
210 lines
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package gui
// Lots of debugging things:
// A function dump out the binary tree
import (
// various debugging flags
var debugNow bool = true // useful for active development
var debugGui bool = false
var debugError bool = true
var debugDump bool = false
var debugNode bool = false
var debugTabs bool = false
var debugFlags bool = false
var debugChange bool = false // shows user events like mouse and keyboard
var debugPlugin bool = false
var debugAction bool = false
// for printing out the binary tree
var listChildrenParent *Node
var listChildrenDepth int = 0
var defaultPadding = " "
func SetDebug (s bool) {
debugGui = s
debugTabs = s
SetFlag("Node", s)
SetFlag("Tabs", s)
SetFlag("Dump", s)
SetFlag("Flags", s)
SetFlag("Plugin", s)
SetFlag("Change", s)
SetFlag("Error", s)
// This flag is only for the internal toolkit debugging
SetFlag("Toolkit", s)
func SetFlag (s string, b bool) {
switch s {
case "Toolkit":
// This flag is only for internal toolkit debugging
case "Tabs":
debugTabs = b
case "Node":
debugNode = b
case "Dump":
debugDump = b
case "Error":
debugError = b
case "Change":
debugChange = b
case "Flags":
debugFlags = b
case "Plugin":
debugPlugin = b
case "Show":
// ShowDebugValues() // print them here?
log(debugGui, "Can't set unknown flag", s)
// send the flag to the toolkit
// n := Config.flag
// log(debugChange, "Set() toolkit flag", s, "to", b)
// n.widget.Action = "Set"
// n.widget.S = s
// n.widget.B = b
// send(nil, n) // set flag in the plugin
var a toolkit.Action
a.Type = toolkit.SetFlag
a.S = s
a.B = b
// a.Widget = &newNode.widget
// a.Where = &n.widget
// action(&a)
newaction(&a, nil, nil)
func ShowDebugValues() {
// The order here should match the order in the GUI
// TODO: get the order from the node binary tree
log(true, "Debug =", debugGui)
log(true, "DebugError =", debugError)
log(true, "DebugChange =", debugChange)
log(true, "DebugDump =", debugDump)
log(true, "DebugTabs =", debugTabs)
log(true, "DebugPlugin =", debugPlugin)
log(true, "DebugNode =", debugNode)
SetFlag("Show", true)
func (n *Node) Dump(b bool) {
// log("Dump() dump =", b)
if ! b {
Indent(b, "NODE DUMP START")
Indent(b, "id = ",
Indent(b, "Name = ", n.Name)
Indent(b, "Width = ", n.Width)
Indent(b, "Height = ", n.Height)
Indent(b, "(X,Y) = ", n.X, n.Y)
Indent(b, "Next (X,Y) = ", n.NextX, n.NextY)
Indent(b, "Widget Name = ", n.widget.Name)
Indent(b, "Widget Type = ", n.widget.Type)
Indent(b, "Widget Id = ", n.widget.GetId())
if (n.parent == nil) {
Indent(b, "parent = nil")
} else {
Indent(b, " =",
if (n.children != nil) {
Indent(b, "children = ", n.children)
if (n.Custom != nil) {
Indent(b, "Custom = ", n.Custom)
Indent(b, "NODE DUMP END")
func Indent(b bool, a ...interface{}) {
logindent(b, listChildrenDepth, defaultPadding, a...)
func (n *Node) dumpWidget(b bool) string {
var info, d string
if (n == nil) {
log(debugError, "dumpWidget() node == nil")
return ""
info = n.widget.Type.String()
info += ", " + n.widget.Name
if (n.Name != n.widget.Name) {
info += " NAME MISMATCH"
if (n.widget.Type == toolkit.Checkbox) {
info += " = " + strconv.FormatBool(n.widget.B)
d = strconv.Itoa( + " " + info
var tabs string
for i := 0; i < listChildrenDepth; i++ {
tabs = tabs + defaultPadding
d = tabs + d
logindent(b, listChildrenDepth, defaultPadding,, info)
return d
// func (n *Node) ListChildren(dump bool, dropdown *Node, mapNodes map[string]*Node) {
func (n *Node) ListChildren(dump bool) {
if (n == nil) {
// n.Dump(dump)
if len(n.children) == 0 {
if (n.parent == nil) {
log(debugNode, "\t\t\tparent =",
if (listChildrenParent != nil) {
log(debugNode, "\t\t\tlistChildrenParent =",
if ( != {
log("parent =",, n.parent.Name)
log("listChildrenParent =",, listChildrenParent.Name)
log(, "!=",
exit("parent.child does not match child.parent")
log(debugNode, "\t\t",, "has no children")
for _, child := range n.children {
if (child.parent != nil) {
log(debugNode, "\t\t\tparent =",
} else {
log(debugGui, "\t\t\tno parent")
// memory corruption? non-threadsafe access?
// can all binary tree changes to Node.parent & Node.child be forced into a singular goroutine?
panic("something is wrong with the wit golang gui logic and the binary tree is broken. child has no parent")
if (child.children == nil) {
log(debugNode, "\t\t",, "has no children")
} else {
log(debugNode, "\t\t\tHas children:", child.children)
listChildrenParent = n
listChildrenDepth += 1
// child.ListChildren(dump, dropdown, mapNodes)
listChildrenDepth -= 1