remove gui

This commit is contained in:
Jeff Carr 2024-12-05 12:30:18 -06:00
parent 2f33fc8648
commit 87f53b432f
4 changed files with 20 additions and 211 deletions

View File

@ -2,11 +2,12 @@ VERSION = $(shell git describe --tags)
GUIVERSION = $(shell git describe --tags)
BUILDTIME = $(shell date +%Y.%m.%d)
all: build
all: goimports build
GO111MODULE=off go build \
GO111MODULE=off go vet

View File

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
package main
import (
func listInstalledPackages() ([]string, error) {
// Execute dpkg -l command
cmd := exec.Command("dpkg", "-l")
var out bytes.Buffer
cmd.Stdout = &out
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Initialize slice to hold package names
var packages []string
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(&out)
// Skip the first five lines as they are headers in dpkg -l output
for i := 0; i < 5 && scanner.Scan(); i++ {
// Ignore header lines
// Process each remaining line
for scanner.Scan() {
line := scanner.Text()
fields := strings.Fields(line)
// Ensure the line has enough fields for parsing
if len(fields) >= 2 {
status := fields[0]
packageName := fields[1]
// Only add packages with "ii" status (installed)
if status == "ii" {
packages = append(packages, packageName)
if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return packages, nil

View File

@ -1,14 +1,11 @@
package main
import (
// sent via -ldflags
@ -17,87 +14,23 @@ var BUILDTIME string
func main() {
me = new(autoType)
// load the ~/.config/forge/ config
me.forge = forgepb.Init()
// setup the GUI
me.myGui = gui.New()
me.repoList = repolist.Init(me.forge, me.myGui)
failed := make(map[*repolist.RepoRow]string)
versions := make(map[*repolist.RepoRow]string)
rloop := me.repoList.ReposSortByName()
for rloop.Scan() {
repo := rloop.Repo()
repotype := repo.RepoType()
if repotype != "binary" {
// we only want to process golang binaries where package == 'main'
// log.Info("skipping repo", repo.GoPath(), repotype)
// var cmd []string
var start string
var end string
var alreadyBuilt bool
ver := repo.Status.DebianReleaseVersion()
name := me.forge.DebName(repo.GoPath())
if me.forge.Machine.IsInstalled(name) {
end += "(installed) "
if actualp := me.forge.Machine.FindVersion(name, ver); actualp != nil {
end += " (version match) " + actualp.Version + " " + ver + " "
alreadyBuilt = true
} else {
end += " (need to build) " + ver + " "
if alreadyBuilt {
start = fmt.Sprintf("already built %-30s %-8s %-50s", name, ver, repo.GoPath())
} else {
start = fmt.Sprintf("need to build %-30s %-8s %-50s", name, ver, repo.GoPath())
log.Info(start, "("+versions[repo]+")", end)
if name == "" {
// err := fmt.Sprintf("name is blank error %+v", repo)
log.Warn("name is blank error", repo.GoPath())
if argv.DryRun {
// skip if already built. (unless --force)
if alreadyBuilt {
// don't rebuild things
if argv.Force {
// well, okay, force me to rebuild them then
} else {
if repo.Status.IsPrivate() {
// cmd = []string{"go-deb", "--auto", "--repo", repo.GoPath()}
} else {
log.Info("something failed on:")
var fail bool = true
for repo, cmd := range failed {
log.Info("failed cmd :", cmd, repo.Status.Path())
fail = false
if fail {
func testLoad(name string) {
if _, err := me.myGui.LoadToolkit(name); err == nil {
} else {
log.Warn("LoadToolkit() failed to load", name, "error:", err)
time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)

View File

@ -2,9 +2,6 @@ package main
import (
var me *autoType
@ -13,75 +10,4 @@ var me *autoType
type autoType struct {
// allrepos map[string]*repo
myGui *gui.Node
mainWindow *gui.Node
// the main box. enable/disable this
mainbox *gui.Node
// the window from the /lib/gui/gowit package
lw *gadgets.BasicWindow
// our view of the repositories
// repos *repoWindow
repoList *repolist.RepoList
// your customized repo preferences and settings
forge *forgepb.Forge
// where your ~/go/src is
goSrcPath string
// use zookeeper to get the list of installed packages
// machine zoopb.Machine
// #### autotypist Global Display Options
autoHidePerfect *gui.Node
autoHideReadOnly *gui.Node
// #### autotypist Global Build Options
// what to change all the branches to
// so, as a developer, you can move all the repos
// to the 'devel' branch and then test a devel branch build
// then switch back to your 'username' branch and do a build there
toMoveToBranch string
// this button will regenerate everyones go.mod & go.sum
rerunGoMod *gui.Node
// if checked, will stop trying to os.Exec() things after failure
stopOnErrors *gui.Node
// button to attempt to autorebuild
autoRebuildButton *gui.Node
// checkbox for --dry-run
autoDryRun *gui.Node
// checkbox to enable intermittent scanning
// if checked, it will check all your repos for changes
autoScanReposCB *gui.Node
// what is being used as your home dir
userHomePwd *gadgets.OneLiner
// what is being used as ~/go/src
goSrcPwd *gadgets.OneLiner
downloadEverythingButton *gui.Node
// delete ~/go/src & ~/go/pkg buttons
deleteGoSrcPkgB *gui.Node
// displays a summary of all the repos
// has total dirty, total read-only
// total patches, etc
// summary *patchSummary
// when switch to user or devel branches, autocreate them
autoCreateBranches *gui.Node
// make a concept called a 'mode' that means which branches
// are you working from: "master"? "devel"? <username>?
newMode *gui.Node