package main /* This simply parses the command line arguments using the default golang package called 'flag'. This can be used as a simple template to parse command line arguments in other programs. It puts everything in the 'config' package which I think is a good wrapper around the 'flags' package and doesn't need a whole mess of global variables */ import ( "flag" "fmt" "log" "os" "" ) var customUsage = func() { fmt.Fprintf(flag.CommandLine.Output(), "Usage of %s:\n", os.Args[0]) flag.PrintDefaults() fmt.Println("") fmt.Println("EXAMPLES:") fmt.Println("") fmt.Println(os.Args[0] + " --width 1024 --height 768 --drift .1 --filename seascape.glsl") fmt.Println(os.Args[0] + " --width 640 --height 480 --filename planetfall.glsl") fmt.Println("") } func parseFlags() { var version string var race bool var filename string var width int var height int var glDrift float64 var guiJunk string flag.StringVar(&version, "version", "v0.1", "Set compiled in version string") flag.StringVar(&filename, "filename", "seascape.glsl", "path to GLSL file") flag.StringVar(&guiJunk, "gui", "something", "redo all this code") flag.IntVar(&width, "width", 1024, "Width of the OpenGL Window") flag.IntVar(&height, "height", 768, "Height of the OpenGL Window") flag.Float64Var(&glDrift, "drift", 0.01, "Speed of the gradual camera drift") flag.BoolVar(&race, "race", race, "Use race detector") // Set the output if something fails to stdout rather than stderr flag.CommandLine.SetOutput(os.Stdout) flag.Usage = customUsage flag.Parse() if flag.Parsed() { log.Println("flag.Parse() worked") } else { log.Println("flag.Parse() failed") } // keys := []string{"filename", "width", "height", "drift"} // keys := []string{"width", "height", "drift"} // keys := []string{"height"} // config.LoadFlags(keys) config.Set("width", width) config.Set("height", height) config.Set("glDrift", glDrift) config.Set("filename", filename) } func parseConfig() { config.WithOptions(config.ParseEnv) parseFlags() // config.LoadOSEnv([]string{"MAIL"}) // config.LoadOSEnv([]string{"USER"}) // config.LoadOSEnv([]string{"BUILDDEBUG"}) }