syntax = "proto3"; package virtbuf; import "droplet.proto"; import "hypervisor.proto"; import "event.proto"; import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; // Import the well-known type for Timestamp import "google/protobuf/duration.proto"; // Import the well-known type for Timestamp message OldCluster { int64 id = 1; repeated string dirs = 2; repeated Droplet droplets = 3; repeated Hypervisor hypervisors = 4; // repeated Event events = 5; // Droplets d = 6; Hypervisors h = 7; Events e = 8; google.protobuf.Timestamp unstable = 9; // the last time we heard anything from this droplet google.protobuf.Duration unstable_timeout = 10; // the last time we heard anything from this droplet }