62 lines
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62 lines
1.6 KiB
# A Simple Terminal Resizing Example
# GPL version 2. See the COPYING file
# This script is a simple example of how handle terminal
# window resize events (transmitted via the WINCH signal)
# -- Jeff Carr <jcarr@linuxmachines.com>
if( ! defined $ARGV[0] ) {
print "Usage: ssh.pl host <username> <password>\n";
my ($host, $username, $password, @commands) = @ARGV;
$username = $ENV{USER} if $username eq "";
use Expect;
use IO::Pty;
my $spawn = new Expect;
# This gets the size of your terminal window
# This function traps WINCH signals and passes them on
sub winch {
my $signame = shift;
my $pid = $spawn->pid;
print "count $shucks,pid $pid, SIG$signame\n";
kill WINCH => $spawn->pid if $spawn->pid;
$SIG{WINCH} = \&winch; # best strategy
$spawn=Expect->spawn("ssh $username\@$host \"@commands\"");
# log everything if you want
my $PROMPT = '[\]\$\>\#]\s$';
my $ret = $spawn->expect(15,
[ qr/\(yes\/no\)\?\s*$/ => sub { $spawn->send("yes\n"); exp_continue; } ],
[ qr/assword:\s*$/ => sub { $spawn->send("$password\n"); } ],
[ qr/ogin:\s*$/ => sub { $spawn->send("$username\n"); exp_continue; } ],
[ qr/REMOTE HOST IDEN/ => sub { print "FIX: .ssh/known_hosts\n"; exp_continue; } ],
[ qr/$PROMPT/ => sub { $spawn->send("echo Now try window resizing\n"); } ],
# Send a winch single on startup
# Hand over control
my $return = $spawn->interact();
print "ssh $host returned=$return\n";
sleep 1 if ! defined @commands;