
169 lines
3.6 KiB

package gui
import (
// "fmt"
_ ""
func findUiWindow() *ui.Window {
for _, node := range Data.NodeMap {
if (node.uiWindow != nil) {
return node.uiWindow
return nil
func MessageWindow(msg1 string, msg2 string) (*Node) {
uiW := findUiWindow()
ui.MsgBox(uiW, msg1, msg2)
// TODO: make new node
return nil
func ErrorWindow(msg1 string, msg2 string) (*Node) {
uiW := findUiWindow()
ui.MsgBoxError(uiW, msg1, msg2)
return nil
func initNode(title string, x int, y int) *Node {
var node Node
node.Name = title
node.Width = x
node.Height = y
id := Config.prefix + strconv.Itoa(Config.counter)
Config.counter += 1 = id
if (Data.NodeMap[title] != nil) {
log.Println("ERROR: Duplicate window name =", title)
// TODO: just change the 'title' to something unique
return Data.NodeMap[title]
Data.NodeMap[title] = &node
Data.NodeArray = append(Data.NodeArray, &node)
Data.NodeSlice = append(Data.NodeSlice, &node)
return &node
// parent.Append(&node)
//node.parent = parent
return &node
func (parent *Node) makeNode(title string, x int, y int) *Node {
var node Node
node.Name = title
node.Width = x
node.Height = y
id := Config.prefix + strconv.Itoa(Config.counter)
Config.counter += 1 = id
node.parent = parent
return &node
func (n *Node) AddNode(title string) *Node {
var node Node
node.Name = title
node.Width = n.Width
node.Height = n.Height
id := Config.prefix + strconv.Itoa(Config.counter)
Config.counter += 1 = id
node.parent = n
return &node
func (n *Node) uiNewWindow(title string, x int, y int) {
w := ui.NewWindow(title, x, y, Config.Menu)
f := Config.Exit
w.OnClosing(func(*ui.Window) bool {
log.Println("RUNNING the ui.Window().OnClosing() function")
if (f != nil) {
} else {
log.Println("gui.uiWindow().OnClosing() NOT SURE WHAT TO DO HERE")
// TODO: always do this here? // by default delete the node?
name := n.Name
delete(Data.NodeMap, name)
return true
n.uiWindow = w
// w.node = &node
func mapWindow(parent *Node, window *ui.Window, title string, x int, y int) *Node {
log.Println("gui.WindowMap START title =", title)
node := makeNode(parent, title, x, y)
node.uiWindow = window
return node
// This routine creates a blank window with a Title and size (W x H)
// This routine can not have any arguements due to the nature of how
// it can be passed via the 'andlabs/ui' queue which, because it is
// cross platform, must pass UI changes into the OS threads (that is
// my guess).
// There is probably some way to pass arguements here that I'm can't think of right now
func NewWindow() *Node {
title := Config.Title
w := Config.Width
h := Config.Height
if (Data.NodeMap[title] != nil) {
log.Println("Duplicate window name =", title)
uiW := Data.NodeMap[title].uiWindow
if (uiW != nil) {
log.Println("PROBABLY BAD ERROR: check here to see if window is really alive")
return Data.NodeMap[title]
var n *Node
n = initNode(title, w, h)
n.uiNewWindow(title, w, h)
window := n.uiWindow
f := Config.Exit
ui.OnShouldQuit(func() bool {
log.Println("createWindow().Destroy() on node.Name =", n.Name)
if (f != nil) {
return true
n.uiWindow = window
if(n.uiWindow == nil) {
log.Println("ERROR: node.uiWindow == nil. This should never happen")
return n