syntax = "proto3"; package virtbuf; import "google/protobuf/any.proto"; message Droplets { repeated Droplet droplets = 1; } message Droplet { string uuid = 1; string name = 2; string hostname = 3; int64 cpus = 4; int64 memory = 5; string start_state = 6; // what the state of the droplet is SUPPOSED TO BE ('on' or 'off') repeated Network networks = 7; repeated Disk disks = 8; string comment = 9; string preferred_hypervisor = 10; // the hypervisor to prefer to run the droplet on google.protobuf.Any testany = 11; StorageInfo humantest = 12; } message Network { string mac = 1; string name = 2; } message Disk { string filename = 1; int64 size = 2; } message StorageInfo { int64 capacity = 1; // Stores the storage capacity in bytes. }