
121 lines
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package main
import (
func (d *DropletT) Start() {
log.Info("a new virtual machine is running")
func (h *HyperT) RestartDaemon() {
url := "http://" + h.Hostname + ":2520/kill"
s := shell.Wget(url)
log.Info("EVENT RestartDaemon", url, s)
h.lastpoll = time.Now()
h.killcount += 1
dur := time.Since(h.lastpoll) // Calculate the elapsed time
log.Info("KILLED DAEMON", h.Hostname, shell.FormatDuration(dur), "curl", url)
me.killcount += 1
// checks if the cluster is ready and stable
func clusterReady() (bool, string) {
last := time.Since(me.unstable)
if last > 133*time.Second {
// the cluster has not been stable for 133 seconds
log.Warn("clusterReady() is stable for 133s")
return true, "clusterReady() is stable for 133s"
log.Warn("clusterReady() is unstable for", shell.FormatDuration(last))
return false, "clusterReady() is unstable for " + shell.FormatDuration(last)
func (d *DropletT) dropletReady() (bool, string) {
if d.CurrentState == "ON" {
return false, "EVENT start droplet is already ON"
if d.starts > 2 {
// reason := "EVENT start droplet has already been started " + d.starts + " times"
return false, fmt.Sprintln("EVENT start droplet has already been started ", d.starts, " times")
return true, ""
func (h *HyperT) Start(d *DropletT) (bool, string) {
ready, result := clusterReady()
if !ready {
return false, result
ready, result = d.dropletReady()
if !ready {
return false, result
url := "http://" + h.Hostname + ":2520/start?start=" + d.Hostname
s := shell.Wget(url)
result = "EVENT start droplet url: " + url + "\n"
result += "EVENT start droplet response: " + s.String()
// increment the counter for a start attempt working
d.starts += 1
// mark the cluster as unstable so droplet starts can be throttled
me.unstable = time.Now()
return true, result
func Start(name string) (bool, string) {
var result string
dur := time.Since(me.unstable) // how long has the cluster been stable?
result = fmt.Sprintln("should start droplet", name, "here. grid stable for:", shell.FormatDuration(dur))
if dur < 17*time.Second {
result += "grid is still too unstable"
return false, result
d := findDroplet(name)
if d == nil {
result += "can't start unknown droplet"
return false, result
// make the list of hypervisors that are active and can start new droplets
var pool []*HyperT
for _, h := range me.hypers {
result += fmt.Sprintln("could start droplet on", name, "on", h.Hostname, h.Active)
if d.hyperPreferred == h.Hostname {
// the config file says this droplet should run on this hypervisor
a, b := h.Start(d)
return a, result + b
if h.Active != true {
pool = append(pool, h)
// left here as an example of how to actually do random numbers
// it's complete mathematical chaos. Randomness is simple when
// human interaction occurs -- which is exactly what happens most
// of the time. most random shit is bullshit. all you really need
// is exactly this to make sure the random functions work as they
// should. Probably, just use this everywhere in all cases. --jcarr
a := 0
b := len(pool)
n := a + rand.Intn(b-a)
result += fmt.Sprintln("pool has", len(pool), "members", "rand =", n)
h := pool[n]
startbool, startresult := h.Start(d)
return startbool, result + startresult