diff --git a/letsencrypt/README.md b/letsencrypt/README.md index 6e990bf..177de41 100644 --- a/letsencrypt/README.md +++ b/letsencrypt/README.md @@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ Assumptions: - HAProxy is still configured to pass 80/tcp traffic matching `path_beg /.well-known/acme-challenge/` to the `letsencrypt-backend` - Traffic for the new domain will be terminated by HAProxy on roberto.wit.com +**Note:** Run the following as `root` on roberto. + To update the certificate modify the list of domain arguments (`-d foo.com`) below and use the following process: 1) Acquire the list of domains the **current certificate** is responsible for formatted as arguments to `certbot`: