all: # You must use the current protoc-gen-go # protoc --version 3.6++ does not mean that protoc will generate version3 .go files # # apt remove golang-goprotobuf-dev # apt install protobuf-compiler # # Then: # go get -u # cd ~/go/src/ # go install # # Then: protoc --version make droplet.pb.go cd configfile && make vet: GO111MODULE=off go vet lint: buf lint droplet.proto # autofixes your import headers in your golang files goimports: goimports -w *.go redomod: rm -f go.* GO111MODULE= go mod init GO111MODULE= go mod tidy clean: rm -f *.pb.go -rm go.* cd configfile && make clean droplet.pb.go: droplet.proto # protoc --go_out=. droplet.proto # This is switched over to use the new protoc-gen-go from # the debian one (2024/10/21) seems to be the older/original one from cd ~/go/src && protoc --go_out=. \ \ droplet.proto events.pb.go: events.proto protoc --go_out=. events.proto account.pb.go: account.proto protoc --go_out=. account.proto config.pb.go: config.proto protoc --go_out=. config.proto compile: protoc --go_out=. *.proto deps: apt install golang-goprotobuf-dev apt install protobuf-compiler push: git pull git add --all git commit -a -s git push