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Package gui implements a abstraction layer for Go visual elements.
* Toolkit: the underlying GUI library (MacOS gui, Windows gui, gtk, qt, etc)
* Node: A binary tree of all the underlying widgets
* Make code using this package simple to use
* Hide complexity internally here
* Isolate the GUI toolkit
* Widget names should try to match [Wikipedia Graphical widget]
* When in doubt, search upward in the binary tree
* It's ok to guess. Try to do something sensible.
Debian Build
This worked on debian sid (mate-desktop) on 2023/12/03
I didn't record the dependances needed (gtk-dev)
export GO111MODULE="off"
Hello World Example
// This creates a simple hello world window
package main
import (
var window *gui.Node // This is the beginning of the binary tree of widgets
// go will sit here until the window exits
func main() {
// This initializes the first window and 2 tabs
func helloworld() {
gui.Config.Title = "Hello World golang wit/gui Window"
gui.Config.Width = 640
gui.Config.Height = 480
window := gui.NewWindow()
addTab(window, "A Simple Tab Demo")
addTab(window, "A Second Tab")
func addTab(w *gui.Node, title string) {
tab := w.NewTab(title)
group := tab.NewGroup("foo bar")
group.NewButton("hello", func() {
External Toolkits
* andlabs -
* gocui -
The next step is to allow this to work against go-gtk and go-qt.
TODO: Add Fyne, WASM, native macos & windows, android and
hopefully also things like libSDL, faiface/pixel, slint
"The author's idea of friendly may differ to that of many other people."
-- quote from the minimalistic window manager 'evilwm'
Useful links and other
external things which might be useful
* [Wikipedia Graphical widget](
* [GO Style Guide]( Code this way
* [MS Windows Application Library Kit](
* [Federated git pull]( Hopefully this will work for me with gitea
* [Github mirror]( This repo on mirror. Hopefully I won't have to use this.
* [WIT GO projects]( Attempt to model
package gui