package main

import (


var me virtigoT

// disable the GUI
func (b *virtigoT) Disable() {
	// b.mainbox.Disable()

// enable the GUI
func (b *virtigoT) Enable() {
	// b.mainbox.Enable()

// this app's variables
type virtigoT struct {
	cluster               *virtpb.Cluster                // basic cluster settings
	myGui                 *gui.Node                      // the gui toolkit handle
	e                     *virtpb.Events                 // virt protobuf events
	hmap                  map[*virtpb.Hypervisor]*HyperT // map to the local struct
	names                 []string                       // ?
	hypers                []*HyperT                      // notsure
	killcount             int                            // how many times virtigo-d has had to been killed
	unstable              time.Time                      // the last time the cluster was incorrect
	changed               bool                           // have things changed?
	hyperPollDelay        time.Duration                  // how often to poll the hypervisors
	unstableTimeout       time.Duration                  // how long a droplet can be unstable until it's declared dead
	clusterStableDuration time.Duration                  // how long the cluster must be stable before new droplets can be started
	missingDropletTimeout time.Duration                  // how long a droplet can be missing for
	status                *gui.Node                      // the cluster status
	lastuptime            *gui.Node                      // the last time uptime was checked by Kuma
	admin                 *adminT                        // the admin struct

type adminT struct {
	// admin mode
	droplets    *virtpb.Droplets       // your droplets
	hypervisors *virtpb.Hypervisors    // yep
	events      *virtpb.Events         // yep
	uptime      *gui.Node              // the uptime message
	dwin        *stdDropletTableWin    // the droplet window
	hwin        *stdHypervisorTableWin // the hypervisor window
	ewin        *stdEventTableWin      // the events window

// the stuff that is needed for a hypervisor
type HyperT struct {
	pb           *virtpb.Hypervisor   // the Hypervisor protobuf
	dog          *time.Ticker         // the watchdog timer itself
	lastpoll     time.Time            // the last time the hypervisor polled
	lastDroplets map[string]time.Time // the vm's in the last poll
	killcount    int                  // how many times the daemon has been forcably killed