// Written in the D Programming Language, version 1 import std.stdio; import std.process; import std.stream; import std.string; import std.file; import std.conv; import std.uri; import litexml; int main(string[] args) { string name; bool usage, noImport; foreach (arg; args[1..$]) switch (arg) { case "-h": case "--help": usage = true; break; case "--no-import": noImport = true; break; default: if (name) throw new Exception("Multiple article name arguments"); name = arg; break; } if (args.length == 1 || usage) { fwritefln(stderr, "Usage: %s Article_name [OPTION]...", args[0]); fwritefln(stderr, "Create a git repository with the history of the specified Wikipedia article."); fwritefln(stderr, "Supported options:"); fwritefln(stderr, " -h --help Display this help"); fwritefln(stderr, " --no-import Don't invoke ``git fast-import'' and only generate the fast-import data"); return 2; } if (!name) throw new Exception("No article specified"); if (name.length>=2 && name[0]=='"' && name[$-1]=='"') name = name[1..$-1]; // strip quotes if (spawnvp(P_WAIT, "curl", ["curl", "-d", "\"\"", "http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Export&pages=" ~ encodeComponent(name), "-o", "history.xml"])) throw new Exception("curl error"); fwritefln(stderr, "Loading history..."); string xmldata = cast(string) read("history.xml"); std.file.remove("history.xml"); auto xml = new XmlDocument(new MemoryStream(xmldata)); string data = "reset refs/heads/master\n"; auto page = xml[0]["page"]; if (!page) throw new Exception("No such page"); foreach (child; page) if (child.tag=="revision") { string id = child["id"].text; string summary = child["comment"] ? child["comment"].text : null; string committer = child["contributor"]["username"] ? child["contributor"]["username"].text : child["contributor"]["ip"].text; string text = child["text"].text; fwritefln(stderr, "Revision %s by %s: %s", id, committer, summary); summary ~= "\n\nhttp://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?oldid=" ~ id; data ~= "commit refs/heads/master\n" ~ "committer " ~ committer ~ " <" ~ committer ~ "@en.wikipedia.org> " ~ ISO8601toRFC2822(child["timestamp"].text) ~ "\n" ~ "data " ~ .toString(summary.length) ~ "\n" ~ summary ~ "\n" ~ "M 644 inline " ~ name ~ ".txt\n" ~ "data " ~ .toString(text.length) ~ "\n" ~ text ~ "\n" ~ "\n"; } write("fast-import-data", data); if (noImport) return 0; if (exists(".git")) throw new Exception("A git repository already exists here!"); system("git init"); system("git fast-import --date-format=rfc2822 < fast-import-data"); std.file.remove("fast-import-data"); system("git reset --hard"); return 0; } const monthNames = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]; // 2010-06-15T19:28:44Z // Feb 6 11:22:18 2007 -0500 string ISO8601toRFC2822(string s) { return monthNames[.toInt(s[5..7])-1] ~ " " ~ s[8..10] ~ " " ~ s[11..13] ~ ":" ~ s[14..16] ~ ":" ~ s[17..19] ~ " " ~ s[0..4] ~ " +0000"; }