/* $XFree86: xc/programs/xcursorgen/xcursorgen.c,v 1.8 2002/11/23 02:33:20 keithp Exp $ */ /* * xcursorgen.c * * Copyright (C) 2002 Manish Singh * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting * documentation, and that the name of Manish Singh not be used in * advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without * specific, written prior permission. Manish Singh makes no * representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It * is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * * MANISH SINGH DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, * INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO * EVENT SHALL MANISH SINGH BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, * DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER * TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <X11/Xlib.h> #include <X11/Xutil.h> #include <X11/Xcursor/Xcursor.h> #include <png.h> #define VERSION_STR "0.1" struct flist { int size; int xhot, yhot; char *pngfile; int delay; struct flist *next; }; static void usage (char *name) { fprintf (stderr, "usage: %s [-Vh] [--version] [--help] [-p <dir>] [--prefix <dir>] [CONFIG [OUT]]\n", name); fprintf (stderr, "Generate an Xcursor file from a series of PNG images\n"); fprintf (stderr, "\n"); fprintf (stderr, " -V, --version display the version number and exit\n"); fprintf (stderr, " -?, --help display this message and exit\n"); fprintf (stderr, " -p, --prefix <dir> find cursor images in <dir>\n"); fprintf (stderr, "\n"); fprintf (stderr, "With no CONFIG, or when CONFIG is -, read standard input. " "Same with OUT and\n"); fprintf (stderr, "standard output.\n"); } static int read_config_file (char *config, struct flist **list) { FILE *fp; char line[4096], pngfile[4000]; int size, xhot, yhot, delay; struct flist *start = NULL, *end = NULL, *curr; int count = 0; if (strcmp (config, "-") != 0) { fp = fopen (config, "r"); if (!fp) { *list = NULL; return 0; } } else fp = stdin; while (fgets (line, sizeof (line), fp) != NULL) { if (line[0] == '#') continue; switch (sscanf (line, "%d %d %d %3999s %d", &size, &xhot, &yhot, pngfile, &delay)) { case 4: delay = 50; break; case 5: break; default: { fprintf (stderr, "Bad config file data!\n"); fclose (fp); return 0; } } curr = malloc (sizeof (struct flist)); if (curr == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "malloc() failed\n"); fclose (fp); return 0; } curr->size = size; curr->xhot = xhot; curr->yhot = yhot; curr->delay = delay; curr->pngfile = malloc (strlen (pngfile) + 1); if (curr->pngfile == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "malloc() failed\n"); fclose (fp); return 0; } strcpy (curr->pngfile, pngfile); curr->next = NULL; if (start) { end->next = curr; end = curr; } else { start = curr; end = curr; } count++; } fclose (fp); *list = start; return count; } #define div_255(x) (((x) + 0x80 + (((x) + 0x80) >> 8)) >> 8) static void premultiply_data (png_structp png, png_row_infop row_info, png_bytep data) { int i; for (i = 0; i < row_info->rowbytes; i += 4) { unsigned char *base = &data[i]; unsigned char blue = base[0]; unsigned char green = base[1]; unsigned char red = base[2]; unsigned char alpha = base[3]; XcursorPixel p; red = div_255((unsigned)red * (unsigned)alpha); green = div_255((unsigned)green * (unsigned)alpha); blue = div_255((unsigned)blue * (unsigned)alpha); p = (alpha << 24) | (red << 16) | (green << 8) | (blue << 0); memcpy (base, &p, sizeof (XcursorPixel)); } } static XcursorImage * load_image (struct flist *list, char *prefix) { XcursorImage *image; png_structp png; png_infop info; png_bytepp rows; FILE *fp; int i; png_uint_32 width, height; int depth, color, interlace; char *file; png = png_create_read_struct (PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (png == NULL) return NULL; info = png_create_info_struct (png); if (info == NULL) { png_destroy_read_struct (&png, NULL, NULL); return NULL; } if (setjmp (png->jmpbuf)) { png_destroy_read_struct (&png, &info, NULL); return NULL; } if (prefix) { file = malloc (strlen (prefix) + 1 + strlen (list->pngfile) + 1); if (file == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "malloc() failed\n"); png_destroy_read_struct (&png, &info, NULL); return NULL; } strcpy (file, prefix); strcat (file, "/"); strcat (file, list->pngfile); } else file = list->pngfile; fp = fopen (file, "rb"); if (prefix) free (file); if (fp == NULL) { png_destroy_read_struct (&png, &info, NULL); return NULL; } png_init_io (png, fp); png_read_info (png, info); png_get_IHDR (png, info, &width, &height, &depth, &color, &interlace, NULL, NULL); /* TODO: More needs to be done here maybe */ if (color == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE && depth <= 8) png_set_expand (png); if (color == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY && depth < 8) png_set_expand (png); if (png_get_valid (png, info, PNG_INFO_tRNS)) png_set_expand (png); if (depth == 16) png_set_strip_16 (png); if (depth < 8) png_set_packing (png); if (color == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY || color == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY_ALPHA) png_set_gray_to_rgb (png); if (interlace != PNG_INTERLACE_NONE) png_set_interlace_handling (png); png_set_bgr (png); png_set_filler (png, 255, PNG_FILLER_AFTER); png_set_read_user_transform_fn (png, premultiply_data); png_read_update_info (png, info); image = XcursorImageCreate (width, height); image->size = list->size; image->xhot = list->xhot; image->yhot = list->yhot; image->delay = list->delay; rows = malloc (sizeof (png_bytep) * height); if (rows == NULL) { fclose (fp); png_destroy_read_struct (&png, &info, NULL); return NULL; } for (i = 0; i < height; i++) rows[i] = (png_bytep) (image->pixels + i * width); png_read_image (png, rows); png_read_end (png, info); free (rows); fclose (fp); png_destroy_read_struct (&png, &info, NULL); return image; } static int write_cursors (int count, struct flist *list, char *filename, char *prefix) { XcursorImages *cimages; XcursorImage *image; int i; FILE *fp; int ret; if (strcmp (filename, "-") != 0) { fp = fopen (filename, "wb"); if (!fp) return 1; } else fp = stdout; cimages = XcursorImagesCreate (count); cimages->nimage = count; for (i = 0; i < count; i++, list = list->next) { image = load_image (list, prefix); if (image == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "PNG error while reading %s!\n", list->pngfile); return 1; } cimages->images[i] = image; } ret = XcursorFileSaveImages (fp, cimages); fclose (fp); return ret ? 0 : 1; } static int check_image (char *image) { unsigned int width, height; unsigned char *data; int x_hot, y_hot; XImage ximage; unsigned char hash[XCURSOR_BITMAP_HASH_SIZE]; int i; if (XReadBitmapFileData (image, &width, &height, &data, &x_hot, &y_hot) != BitmapSuccess) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't open bitmap file \"%s\"\n", image); return 1; } ximage.height = height; ximage.width = width; ximage.depth = 1; ximage.bits_per_pixel = 1; ximage.xoffset = 0; ximage.format = XYPixmap; ximage.data = (char *)data; ximage.byte_order = LSBFirst; ximage.bitmap_unit = 8; ximage.bitmap_bit_order = LSBFirst; ximage.bitmap_pad = 8; ximage.bytes_per_line = (width+7)/8; XcursorImageHash (&ximage, hash); printf ("%s: ", image); for (i = 0; i < XCURSOR_BITMAP_HASH_SIZE; i++) printf ("%02x", hash[i]); printf ("\n"); return 0; } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { struct flist *list; int count; char *in = 0, *out = 0; char *prefix = 0; int i; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (strcmp (argv[i], "-V") == 0 || strcmp (argv[i], "--version") == 0) { printf ("xcursorgen version %s\n", VERSION_STR); return 0; } if (strcmp (argv[i], "-?") == 0 || strcmp (argv[i], "--help") == 0) { usage (argv[0]); return 0; } if (strcmp (argv[i], "-image") == 0) { int i = 2; int ret = 0; while (argv[i]) { if (check_image (argv[i])) ret = i; i++; } return ret; } if (strcmp (argv[i], "-p") == 0 || strcmp (argv[i], "--prefix") == 0) { i++; if (argv[i] == 0) { usage (argv[0]); return 1; } prefix = argv[i]; continue; } if (!in) in = argv[i]; else if (!out) out = argv[i]; else { usage (argv[0]); return 1; } } if (!in) in = "-"; if (!out) out = "-"; count = read_config_file (in, &list); if (count == 0) { fprintf (stderr, "Error reading config file!\n"); return 1; } return write_cursors (count, list, out, prefix); }