227 lines
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227 lines
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package gui
import (
// TODO: make a fake 'plugin' channel of communication to andlabs for mswindows
// Windows doesn't support plugins. How can I keep andlabs and only compile it on windows?
// https://forum.heroiclabs.com/t/setting-up-goland-to-compile-plugins-on-windows/594/5
// import toolkit "git.wit.org/wit/gui/toolkit/andlabs"
const Xaxis = 0 // stack things horizontally
const Yaxis = 1 // stack things vertically
func init() {
log("init() has been run")
me.counter = 0
me.prefix = "wit"
// Populates the top of the binary tree
me.rootNode = addNode("guiBinaryTree")
me.rootNode.WidgetType = toolkit.Root
// used to pass debugging flags to the toolkit plugins
me.flag = me.rootNode.newNode("flag", 0, nil)
me.flag.WidgetType = toolkit.Flag
me.flag = me.rootNode.newNode("stdout", 0, nil)
me.flag.WidgetType = toolkit.Stdout
me.guiChan = make(chan toolkit.Action, 1)
go watchCallback()
func watchCallback() {
log(logInfo, "watchCallback() START")
for {
log(logNow, "watchCallback() restarted select for toolkit user events")
select {
case a := <-me.guiChan:
if (a.ActionType == toolkit.UserQuit) {
log(logNow, "doUserEvent() User sent Quit()")
exit("wit/gui toolkit.UserQuit")
if (a.ActionType == toolkit.EnableDebug) {
log(logNow, "doUserEvent() Enable Debugging Window")
n := me.rootNode.FindId(a.WidgetId)
if (n == nil) {
log(logError, "watchCallback() UNKNOWN widget id =", a.WidgetId, a.Name)
} else {
log(logNow, "watchCallback() FOUND widget id =", n.id, n.Name)
// this maybe a good idea?
// TODO: Throttle user events somehow
func (n *Node) doCustom() {
log(logNow, "doUserEvent() widget =", n.id, n.Name, n.WidgetType, n.B)
if (n.Custom == nil) {
log(debugError, "Custom() = nil. SKIPPING")
go n.Custom()
func (n *Node) doUserEvent(a toolkit.Action) {
log(logNow, "doUserEvent() node =", n.id, n.Name)
switch n.WidgetType {
case toolkit.Checkbox:
n.B = a.B
log(logNow, "doUserEvent() node =", n.id, n.Name, "set to:", n.B)
case toolkit.Button:
log(logNow, "doUserEvent() node =", n.id, n.Name, "button clicked")
case toolkit.Combobox:
n.S = a.S
log(logNow, "doUserEvent() node =", n.id, n.Name, "set to:", n.S)
case toolkit.Dropdown:
n.S = a.S
log(logNow, "doUserEvent() node =", n.id, n.Name, "set to:", n.S)
case toolkit.Textbox:
n.S = a.S
log(logNow, "doUserEvent() node =", n.id, n.Name, "set to:", n.S)
case toolkit.Spinner:
n.I = a.I
log(logNow, "doUserEvent() node =", n.id, n.Name, "set to:", n.I)
case toolkit.Slider:
n.I = a.I
log(logNow, "doUserEvent() node =", n.id, n.Name, "set to:", n.I)
case toolkit.Window:
log(logNow, "doUserEvent() node =", n.id, n.Name, "window closed")
log(logNow, "doUserEvent() type =", n.WidgetType)
func (n *Node) InitEmbed(resFS embed.FS) *Node {
me.resFS = resFS
return n
func (n *Node) LoadToolkitEmbed(name string, b []byte) *Node {
for _, aplug := range allPlugins {
log(logInfo, "LoadToolkitEmbed() already loaded toolkit plugin =", aplug.name)
if (aplug.name == name) {
log(logError, "LoadToolkitEmbed() SKIPPING", name, "as you can't load it twice")
return n
f, err := os.CreateTemp("", "sample." + name + ".so")
if (err != nil) {
return n
defer os.Remove(f.Name())
p := initToolkit(name, f.Name())
if (p == nil) {
log(logError, "LoadToolkitEmbed() embedded go file failed", name)
return n
func (n *Node) ListToolkits() {
for _, aplug := range allPlugins {
log(logNow, "ListToolkits() already loaded toolkit plugin =", aplug.name)
func (n *Node) LoadToolkit(name string) *Node {
log(logInfo, "LoadToolkit() START for name =", name)
plug := initPlugin(name)
if (plug == nil) {
return n
log(logInfo, "LoadToolkit() sending InitToolkit action to the plugin channel")
var a toolkit.Action
a.ActionType = toolkit.InitToolkit
plug.pluginChan <- a
sleep(.5) // temp hack until chan communication is setup
// TODO: find a new way to do this that is locking, safe and accurate
log(logInfo, "LoadToolkit() END for name =", name)
return n
func (n *Node) CloseToolkit(name string) bool {
log(logInfo, "CloseToolkit() for name =", name)
for _, plug := range allPlugins {
log(debugGui, "CloseToolkit() found", plug.name)
if (plug.name == name) {
log(debugNow, "CloseToolkit() sending close", name)
var a toolkit.Action
a.ActionType = toolkit.CloseToolkit
plug.pluginChan <- a
return true
return false
// There should only be one of these per application
// This is due to restrictions by being cross platform
// some toolkit's on some operating systems don't support more than one
// Keep things simple. Do the default expected thing whenever possible
func New() *Node {
return me.rootNode
// try to load andlabs, if that doesn't work, fall back to the console
func (n *Node) Default() *Node {
// if DISPLAY isn't set, return since gtk can't load
// TODO: figure out how to check what to do in macos and mswindows
if (os.Getenv("DISPLAY") == "") {
if (n.LoadToolkit("gocui") == nil) {
log(logError, "New() failed to load gocui")
return n
if (n.LoadToolkit("andlabs") != nil) {
return n
return n
// The window is destroyed but the application does not quit
func (n *Node) StandardClose() {
log(debugGui, "wit/gui Standard Window Close. name =", n.Name)
log(debugGui, "wit/gui Standard Window Close. n.Custom exit =", n.Custom)
// The window is destroyed and the application exits
// TODO: properly exit the plugin since Quit() doesn't do it
func StandardExit() {
log("wit/gui Standard Window Exit. running os.Exit()")
log("StandardExit() attempt to exit each toolkit plugin")
for i, plug := range allPlugins {
log("NewButton()", i, plug)