#!/bin/bash set -Eeuo pipefail IFACE=$1 if [ ${#IFACE} -gt 14 ]; then echo "interface name too long, mac 14 char: $IFACE" exit 10 fi if [ -e /etc/libvirt/hooks/$IFACE ] then source /etc/libvirt/hooks/$IFACE else eval $( curl --fail --connect-timeout 5 -s http://stackapi.usw3.admin.stage.wit.com:4000/network_interface?interface_name=$IFACE && \ curl --fail --connect-timeout 5 -s http://stackapi.usw3.admin.stage.wit.com:4001/network_interface?interface_name=$IFACE ) CLUSTER=${VNI:-""} fi if ! [[ $CLUSTER =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then echo "CLUSTER '$CLUSTER' seems not to be valid" exit 10 fi LOOPBACKIP=$(ip -4 addr show dev lo | grep -Po 'inet \K[\d.]+' | grep -v "^$") BRIDGE=br${CLUSTER} VIF=vxlan${CLUSTER} [ -z ${PARENTIF:=""} ] || VIF=vlan${CLUSTER} ### if we have a parentif set we're just going to handle it as a legacy old school vlan ip link set up ${IFACE} if ! ip link show dev ${VIF} &>/dev/null; then if [ -z ${PARENTIF:=""} ] then ip link add ${VIF} type vxlan id ${CLUSTER} dstport 4789 local ${LOOPBACKIP} nolearning else ip link add link ${PARENTIF} name ${VIF} type vlan protocol 802.1q id ${CLUSTER} fi ip link set up ${VIF} fi if ! ip link show dev ${BRIDGE} &>/dev/null; then brctl addbr ${BRIDGE} brctl stp ${BRIDGE} off brctl addif ${BRIDGE} ${VIF} ip link set up dev ${BRIDGE} bridge vlan del dev ${BRIDGE} vid 1 self echo 1 >/sys/class/net/${BRIDGE}/bridge/vlan_filtering fi brctl addif ${BRIDGE} ${IFACE}