2024-10-27 05:48:05 -05:00
// Copyright 2024 WIT.COM Inc Licensed GPL 3.0
// just a monstrous hack to get things working.
// todo: rework this?
// go through the libvirt xml object and dump out everything
// that is "standard". This is just a way to double check that
// there might be something interesting in a VM
// 'standard' here means what I think is standard
2024-10-31 06:46:16 -05:00
package virtigolib
2024-10-27 05:48:05 -05:00
import (
func DumpNonStandardXML(domcfg *libvirtxml.Domain) (string, error) {
// dump type
if domcfg.Type == "kvm" {
domcfg.Type = ""
} else {
fmt.Printf("type: %+v\n", domcfg.Type)
// dump normal OS settings
var standardOS bool = false
if domcfg.OS != nil {
if domcfg.OS.Type != nil {
// OS Type: &{Arch:x86_64 Machine:pc-i440fx-5.2 Type:hvm}
t := domcfg.OS.Type
if t.Arch == "x86_64" || t.Machine == "pc-i440fx-5.2" {
standardOS = true
if standardOS {
domcfg.OS = nil
} else {
fmt.Printf("OS: %+v\n", domcfg.OS)
fmt.Printf("OS Type: %+v\n", domcfg.OS.Type)
// ignore XMLName and IOThreads probably
// skip is hard coded in isDomainEmpty() function
// fmt.Printf("XMLName: %+v\n", domcfg.XMLName)
// fmt.Printf("IOThreads: %+v\n", domcfg.IOThreads)
// dump all the clock stuff if it's standard
var normalclock bool = true
if domcfg.Clock.Offset != "utc" {
normalclock = false
for i, t := range domcfg.Clock.Timer {
// fmt.Printf("Test Clock Timer: %d , %s , %+v\n", i, t.Name, t)
switch t.Name {
case "rtc":
if t.TickPolicy != "catchup" {
fmt.Printf("Clock Name: %+v , %+v\n", i, t)
normalclock = false
case "pit":
if t.TickPolicy != "delay" {
fmt.Printf("Clock Name: %+v , %+v\n", i, t)
normalclock = false
case "hpet":
if t.Present != "no" {
fmt.Printf("Clock Name: %+v , %+v\n", i, t)
normalclock = false
fmt.Printf("Clock Name: %+v , %+v\n", i, t)
normalclock = false
if normalclock {
domcfg.Clock = nil
} else {
fmt.Printf("Clock was 'nonstandard' %+v\n", domcfg.Clock.Timer)
// probably just dump Features for now
// fmt.Printf("Features: %+v\n", domcfg.Features)
// fmt.Printf("Feature VMPort: %+v\n", domcfg.Features.VMPort)
// ignore if ACPI is set or not
var featurematch bool = true
if domcfg.Features.ACPI != nil {
domcfg.Features.ACPI = nil
} else {
featurematch = false
// ignore if APIC is set or not
if domcfg.Features.APIC != nil {
domcfg.Features.APIC = nil
} else {
featurematch = false
// what is VMPort anyway?
if domcfg.Features.VMPort != nil {
if domcfg.Features.VMPort.State == "off" {
domcfg.Features.VMPort = nil
} else {
featurematch = false
// screwit, if all three of those match just erase
// this. not sure what uses it anyway but it's probably obscure
// and I'm not using it on any of my machines right now
// also, this is dumb that I'm doing this but I want to
// fine tooth comb through this right now
// also, I don't have a boss so nobody can tell me what to do
if featurematch {
domcfg.Features = nil
// fmt.Printf("Features: %+v\n", domcfg.Features)
// for i, f := range domcfg.Features {
// fmt.Printf("Feature: %+v , %+v\n", i, f)
// }
// these should always just be strings?
domcfg.Name = ""
domcfg.UUID = ""
// todo: actually check these for anything different
domcfg.Memory = nil
domcfg.CurrentMemory = nil
domcfg.VCPU = nil
// is this always "host-passthrough" and "host-model"?
// only Fabrice knows :)
if domcfg.CPU != nil {
switch domcfg.CPU.Mode {
case "host-passthrough":
domcfg.CPU = nil
case "host-model":
domcfg.CPU = nil
case "custom":
updatedXML, _ := xml.MarshalIndent(domcfg.CPU, "", " ")
log.Info("Ignoring custom CPU Start")
log.Info("Ignoring custom CPU End (--xml-ignore-cpu=true)")
//if argv.IgnoreCpu {
// domcfg.CPU = nil
fmt.Printf("unknown CPU: %+v\n", domcfg.CPU)
fmt.Printf("unknown CPU Model: %+v\n", domcfg.CPU.Model)
fmt.Printf("unknown CPU Mode: %+v\n", domcfg.CPU.Mode)
updatedXML, _ := xml.MarshalIndent(domcfg.CPU, "", " ")
log.Info("Non-Standard XML Start")
log.Info("Non-Standard XML End")
var secnormal bool = true
if len(domcfg.SecLabel) != 0 {
for _, sec := range domcfg.SecLabel {
switch sec.Model {
case "apparmor":
// log.Info("ignoring SecLabel apparmor. not supported yet")
// log.Info("you must set this later if you need this")
// xmlAny(sec)
case "dac":
// log.Info("ignoring SecLabel dac. not supported yet")
// log.Info("you must set this later if you need this")
// xmlAny(sec)
fmt.Printf("unknown SecLabel: %+v\n", sec)
fmt.Printf("unknown SecLabel.Model: %+v\n", sec.Model)
secnormal = false
if secnormal {
domcfg.SecLabel = nil
// ignore Metadata
// this is probably something about what kind of OS you might be running
// todo: get this directly from the disk image
if domcfg.Metadata != nil {
var s string
s = domcfg.Metadata.XML
log.Info("Not saving Domain.Metadata.XML:", s)
log.Info("todo: get this from disk image")
domcfg.Metadata = nil
// ignore Resource
if domcfg.Resource != nil {
if domcfg.Resource.Partition == "/machine" {
domcfg.Resource = nil
} else {
fmt.Printf("non-standard Domain.Resource: %+v\n", domcfg.Resource)
// ignore Resource
if domcfg.ID != nil {
// ignore domain id
domcfg.ID = nil
// this will move elsewhere in the protobuf someday
// ignore all these for now
if domcfg.OnPoweroff != "" { // normally "destroy"
domcfg.OnPoweroff = ""
if domcfg.OnCrash != "" { // normally "restart", often "destroy"
domcfg.OnCrash = ""
if domcfg.OnReboot != "" { // normally "restart"
domcfg.OnReboot = ""
// same with PM. move to protobuf
domcfg.PM = nil
// only keep non-qemu stuff
var qemu bool = true
for _, disk := range domcfg.Devices.Disks {
if disk.Driver.Name != "qemu" {
fmt.Printf("- Disk: %s, Device: %s, Source: %s\n", disk.Device, disk.Driver.Name, disk.Source.File.File)
fmt.Printf("FOUND NON QEMU DISK\n")
fmt.Printf("FOUND NON QEMU DISKS\n")
qemu = false
} else {
if qemu {
domcfg.Devices.Disks = nil
} else {
// fmt.Printf("FOUND NON QEMU DISKS\n")
// network interfaces get processed elsewhere
domcfg.Devices.Interfaces = nil
// look for strange stuff here
var normalPCI bool = true
var keepPCI []libvirtxml.DomainController
for _, controller := range domcfg.Devices.Controllers {
switch controller.Type {
case "usb":
switch controller.Model {
case "ich9-ehci1":
case "piix3-uhci":
case "qemu-xhci":
// fmt.Printf("OK USB: %s, %d\n", controller.Model, *controller.Index)
case "ich9-uhci1":
// fmt.Printf("OK USB: %s, %d\n", controller.Model, *controller.Index)
case "ich9-uhci2":
// fmt.Printf("OK USB: %s, %d\n", controller.Model, *controller.Index)
case "ich9-uhci3":
// fmt.Printf("OK USB: %s, %d\n", controller.Model, *controller.Index)
keepPCI = append(keepPCI, controller)
normalPCI = false
fmt.Printf("USB: %s, %d\n", controller.Model, *controller.Index)
// Domain:0xc0002d2760 Bus:0xc0002d2768 Slot:0xc0002d2770 Function:0xc0002d2778 MultiFunction:
pci := controller.Address.PCI
fmt.Printf("USB: Domain: %+v Slot %d Function %d\n", *pci.Domain, *pci.Slot, *pci.Function)
case "ide":
// fmt.Printf("IGNORE IDE\n")
case "virtio-serial":
// fmt.Printf("IGNORE virtio-serial\n")
case "sata":
// fmt.Printf("SATA: %s, %d\n", controller.Model, *controller.Index)
// fmt.Printf("SATA: %+v\n", controller)
case "scsi":
switch controller.Model {
case "virtio-scsi":
// fmt.Printf("IGNORE SCSI: lsilogic\n")
case "lsilogic":
// fmt.Printf("IGNORE SCSI: lsilogic\n")
keepPCI = append(keepPCI, controller)
normalPCI = false
case "pci":
// these are the strings I've found so far
switch controller.Model {
case "pci-root":
case "pcie-root":
case "pcie-root-port":
case "pcie-to-pci-bridge":
fmt.Printf("PCI: %s, %d\n", controller.Model, *controller.Index)
// Domain:0xc0002d2760 Bus:0xc0002d2768 Slot:0xc0002d2770 Function:0xc0002d2778 MultiFunction:
if controller.Address == nil {
fmt.Printf("PCI: controller.Address = nil\n")
} else {
pci := controller.Address.PCI
fmt.Printf("PCI: Domain: %+v Slot %d Function %d\n", *pci.Domain, *pci.Slot, *pci.Function)
normalPCI = false
keepPCI = append(keepPCI, controller)
fmt.Printf("? controllerType: %s: %+v\n", controller.Type, controller)
normalPCI = false
keepPCI = append(keepPCI, controller)
if normalPCI {
domcfg.Devices.Controllers = nil
} else {
domcfg.Devices.Controllers = keepPCI
// ignore serial and console
domcfg.Devices.Serials = nil
domcfg.Devices.Consoles = nil
// ignore sound
domcfg.Devices.Sounds = nil
// ignore input
domcfg.Devices.Inputs = nil
// ignore MemoryBalloon. This is cool, but no mortal humans
// are going to use it at this point. By that I mean me.
// someday this will be in protobuf?
domcfg.Devices.MemBalloon = nil
if domcfg.Devices.Emulator == "/usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64" {
domcfg.Devices.Emulator = ""
// ignore Graphics == Spice when AutoPort = 'yes'
var normalSpice bool = true
if domcfg.Devices.Graphics != nil {
for i, g := range domcfg.Devices.Graphics {
if g.VNC != nil {
// ignore vnc settings
// fmt.Printf("Ignore Graphics VNC settings: %d %+v\n", i, g)
if g.Spice != nil {
// this is all moved to updateDroplet()
// this is a spice definition, just ignore it
// because port mappings and network access will be handled
// somewhere else someday
// fmt.Printf("Graphics: %d %+v\n", i, g)
var s *libvirtxml.DomainGraphicSpice
s = g.Spice
// fmt.Printf("Spice: %d %+v %s\n", i, s, s.AutoPort)
if s.AutoPort == "yes" {
// should ignore either way
} else {
// print out, but ignore the port number
// fmt.Printf("Spice Port = %d\n", s.Port)
// figure out what to do with non-spice stuff
fmt.Printf("Unknown Graphics: %d %+v\n", i, g)
normalSpice = false
if normalSpice {
domcfg.Devices.Graphics = nil
// blank out emulator. should be in dom0
switch domcfg.Devices.Emulator {
case "":
domcfg.Devices.Emulator = ""
case "/usr/bin/kvm":
domcfg.Devices.Emulator = ""
case "/usr/bin/kvm-spice":
domcfg.Devices.Emulator = ""
fmt.Printf("Unknown Emulator: %s\n", domcfg.Devices.Emulator)
// ignore Channels == SpiceVMC
normalSpice = true
if domcfg.Devices.Channels != nil {
for _, c := range domcfg.Devices.Channels {
if c.Source != nil {
s := c.Source
if s != nil {
// fmt.Printf("Channels: %+v\n", s.SpiceVMC)
} else {
fmt.Printf("? Channels: %+v\n", c)
normalSpice = false
} else {
fmt.Printf("? Channels: %+v\n", c)
normalSpice = false
if normalSpice {
domcfg.Devices.Channels = nil
// this is probably for spice to have keyboard and mouse input
normalSpice = true
if domcfg.Devices.RedirDevs != nil {
for _, c := range domcfg.Devices.RedirDevs {
s := c.Source
if s != nil {
if s.SpiceVMC != nil {
// this is the normal USB redirection (I guess)
} else {
normalSpice = false
} else {
normalSpice = false
// fmt.Printf("? RedirDevs: %+v\n", c)
// fmt.Printf("? RedirDevs Source: %+v\n", s)
// fmt.Printf("? RedirDevs SpiceVMC: %d\n", *s.SpiceVMC)
// fmt.Printf("? RedirDevs Address: %+v\n", c.Address)
// fmt.Printf("? RedirDevs USB: %+v\n", c.Address.USB)
if normalSpice {
domcfg.Devices.RedirDevs = nil
var normalRNGs bool = true
if domcfg.Devices.RNGs != nil {
for _, rng := range domcfg.Devices.RNGs {
if rng.Model == "virtio" {
// nothing to do for this
} else {
fmt.Printf("? RNGs: %+v\n", rng)
normalRNGs = false
if normalRNGs {
domcfg.Devices.RNGs = nil
// don't copy this over here yet.
// probably most domU's don't really use/need it set to what is in the XML
var normalVideo bool = true
if domcfg.Devices.Videos != nil {
for _, v := range domcfg.Devices.Videos {
switch v.Model.Type {
case "qxl":
if v.Model.VRam == 65536 {
// standard qxl video
} else {
fmt.Printf("? Video: %+v\n", v)
fmt.Printf("? Video Model: %+v\n", v.Model)
normalVideo = false
case "cirrus":
case "virtio":
// this should always be standard
//fmt.Printf("? Video: %+v\n", v)
//fmt.Printf("? Video Model: %+v\n", v.Model)
//fmt.Printf("? Video Address: %+v\n", v.Address)
//fmt.Printf("? Video PCI: %+v\n", v.Address.PCI)
fmt.Printf("? Video: %+v\n", v)
fmt.Printf("? Video Model: %+v\n", v.Model)
normalVideo = false
if normalVideo {
domcfg.Devices.Videos = nil
2024-11-01 08:31:13 -05:00
var normalAudio bool = true
if domcfg.Devices.Audios != nil {
for _, a := range domcfg.Devices.Audios {
if a.SPICE != nil {
// nothing to do for this
} else {
fmt.Printf("? Audio: %+v\n", a)
normalAudio = false
if normalAudio {
domcfg.Devices.Audios = nil
var normalWatchdog bool = true
if domcfg.Devices.Watchdogs != nil {
for _, dog := range domcfg.Devices.Watchdogs {
// fmt.Printf("? Watchdog: %+v\n", dog)
if dog.Model == "itco" {
// nothing to do for this
} else {
fmt.Printf("? Watchdog: %+v\n", dog)
normalWatchdog = false
if normalWatchdog {
domcfg.Devices.Watchdogs = nil
2024-10-27 05:48:05 -05:00
return finalEmptyCheck(domcfg)