
244 lines
6.9 KiB

package gui
import "log"
import ""
import _ ""
import pb ""
import ""
func InitColumns(mh *TableData, parts []TableColumnData) {
tmpBTindex := 0
humanID := 0
for key, foo := range parts {
log.Println("key, foo =", key, foo)
parts[key].Index = humanID
humanID += 1
if (foo.CellType == "BG") {
mh.generatedColumnTypes = append(mh.generatedColumnTypes, ui.TableColor{})
initRowBTcolor (mh, tmpBTindex, parts[key])
tmpBTindex += 1
} else if (foo.CellType == "BUTTON") {
mh.generatedColumnTypes = append(mh.generatedColumnTypes, ui.TableString(""))
initRowButtonColumn (mh, tmpBTindex, parts[key].Heading, parts[key])
tmpBTindex += 1
} else if (foo.CellType == "TEXTCOLOR") {
mh.generatedColumnTypes = append(mh.generatedColumnTypes, ui.TableString(""))
mh.generatedColumnTypes = append(mh.generatedColumnTypes, ui.TableColor{})
initRowTextColorColumn(mh, tmpBTindex, tmpBTindex + 1, parts[key].Heading, ui.TableColor{0.0, 0, 0.9, 1}, parts[key])
tmpBTindex += 2
} else if (foo.CellType == "TEXT") {
mh.generatedColumnTypes = append(mh.generatedColumnTypes, ui.TableString(""))
initRowTextColumn (mh, tmpBTindex, parts[key].Heading, parts[key])
tmpBTindex += 1
} else {
panic("I don't know what this is in initColumnNames")
func AddTableTab(mytab *ui.Tab, mytabcount int, name string, rowcount int, parts []TableColumnData, account *pb.Account) *TableData {
mh := new(TableData)
mh.RowCount = rowcount
mh.Rows = make([]RowData, mh.RowCount)
InitColumns(mh, parts)
model := ui.NewTableModel(mh)
table := ui.NewTable(
Model: model,
RowBackgroundColorModelColumn: 0, // Row Background color is always index zero
tmpBTindex := 0
for key, foo := range parts {
log.Println(key, foo)
if (foo.CellType == "BG") {
} else if (foo.CellType == "BUTTON") {
tmpBTindex += 1
table.AppendButtonColumn(foo.Heading, tmpBTindex, ui.TableModelColumnAlwaysEditable)
} else if (foo.CellType == "TEXTCOLOR") {
tmpBTindex += 1
table.AppendTextColumn(foo.Heading, tmpBTindex, ui.TableModelColumnAlwaysEditable,
ColorModelColumn: tmpBTindex + 1,
tmpBTindex += 1
} else if (foo.CellType == "TEXT") {
tmpBTindex += 1
table.AppendTextColumn(foo.Heading, tmpBTindex, ui.TableModelColumnAlwaysEditable, nil)
} else {
panic("I don't know what this is in initColumnNames")
vbox := ui.NewVerticalBox()
vbox.Append(table, true)
mytab.Append(name, vbox)
mytab.SetMargined(mytabcount, true)
vbox.Append(ui.NewVerticalSeparator(), false)
hbox := ui.NewHorizontalBox()
hbox.Append(CreateButton(account, nil, "Add Virtual Machine", "createAddVmBox", nil), false)
hbox.Append(CreateButton(account, nil, "Close", "CLOSE", nil), false)
vbox.Append(hbox, false)
return mh
func SocketError() {
"There was a socket error",
"More detailed information can be shown here.")
func MessageWindow(msg1 string, msg2 string) {
ui.MsgBox(Data.cloudWindow, msg1, msg2)
func ErrorWindow(msg1 string, msg2 string) {
ui.MsgBoxError(Data.cloudWindow, msg1, msg2)
// This is the default mouse click handler
// Every mouse click that hasn't been assigned to
// something specific will fall into this routine
// By default, all it runs is the call back to
// the main program that is using this library
// This is one of the routines that is called from the
// defaultButtonClick() below when the button is found
// in the AllButtons %map
// TODO: clean up the text above
// TODO: remove this all together going only to main()
func mouseClick(b *ButtonMap) {
log.Println("gui.mouseClick() START")
if (b == nil) {
log.Println("\tgui.mouseClick() START b = nil")
} else {
log.Println("\tgui.mouseClick() START b.Action =", b.Action)
if (b.Action == "createAddVmBox") {
log.Println("\tgui.mouseClick() createAddVmBox for b =", b)
createAddVmBox(Data.cloudTab, "Create New Virtual Machine", b)
if (b.Action == "SHOW VM") {
Data.CurrentVM = b.VM
if (Data.Debug) {
go ui.Main(ShowVM)
} else {
CreateVmBox(Data.cloudTab, b.VM)
if (b.Action == "WINDOW CLOSE") {
// TODO: fix this (seems to crash? maybe because we are in the button here?)
// b.W.Destroy()
if (b.Action == "ADD") {
log.Println("\tgui.mouseClick() SHOULD ADD VM HERE?")
if (Data.MouseClick == nil) {
log.Println("\tgui.mouseClick() Data.MouseClick() IS nil. NOT DOING ANYTHING")
} else {
log.Println("\tgui.mouseClick() Data.MouseClick() START")
// This routine MUST be here as this is how the andlabs/ui works
// This is the raw routine passed to every button in andlabs libui / ui
// There is a []ButtonMap which has all the buttons. We search
// for the button and then call the function below
func defaultButtonClick(button *ui.Button) {
log.Println("defaultButtonClick() LOOK FOR BUTTON button =", button)
for key, foo := range Data.AllButtons {
if (Data.Debug) {
log.Println("defaultButtonClick() Data.AllButtons =", key, foo)
if Data.AllButtons[key].B == button {
log.Println("\tdefaultButtonClick() BUTTON MATCHED")
// log.Println("\tData.AllButtons[key].Name =", Data.AllButtons[key].Name)
log.Println("\tdefaultButtonClick() Data.AllButtons[key].Action =", Data.AllButtons[key].Action)
if Data.AllButtons[key].custom != nil {
log.Println("\tdefaultButtonClick() DOING CUSTOM FUNCTION")
var tmp ButtonMap
tmp = Data.AllButtons[key]
log.Println("\tdefaultButtonClick() BUTTON NOT FOUND")
if (Data.Debug) {
panic("defaultButtonClick() SHOULD NOT HAVE UNMAPPED BUTTONS")
func AddButton(b *ButtonMap, name string) *ui.Button {
newB := ui.NewButton(name)
b.B = newB
Data.AllButtons = append(Data.AllButtons, *b)
return newB
func CreateButton(a *pb.Account, vm *pb.Event_VM,
name string, action string, custom func(*ButtonMap)) *ui.Button {
newB := ui.NewButton(name)
var newmap ButtonMap
newmap.B = newB
newmap.T = Data.cloudTab
newmap.Account = a
newmap.VM = vm
newmap.Action = action
newmap.custom = custom
Data.AllButtons = append(Data.AllButtons, newmap)
return newB
func CreateFontButton(action string) *ButtonMap {
newB := ui.NewFontButton()
// create a 'fake' button entry for the mouse clicks
var newBM ButtonMap
newBM.Action = action
newBM.FB = newB
newBM.AH = myAH
Data.AllButtons = append(Data.AllButtons, newBM)
newB.OnChanged(func (*ui.FontButton) {
log.Println("FontButton.OnChanged() START mouseClick(&newBM)", &newBM)
// mouseClick(&newBM)
return &newBM