
338 lines
8.7 KiB

package gui
// This is based off of the excellent example and documentation here:
// There truly are great people in this world.
// It's a pleasure to be here with all of you
import (
var err error
type Symbol any
type aplug struct {
name string
filename string
plug *plugin.Plugin
// sym *plugin.Symbol
InitOk bool
// startup whatever might need to be setup in the plugin
// Init func()
// This passes the go channel to the plugin
// the plugin then passes actions back to
// here where they are processed. If you wit/gui this is how
// you are passed information like a user clicking a button
// or a user changing a dropdown menu or a checkbox
// from this channel, the information is then passed into your
// Custom() function
// the custom functions are run from inside of your own goroutine
// where you initialize the gui
Callback func(chan toolkit.Action)
// This is how actions are sent to the plugin
// for example, when you you create a new button, it sends
// a structure to the goroutine that is handling the gui
// each toolkit has it's own goroutine and each one is sent this
// add button request
pluginChan chan toolkit.Action
PluginChannel func() chan toolkit.Action
var allPlugins []*aplug
// loads and initializes a toolkit (andlabs/ui, gocui, etc)
// attempts to locate the .so file
func initPlugin(name string) *aplug {
log(logInfo, "initPlugin() START")
for _, aplug := range allPlugins {
log(debugGui, "initPlugin() already loaded toolkit plugin =",
if ( == name) {
log(debugError, "initPlugin() SKIPPING", name, "as you can't load it twice")
return nil
return searchPaths(name)
// newPlug.PluginChannel = getPluginChannel(newPlug, "PluginChannel")
func getPluginChannel(p *aplug, funcName string) func() chan toolkit.Action {
var newfunc func() chan toolkit.Action
var ok bool
var test plugin.Symbol
test, err = p.plug.Lookup(funcName)
if err != nil {
log(debugGui, "DID NOT FIND: name =", test, "err =", err)
return nil
newfunc, ok = test.(func() chan toolkit.Action)
if !ok {
log(debugGui, "function name =", funcName, "names didn't map correctly. Fix the plugin name =",
return nil
return newfunc
func sendCallback(p *aplug, funcName string) func(chan toolkit.Action) {
var newfunc func(chan toolkit.Action)
var ok bool
var test plugin.Symbol
test, err = p.plug.Lookup(funcName)
if err != nil {
log(debugGui, "DID NOT FIND: name =", test, "err =", err)
return nil
newfunc, ok = test.(func(chan toolkit.Action))
if !ok {
log(debugGui, "function name =", funcName, "names didn't map correctly. Fix the plugin name =",
return nil
return newfunc
TODO: clean this up. use command args?
This searches in the following order for the plugin .so files:
func searchPaths(name string) *aplug {
var filename string
var pfile []byte
var err error
// first try to load the embedded plugin file
filename = "plugins/" + name + ".so"
pfile, err = me.resFS.ReadFile(filename)
if (err == nil) {
log(logError, "write out file here", name, filename, len(pfile))
} else {
log(logError, filename, "was not embedded. Error:", err)
// attempt to write out the file from the internal resource
filename = "toolkit/" + name + ".so"
p := initToolkit(name, filename)
if (p != nil) {
return p
homeDir, err := os.UserHomeDir()
if err != nil {
log(logError, "searchPaths() error. exiting here?")
} else {
filename = homeDir + "/go/src/" + name + ".so"
p = initToolkit(name, filename)
if (p != nil) {
return p
filename = "/usr/lib/go-gui/" + name + ".so"
p = initToolkit(name, filename)
if (p != nil) {
return p
filename = "/usr/local/lib/" + name + ".so"
p = initToolkit(name, filename)
if (p != nil) {
return p
return nil
// load module
// 1. open the shared object file to load the symbols
func initToolkit(name string, filename string) *aplug {
plug, err := plugin.Open(filename)
if err != nil {
log(debugGui, "plugin FAILED =", filename, err)
return nil
log(debugGui, "initToolkit() loading plugin =", filename)
var newPlug *aplug
newPlug = new(aplug)
newPlug.InitOk = false = name
newPlug.filename = filename
newPlug.plug = plug
// this tells the toolkit plugin how to send user events back to us
// for things like: the user clicked on the 'Check IPv6'
newPlug.Callback = sendCallback(newPlug, "Callback")
// this let's us know where to send requests to the toolkit
// for things like: add a new button called 'Check IPv6'
newPlug.PluginChannel = getPluginChannel(newPlug, "PluginChannel")
// add it to the list of plugins
allPlugins = append(allPlugins, newPlug)
// set the communication to the plugins
newPlug.pluginChan = newPlug.PluginChannel()
if (newPlug.pluginChan == nil) {
log(debugError, "initToolkit() ERROR PluginChannel() returned nil for plugin:",, filename)
return nil
newPlug.InitOk = true
log(debugPlugin, "initToolkit() END",, filename)
return newPlug
func newAction(n *Node, atype toolkit.ActionType) *toolkit.Action {
var a toolkit.Action
a.ActionType = atype
if (n == nil) {
return &a
a.Name = n.Name
a.Text = n.Text
a.WidgetId =
a.B = n.B
a.X = n.X
a.Y = n.Y
if (n.parent != nil) {
a.ParentId =
a.WidgetType = n.WidgetType
return &a
func sendAction(a *toolkit.Action) {
for _, aplug := range allPlugins {
log(debugPlugin, "Action() aplug =",, "Action type=", a.ActionType)
if (aplug.pluginChan == nil) {
log(logInfo, "Action() retrieving the aplug.PluginChannel()",
aplug.pluginChan = aplug.PluginChannel()
log(logInfo, "Action() retrieved", aplug.pluginChan)
log(logInfo, "Action() SEND to pluginChan",
aplug.pluginChan <- *a
// added during debugging. might be a good idea in general for a tactile experience
// 2023/04/06 Queue() is also being used and channels are being used. memcopy() only
func newaction(a *toolkit.Action, n *Node, where *Node) {
// remove this
if (n != nil) {
a.WidgetId =
a.WidgetType = n.WidgetType
a.ActionType = a.ActionType
// end remove
if (where != nil) {
a.ParentId =
if (where.WidgetType == toolkit.Grid) {
for _, aplug := range allPlugins {
log(debugPlugin, "Action() aplug =",, "Action type=", a.ActionType)
if (aplug.pluginChan == nil) {
log(logInfo, "Action() retrieving the aplug.PluginChannel()",
aplug.pluginChan = aplug.PluginChannel()
log(logInfo, "Action() retrieved", aplug.pluginChan)
log(logInfo, "Action() SEND to pluginChan",
aplug.pluginChan <- *a
// added during debugging. might be a good idea in general for a tactile experience
func (n *Node) InitEmbed(resFS embed.FS) *Node {
me.resFS = resFS
return n
func (n *Node) LoadToolkitEmbed(name string, b []byte) *Node {
for _, aplug := range allPlugins {
log(logInfo, "LoadToolkitEmbed() already loaded toolkit plugin =",
if ( == name) {
log(logError, "LoadToolkitEmbed() SKIPPING", name, "as you can't load it twice")
return n
f, err := os.CreateTemp("", "sample." + name + ".so")
if (err != nil) {
return n
defer os.Remove(f.Name())
p := initToolkit(name, f.Name())
if (p == nil) {
log(logError, "LoadToolkitEmbed() embedded go file failed", name)
return n
func (n *Node) ListToolkits() {
for _, aplug := range allPlugins {
log(logNow, "ListToolkits() already loaded toolkit plugin =",
func (n *Node) LoadToolkit(name string) *Node {
log(logInfo, "LoadToolkit() START for name =", name)
plug := initPlugin(name)
if (plug == nil) {
return n
log(logInfo, "LoadToolkit() sending InitToolkit action to the plugin channel")
var a toolkit.Action
a.ActionType = toolkit.InitToolkit
plug.pluginChan <- a
sleep(.5) // temp hack until chan communication is setup
// TODO: find a new way to do this that is locking, safe and accurate
log(logInfo, "LoadToolkit() END for name =", name)
return n
func (n *Node) CloseToolkit(name string) bool {
log(logInfo, "CloseToolkit() for name =", name)
for _, plug := range allPlugins {
log(debugGui, "CloseToolkit() found",
if ( == name) {
log(debugNow, "CloseToolkit() sending close", name)
var a toolkit.Action
a.ActionType = toolkit.CloseToolkit
plug.pluginChan <- a
return true
return false