package repostatus import ( "os" "strings" "unicode" "" // "" ) // reports externally if something has changed // since the last time it was asked about it func (rs *RepoStatus) Changed() (string, bool) { if !rs.Ready() { return "", false } return rs.getChanges(), rs.changed } // keeps a human readable list of things that have // changed. todo: timestampe these? func (rs *RepoStatus) getChanges() string { return rs.changes } func (rs *RepoStatus) NoteChange(s string) { log.Log(REPOWARN, "NoteChange() got", rs.String(), s) rs.changed = true rs.changes += s + "\n" } // deprecate this. returns the gopath right now func (rs *RepoStatus) String() string { // log.Warn("RepoStatus.String() is to be deprecated") return rs.path.String() } // returns the go path for the repo. "" func (rs *RepoStatus) GoName() string { return rs.GoPath() } // not sure which name is easier to remember. probably this one func (rs *RepoStatus) GoPath() string { return rs.goPath.String() } // full path func (rs *RepoStatus) FullPath() string { return rs.realPath.String() } func (rs *RepoStatus) IsPrimitive() bool { if rs.primitive.String() == "true" { return true } return false } func (rs *RepoStatus) IsProtobuf() (bool, []string, error) { log.Info("are there .proto files in:", rs.Path()) all, err := ScanForProtobuf(rs.Path()) for i, s := range all { log.Info("found i, s:", i, s) } return false, all, err } // returns the filesystem path to the repo func (rs *RepoStatus) Path() string { if rs == nil { log.Warn("rs == nil") return "" } if rs.realPath == nil { log.Warn("rs.realPath == nil") return "" } return rs.realPath.String() } func (rs *RepoStatus) Show() { if !rs.Ready() { return } log.Log(CHANGE, "Show() window ready =", rs.ready) rs.window.Show() } func (rs *RepoStatus) Hide() { if !rs.Ready() { return } log.Log(CHANGE, "Hide() window ready =", rs.ready) rs.window.Hide() } func (rs *RepoStatus) Toggle() { if !rs.Ready() { return } log.Log(CHANGE, "Toggle() window ready =", rs.ready) if rs.window.Hidden() { rs.Show() } else { rs.Hide() } } func (rs *RepoStatus) Ready() bool { if rs == nil { return false } if rs.window == nil { return false } return rs.ready } func (rs *RepoStatus) IsGoLang() bool { if !rs.Ready() { return false } if rs.isGoLang.String() == "true" { return true } return false } // experiment to go package type func (rs *RepoStatus) RepoType() string { if !rs.IsGoLang() { return "" } if !rs.Exists("go.mod") { return "" } os.Setenv("GO111MODULE", "off") err, output := rs.RunCmd([]string{"go", "list", "-f", "'{{if eq .Name \"main\"}}binary{{else}}library{{end}}'"}) if err == nil { output = strings.Trim(output, "'") // log.Info("go package is:", output) return output } // log.Info("package is: unknown", err) return "" } func (rs *RepoStatus) BinaryName() string { // get the package name from the repo name path := rs.String() parts := strings.Split(path, "/") name := parts[len(parts)-1] return name } func (rs *RepoStatus) Build() bool { if !rs.IsGoLang() { return false } name := rs.BinaryName() // removes the binary if it already exists rs.RunCmd([]string{"rm", "-f", name}) if rs.Exists(name) { log.Warn("file could not be removed filename =", name) return false } log.Info("need to build here", rs.String()) // rs.RunCmd([]string{"go", "build", "-v", "-x"}) rs.XtermBash([]string{"go", "build", "-v", "-x"}) if rs.Exists(name) { log.Warn("build worked", name) return true } log.Warn("build failed", name) return false } func (rs *RepoStatus) GetTargetVersion() string { return rs.targetReleaseVersion.String() } func (rs *RepoStatus) GetCurrentVersion() string { return rs.currentVersion.String() } func (rs *RepoStatus) LastTag() string { return rs.lasttag.String() } func (rs *RepoStatus) IncrementVersion() bool { rs.incrementRevision() rs.EnableSelectTag() rs.setTag() newtag := "v" + rs.newversion.String() log.Log(REPOWARN, rs.GoPath(), "old version:", rs.LastTag(), "new version:", newtag) rs.targetReleaseVersion.SetText(newtag) return true } // TODO: run this through the sanity check! func (rs *RepoStatus) SetTargetVersion(s string) { // todo: redo setTag to do increment logic // func (rs *RepoStatus) setTag() bool { rs.targetReleaseVersion.SetText(s) } func (rs *RepoStatus) IsPrivate() bool { if rs.private.String() == "true" { return true } return false } func (rs *RepoStatus) SetPrivate(b bool) { if b { rs.private.SetText("true") } else { rs.private.SetText("false") } } // returns a name for human consuption only // todo: implement nicknames func (rs *RepoStatus) Name() string { if rs.IsGoLang() { return rs.GoPath() } return rs.Path() } func trimNonNumericFromStart(s string) string { for i, r := range s { if unicode.IsDigit(r) { return s[i:] } } return "" } func (rs *RepoStatus) DebianReleaseVersion() string { lasttag := rs.GetLastTagVersion() newv := trimNonNumericFromStart(lasttag) if newv == "" { newv = "0.0" if lasttag != "" { newv += "-" + lasttag } } return newv } func (rs *RepoStatus) DebianCurrentVersion() string { cbversion := rs.GetCurrentBranchVersion() newv := trimNonNumericFromStart(cbversion) if newv == "" { newv = "0.0" } if rs.CheckDirty() { newv += "-dirty" } return newv }