#!/bin/bash -x #SELECT droplets.name, sizes.memory, vnics.vif as vname, ip_addresses.ip, images.name, servers.name from droplets # JOIN sizes # ON droplets.size_id = sizes.id # JOIN vnics # ON droplets.id = vnics.droplet_id # JOIN ip_addresses # ON vnics.ip_address_id = ip_addresses.id # JOIN images # ON droplets.image_id = images.id # JOIN servers # ON droplets.server_id = servers.id # WHERE droplets.is_active=1; # cat /tmp/junk |awk '{print $8}' # run this once when you have a new collection of test servers rm .ssh/known_hosts cat testservers |xargs -n 1 --replace=BLAH echo ./ssh.pl BLAH root dopass \$1 > do_all.sh bash -x do_all.sh "echo >> /etc/hosts" bash -x do_all.sh "echo loadbot >> /etc/hosts" bash -x do_all.sh "restorecon -R /root/.ssh/" echo "now copy prep.pl over to each server. this should be fast (no resolution delays)" sleep 3 cat testservers |xargs -n 1 --replace=BLAH scp prep.pl BLAH: echo "now run prep.pl" sleep 3 cat testservers |xargs -n 1 --replace=BLAH ssh BLAH ./prep.pl