
216 lines
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package glossary
import (
// Relevant packages of target format for a decoder must be initialized to register.
_ "image/gif"
_ "image/png"
var atlasASCII *text.Atlas
func init() {
atlasASCII = NewAtlas("", 18, nil)
// AtlasASCII returns an atlas which allows you to draw only ASCII characters.
// Atlas is a set of generated textures for glyphs in a specific font.
func AtlasASCII() *text.Atlas {
return atlasASCII
// NewAtlas newly loads and prepares a set of images of characters or symbols to be drawn.
// Arg runeSet would be set to nil if non-ASCII characters are not in use.
func NewAtlas(nameAssetTTF string, size float64, runeSet []rune) *text.Atlas {
if nameAssetTTF == "" {
nameAssetTTF = "NanumBarunGothic.ttf"
var face font.Face
asset, err := Asset(nameAssetTTF)
if err == nil {
face, err = LoadTrueTypeFont(asset, size)
if err != nil {
face = basicfont.Face7x13
return text.NewAtlas(face, text.ASCII, runeSet)
// NewSprite converts an asset (resource) into a sprite. Returns nil if there is an error.
// AssetNames() or AssetDir() might be helpful when utilizing this function.
func NewSprite(nameAsset string) *pixel.Sprite {
asset, err := Asset(nameAsset)
if err != nil {
// log.Println("1", err) //
return nil
pic, err := LoadPicture(asset)
if err != nil {
// log.Println("2", err) //
return nil
// log.Println("3", "success yay") //
return pixel.NewSprite(pic, pic.Bounds())
// LoadTrueTypeFontFromFile creates and returns a font face.
func LoadTrueTypeFontFromFile(path string, size float64) (font.Face, error) {
file, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer file.Close()
bytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(file)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
face, err := LoadTrueTypeFont(bytes, size)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return face, nil
// LoadPictureFromFile decodes an image that has been encoded in a registered format. (png, jpg, etc.)
// Format registration is typically done by an init function in the codec-specific package. (with underscore import)
func LoadPictureFromFile(path string) (pixel.Picture, error) {
file, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer file.Close()
img, _, err := image.Decode(file)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return pixel.PictureDataFromImage(img), nil
// LoadTrueTypeFont creates and returns a font face.
func LoadTrueTypeFont(bytes []byte, size float64) (font.Face, error) {
font, err := truetype.Parse(bytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return truetype.NewFace(font, &truetype.Options{
Size: size,
GlyphCacheEntries: 1,
}), nil
// LoadPicture decodes an image that has been encoded in a registered format. (png, jpg, etc.)
// Format registration is typically done by an init function in the codec-specific package. (with underscore import)
func LoadPicture(_bytes []byte) (pixel.Picture, error) {
img, _, err := image.Decode(bytes.NewReader(_bytes))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return pixel.PictureDataFromImage(img), nil
// RandomNiceColor from Platformer.
// Is not completely random without rand.Seed().
func RandomNiceColor() pixel.RGBA {
r := rand.Float64()
g := rand.Float64()
b := rand.Float64()
len := math.Sqrt(r*r + g*g + b*b)
if len == 0 {
goto again
return pixel.RGB(r/len, g/len, b/len)
// VerticesOfRect returns 4 vertices of a rectangle in a form of a slice of vectors.
func VerticesOfRect(r pixel.Rect) []pixel.Vec {
return []pixel.Vec{
pixel.V(r.Max.X, r.Min.Y),
pixel.V(r.Min.X, r.Max.Y),
// ItfsToStrs converts []interface{} to []string.
func ItfsToStrs(itfs []interface{}) (strs []string) {
strs = make([]string, len(itfs))
for i, v := range itfs {
strs[i] = fmt.Sprint(v)
return strs
// Direction returns a direction as a normalized vector. This vector always has a length of 1.
func Direction(from, to pixel.Vec) (dirVecNormalized pixel.Vec) {
vec := to.Sub(from)
if vec.X == 0 && vec.Y == 0 {
return vec
return vec.Unit()
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Anchors
// AnchorY - Top, Middle, Bottom
type AnchorY int
// enum AnchorY
const (
Top AnchorY = 1 + iota
// AnchorX - Left, Center, Right
type AnchorX int
// enum AnchorX
const (
Left AnchorX = 1 + iota
// AnchorTxt positions a text.Text label with an anchor alignment.
func AnchorTxt(txt *text.Text, pos pixel.Vec, anchorX AnchorX, anchorY AnchorY, desc string) {
txt.Orig = pos
txt.Dot = pos
switch anchorX {
case Left:
txt.Dot.X -= 0
case Center:
txt.Dot.X -= (txt.BoundsOf(desc).W() / 2)
case Right:
txt.Dot.X -= txt.BoundsOf(desc).W()
switch anchorY {
case Top:
txt.Dot.Y -= txt.BoundsOf(desc).H()
case Middle:
txt.Dot.Y -= (txt.BoundsOf(desc).H() / 2)
case Bottom:
txt.Dot.Y -= 0
txt.Dot.X += 0
txt.Dot.Y += 0