {1}
test thread-19.5 {thread::mutex - lock/unlock exclusive mutex} {
set emutex [thread::mutex create]
thread::mutex lock $emutex
thread::mutex unlock $emutex
thread::mutex destroy $emutex
} {}
test thread-19.6 {thread::mutex - deadlock exclusive mutex} {
set emutex [thread::mutex create]
thread::mutex lock $emutex
set x [catch {thread::mutex lock $emutex} msg]
thread::mutex unlock $emutex
thread::mutex destroy $emutex
list $x $msg
} {1 {locking the same exclusive mutex twice from the same thread}}
test thread-19.7 {thread::mutex - lock invalid mutex} {
set x [catch {thread::mutex lock dummy} msg]
list $x $msg
} {1 {no such mutex "dummy"}}
test thread-19.8 {thread::mutex - lock/unlock recursive mutex} {
set rmutex [thread::mutex create -recursive]
thread::mutex lock $rmutex
thread::mutex unlock $rmutex
thread::mutex destroy $rmutex
} {}
test thread-19.9 {thread::mutex - deadlock exclusive mutex} {
set rmutex [thread::mutex create -recursive]
thread::mutex lock $rmutex
set x [catch {thread::mutex lock $rmutex} msg]
thread::mutex unlock $rmutex
thread::mutex unlock $rmutex
thread::mutex destroy $rmutex
list $x $msg
} {0 {}}
test thread-19.10 {thread::mutex - destroy locked exclusive mutex} {
set emutex [thread::mutex create]
thread::mutex lock $emutex
set x [catch {thread::mutex destroy $emutex} msg]
thread::mutex unlock $emutex
thread::mutex destroy $emutex
list $x $msg
} {1 {mutex is in use}}
test thread-19.11 {thread::mutex - destroy locked recursive mutex} {
set rmutex [thread::mutex create -recursive]
thread::mutex lock $rmutex
set x [catch {thread::mutex destroy $rmutex} msg]
thread::mutex unlock $rmutex
thread::mutex destroy $rmutex
list $x $msg
} {1 {mutex is in use}}
test thread-19.12 {thread::mutex - lock exclusive between threads} {
set tid [thread::create]
set emutex [thread::mutex create]
thread::send -async $tid [subst {
thread::mutex lock $emutex
after 2000
thread::mutex unlock $emutex
after 10
set time1 [clock seconds]
thread::mutex lock $emutex
set time2 [clock seconds]
thread::mutex unlock $emutex
thread::mutex destroy $emutex
expr {($time2 - $time1) >= 1}
} {1}
test thread-19.13 {thread::mutex - lock args} {
set x [catch {thread::mutex lock} msg]
list $x $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "thread::mutex lock mutexHandle"}}
test thread-19.14 {thread::mutex - unlock args} {
set x [catch {thread::mutex unlock} msg]
list $x $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "thread::mutex unlock mutexHandle"}}
test thread-19.15 {thread::mutex - destroy args} {
set x [catch {thread::mutex destroy} msg]
list $x $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "thread::mutex destroy mutexHandle"}}
test thread-20.0 {thread::rwmutex - args} {
set x [catch {thread::rwmutex} msg]
list $x $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "thread::rwmutex option ?args?"}}
test thread-20.1 {thread::rwmutex - command options} {
set x [catch {thread::rwmutex dummy} msg]
list $x $msg
} {1 {bad option "dummy": must be create, destroy, rlock, wlock, or unlock}}
test thread-20.2 {thread::rwmutex - more command options} {
set x [catch {thread::rwmutex create dummy} msg]
list $x $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "thread::rwmutex create"}}
test thread-20.3 {thread::rwmutex - more command options} {
set x [catch {thread::rwmutex create dummy} msg]
list $x $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "thread::rwmutex create"}}
test thread-20.4 {thread::rwmutex - mutex handle} {
set rwmutex [thread::rwmutex create]
set c [regexp {wid[0-9]+} $rwmutex]
thread::rwmutex destroy $rwmutex
set c
} {1}
test thread-20.5 {thread::rwmutex - bad handle} {
set x [catch {thread::rwmutex rlock dummy} msg]
list $x $msg
} {1 {no such mutex "dummy"}}
test thread-20.6 {thread::mutex - destroy readlocked mutex} {
set rwmutex [thread::rwmutex create]
thread::rwmutex rlock $rwmutex
set x [catch {thread::rwmutex destroy $rwmutex} msg]
thread::rwmutex unlock $rwmutex
thread::rwmutex destroy $rwmutex
list $x $msg
} {1 {mutex is in use}}
test thread-20.7 {thread::mutex - destroy writelocked mutex} {
set rwmutex [thread::rwmutex create]
thread::rwmutex wlock $rwmutex
set x [catch {thread::rwmutex destroy $rwmutex} msg]
thread::rwmutex unlock $rwmutex
thread::rwmutex destroy $rwmutex
list $x $msg
} {1 {mutex is in use}}
test thread-20.8 {thread::rwmutex - readlock mutex} {
set tid [thread::create]
set rwmutex [thread::rwmutex create]
thread::send -async $tid [subst {
thread::rwmutex rlock $rwmutex
after 1000
thread::rwmutex unlock $rwmutex
after 10
set time1 [clock seconds]
thread::rwmutex rlock $rwmutex
set time2 [clock seconds]
thread::rwmutex unlock $rwmutex
thread::rwmutex destroy $rwmutex
expr {($time2 - $time1) < 1}
} {1}
test thread-20.9 {thread::rwmutex - writelock mutex} {
set tid [thread::create]
set rwmutex [thread::rwmutex create]
thread::send -async $tid [subst {
thread::rwmutex wlock $rwmutex
after 2000
thread::rwmutex unlock $rwmutex
after 10
set time1 [clock seconds]
thread::rwmutex rlock $rwmutex
set time2 [clock seconds]
thread::rwmutex unlock $rwmutex
thread::rwmutex destroy $rwmutex
expr {($time2 - $time1) >= 1}
} {1}
test thread-20.10 {thread::rwmutex - readlock args} {
set x [catch {thread::rwmutex rlock} msg]
list $x $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "thread::rwmutex rlock mutexHandle"}}
test thread-20.11 {thread::rwmutex - writelock args} {
set x [catch {thread::rwmutex wlock} msg]
list $x $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "thread::rwmutex wlock mutexHandle"}}
test thread-20.12 {thread::rwmutex - unlock args} {
set x [catch {thread::rwmutex unlock} msg]
list $x $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "thread::rwmutex unlock mutexHandle"}}
test thread-20.13 {thread::rwmutex - destroy args} {
set x [catch {thread::rwmutex destroy} msg]
list $x $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "thread::rwmutex destroy mutexHandle"}}
test thread-20.14 {thread::mutex - write-lock write-locked mutex} {
set rwmutex [thread::rwmutex create]
thread::rwmutex wlock $rwmutex
set x [catch {thread::rwmutex wlock $rwmutex} msg]
thread::rwmutex unlock $rwmutex
thread::rwmutex destroy $rwmutex
list $x $msg
} {1 {write-locking the same read-write mutex twice from the same thread}}
test thread-20.15 {thread::mutex - read-lock write-locked mutex} {
set rwmutex [thread::rwmutex create]
thread::rwmutex wlock $rwmutex
set x [catch {thread::rwmutex rlock $rwmutex} msg]
thread::rwmutex unlock $rwmutex
thread::rwmutex destroy $rwmutex
list $x $msg
} {1 {read-locking already write-locked mutex from the same thread}}
test thread-20.16 {thread::mutex - unlock not locked mutex} {
set rwmutex [thread::rwmutex create]
set x [catch {thread::rwmutex unlock $rwmutex} msg]
thread::rwmutex destroy $rwmutex
list $x $msg
} {1 {mutex is not locked}}
test thread-21.0 {thread::cond - args} {
set x [catch {thread::cond} msg]
list $x $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "thread::cond option ?args?"}}
test thread-21.1 {thread::cond - command options} {
set x [catch {thread::cond dummy} msg]
list $x $msg
} {1 {bad option "dummy": must be create, destroy, notify, or wait}}
test thread-21.2 {thread::cond - more command options} {
set x [catch {thread::cond create dummy} msg]
list $x $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "thread::cond create"}}
test thread-21.3 {thread::cond - cond handle} {
set cond [thread::cond create]
set c [regexp {cid[0-9]+} $cond]
thread::cond destroy $cond
set c
} {1}
test thread-21.4 {thread::cond - destroy args} {
set x [catch {thread::cond destroy} msg]
list $x $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "thread::cond destroy condHandle ?args?"}}
test thread-21.5 {thread::cond - destroy bad handle} {
set x [catch {thread::cond destroy dummy} msg]
list $x $msg
} {1 {no such condition variable "dummy"}}
test thread-21.6 {thread::cond - notify args} {
set x [catch {thread::cond notify} msg]
list $x $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "thread::cond notify condHandle ?args?"}}
test thread-21.7 {thread::cond - wait args} {
set x [catch {thread::cond wait} msg]
list $x $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "thread::cond wait condHandle ?args?"}}
test thread-21.8 {thread::cond - wait bad handle} {
set x [catch {thread::cond wait dummy} msg]
list $x $msg
} {1 {no such condition variable "dummy"}}
test thread-21.9 {thread::cond - wait no mutex} {
set cond [thread::cond create]
set x [catch {thread::cond wait $cond} msg]
thread::cond destroy $cond
list $x $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "thread::cond wait condHandle mutexHandle ?timeout?"}}
test thread-21.10 {thread::cond - wait bad mutex} {
set cond [thread::cond create]
set x [catch {thread::cond wait $cond dummy} msg]
thread::cond destroy $cond
list $x $msg
} {1 {no such mutex "dummy"}}
test thread-21.11 {thread::cond - wait unlocked mutex} {
set cond [thread::cond create]
set emutex [thread::mutex create]
set x [catch {thread::cond wait $cond $emutex} msg]
thread::cond destroy $cond
thread::mutex destroy $emutex
list $x $msg
} {1 {mutex not locked or wrong type}}
test thread-21.12 {thread::cond - wait locked mutex from wrong thread} {
set tid [thread::create]
set emutex [thread::mutex create]
set cond [thread::cond create]
thread::mutex lock $emutex
thread::send -async $tid [subst -nocommands {
set code [catch {thread::cond wait $cond $emutex 1000} result]
after 20
thread::cond notify $cond
set c [thread::send $tid "set code"]
set r [thread::send $tid "set result"]
thread::cond destroy $cond
thread::mutex unlock $emutex
thread::mutex destroy $emutex
list $c $r
} {1 {mutex not locked or wrong type}}
test thread-21.13 {thread::cond - wait recursive mutex} {
set cond [thread::cond create]
set rmutex [thread::mutex create -recursive]
set x [catch {thread::cond wait $cond $rmutex} msg]
thread::cond destroy $cond
thread::mutex destroy $rmutex
list $x $msg
} {1 {mutex not locked or wrong type}}
test thread-21.14 {thread::cond - wait readwrite mutex} {
set cond [thread::cond create]
set rwmutex [thread::rwmutex create]
set x [catch {thread::cond wait $cond $rwmutex} msg]
thread::cond destroy $cond
thread::rwmutex destroy $rwmutex
list $x $msg
} {1 {mutex not locked or wrong type}}
test thread-21.15 {thread::cond - regular timed wait} {
set tid [thread::create]
set emutex [thread::mutex create]
set cond [thread::cond create]
thread::send -async $tid [subst {
thread::mutex lock $emutex
thread::cond wait $cond $emutex 2000
thread::mutex unlock $emutex
set test 1
after 10
set time1 [clock seconds]
thread::cond notify $cond
set c [thread::send $tid "info exists test"]
set time2 [clock seconds]
thread::mutex destroy $emutex
thread::cond destroy $cond
list $c [expr {($time2 - $time1) < 2}]
} {1 1}
test thread-21.16 {thread::cond - delete waited variable} {
set tid [thread::create]
set emutex [thread::mutex create]
set cond [thread::cond create]
thread::send -async $tid [subst {
thread::mutex lock $emutex
thread::cond wait $cond $emutex 500
thread::mutex unlock $emutex
after 10
set c1 [catch {thread::cond destroy $cond} r1]
thread::cond notify $cond
after 1000
set c2 [catch {thread::cond destroy $cond} r2]
thread::mutex destroy $emutex
list $c1 $c2 $r1 $r2
} {1 0 {condition variable is in use} {}}
removeFile dummyForTransfer