VERSION = $(shell git describe --tags) BUILDTIME = $(shell date +%Y.%m.%d) all: build ./virtigoctl --version ./virtigoctl --help make dump-droplets build: GO111MODULE=off go build \ -ldflags "-X main.VERSION=${VERSION} -X main.BUILDTIME=${BUILDTIME} -X gui.GUIVERSION=${VERSION}" verbose: GO111MODULE=off go build -v -x \ -ldflags "-X main.VERSION=${VERSION} -X main.BUILDTIME=${BUILDTIME} -X gui.GUIVERSION=${VERSION}" install: GO111MODULE=off go install \ -ldflags "-X main.VERSION=${VERSION} -X main.BUILDTIME=${BUILDTIME} -X gui.GUIVERSION=${VERSION}" # autofixes your import headers in your golang files goimports: goimports -w *.go # remake the go.mod and go.sum files redomod: rm -f go.* GO111MODULE= go mod init GO111MODULE= go mod tidy clean: rm -f go.* rm -f virtigo* dump-uptime: ./virtigoctl dump --uptime=true dump-droplets: ./virtigoctl dump --droplets=true dump-droplets-full: ./virtigoctl dump --droplets-full=true dump-hypervisors: ./virtigoctl dump --hypervisors=true start: ./virtigoctl --start create-from-nagios-filename: ./virtigoctl create --filename=/home/nfs1/node004/kvm/