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package main
All the information is defined by protobuf files
The config files written out by default into
protobuf definitions are by nature non-relational
so each protobuf is written out as a seperate file.
This seems like the simpilist way to handle this.
import (
pb ""
var ErrorNoFile error = errors.New("missing file")
var ErrorParseJSON error = errors.New("invalid json")
var ErrorParseXML error = errors.New("invalid xml")
// something is wrong somewhere and sometimes the
// protobuf json files get written out with garbage
func cfgfile() {
err := readConfigFile("virtigo.json")
if err == nil {
if err == ErrorParseJSON {
err = readConfigFile("virtigo.json.last")
if err == nil {
log.Info("read json failed", err)
if err == ErrorNoFile {
log.Info("no config file created yet", err)
func readConfigFile(filename string) error {
me.cluster = new(pb.Cluster)
fullname := filepath.Join(os.Getenv("VIRTIGO_HOME"), filename)
pfile, err := os.ReadFile(fullname)
if err != nil {
log.Info("open config file :", err)
return err
err = me.cluster.UnmarshalJSON(pfile)
if err != nil {
log.Info("read json failed", err)
return err
// initialize each hypervisor
for _, pbh := range me.cluster.Hypervisors {
h := findHypervisor(pbh.Hostname)
if h != nil {
// this is a new unknown droplet (not in the config file)
h = new(HyperT)
h.pb = pbh
h.lastpoll = time.Now()
me.hypers = append(me.hypers, h)
log.Log(EVENT, "config new hypervisors", h.pb.Hostname)
// initialize values for each droplet
for _, pbd := range me.cluster.Droplets {
d := findDroplet(pbd.Hostname)
if d != nil {
// this is a new unknown droplet (not in the config file)
d = new(DropletT)
d.pb = pbd
me.droplets = append(me.droplets, d)
log.Log(EVENT, "config new droplet", d.pb.Hostname, d.pb.StartState, d.pb.PreferredHypervisor)
return nil
func writeConfigFile() {
// Get the current time
now := time.Now()
// Format the time to match your desired format: YYYY.MM.DD.HHMMSS
timestamp := now.Format("2006.01.02.150405")
filename := "" + timestamp
if !writeConfigFileTmp(filename) {
log.Println("config file write error")
origname := filepath.Join(os.Getenv("VIRTIGO_HOME"), "virtigo.json")
newname := filepath.Join(os.Getenv("VIRTIGO_HOME"), "virtigo.json.old")
err := os.Rename(origname, newname)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("rename fail: %s", err)
if !writeConfigFileTmp("virtigo.json") {
log.Println("config file write error")
func writeConfigFileTmp(filename string) bool {
fullname := filepath.Join(os.Getenv("VIRTIGO_HOME"), filename)
cfgfile, err := os.OpenFile(fullname, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, 0666)
defer cfgfile.Close()
if err != nil {
log.Info("open config file :", err)
return false
json := me.cluster.FormatJSON()
fmt.Fprintln(cfgfile, json)
log.Info("Write:", fullname, "OK")
return true
func writeConfigFileDroplets() {
fullname := filepath.Join(os.Getenv("VIRTIGO_HOME"), "droplets.text")
cfgfile, err := os.OpenFile(fullname, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, 0666)
defer cfgfile.Close()
if err != nil {
log.Info("open config file :", err)
// text := me.cluster.Droplets.FormatTEXT()
text := me.cluster.FormatTEXT()
fmt.Fprintln(cfgfile, text)
log.Info("Write:", fullname, "OK")