365 lines
9.5 KiB
365 lines
9.5 KiB
package gui
import "log"
import "time"
import "regexp"
import "github.com/andlabs/ui"
import _ "github.com/andlabs/ui/winmanifest"
import pb "git.wit.com/wit/witProtobuf"
// import "github.com/davecgh/go-spew/spew"
func makeCloudInfoBox() *ui.Box {
hbox := ui.NewHorizontalBox()
if (Data.Debug) {
log.Println("makeCloudInfoBox() add debugging buttons")
vbox := ui.NewVerticalBox()
hbox.Append(vbox, false)
hbox.Append(ui.NewVerticalSeparator(), false)
vbox := ui.NewVerticalBox()
hbox.Append(vbox, true)
hostnamebox := ui.NewHorizontalBox()
vbox.Append(hostnamebox, false)
entryForm := ui.NewForm()
hostnamebox.Append(entryForm, true)
hostnameEntry := ui.NewEntry()
entryForm.Append("hostname:", hostnameEntry, false)
tmp := Data.Hostname + " (" + Data.IPv6 + ")"
hostnamebox.Append(CreateButton(nil, nil, "Edit", "EDIT", nil), false)
vbox.Append(ui.NewHorizontalSeparator(), false)
agrid := ui.NewGrid()
agrid.Append(ui.NewLabel("Accounts:"), 0, 0, 1, 1, true, ui.AlignFill, false, ui.AlignFill)
agrid.Append(ui.NewLabel("Nickname"), 1, 0, 1, 1, true, ui.AlignFill, false, ui.AlignFill)
agrid.Append(ui.NewLabel("Username"), 2, 0, 1, 1, true, ui.AlignFill, false, ui.AlignFill)
agrid.Append(ui.NewLabel("Domain Name"), 3, 0, 1, 1, true, ui.AlignFill, false, ui.AlignFill)
row := 1
for key, a := range Data.Config.Accounts {
log.Println("account = ", key, a)
log.Println("Accounts[key] = ", Data.Config.Accounts[key])
log.Println("account.Nick = ", Data.Config.Accounts[key].Nick)
log.Println("account.Username = ", Data.Config.Accounts[key].Username)
log.Println("account.Token = ", Data.Config.Accounts[key].Token)
agrid.Append(ui.NewLabel(Data.Config.Accounts[key].Nick), 1, row, 1, 1, true, ui.AlignFill, false, ui.AlignFill)
agrid.Append(ui.NewLabel(Data.Config.Accounts[key].Username), 2, row, 1, 1, true, ui.AlignFill, false, ui.AlignFill)
agrid.Append(ui.NewLabel(Data.Config.Accounts[key].Domain), 3, row, 1, 1, true, ui.AlignFill, false, ui.AlignFill)
name := "Login " + Data.Config.Accounts[key].Nick
l := CreateButton(Data.Config.Accounts[key], nil, name, "LOGIN", nil)
agrid.Append(l, 4, row, 1, 1, true, ui.AlignFill, false, ui.AlignFill)
name = "Show " + Data.Config.Accounts[key].Nick
b := CreateButton(Data.Config.Accounts[key], nil, name, "SHOW", nil)
agrid.Append(b, 5, row, 1, 1, true, ui.AlignFill, false, ui.AlignFill)
row += 1
row += 1
agrid.Append(ui.NewLabel(""), 1, row, 1, 1, true, ui.AlignFill, false, ui.AlignFill)
row += 1
a := CreateButton(nil, nil, "Add Account", "ADD TAB", nil)
agrid.Append(a, 4, row, 1, 1, true, ui.AlignFill, false, ui.AlignFill)
q := CreateButton(nil, nil, "Quit", "QUIT", nil)
agrid.Append(q, 5, row, 1, 1, true, ui.AlignFill, false, ui.AlignFill)
vbox.Append(agrid, false)
return hbox
// This maps the 'human' indexed cells in the table
// to the machine's andlabs/libui values. That way
// if you want to work against column 4, then you
// can just reference 4 instead of the internal number
// which could be anything since TEXTCOLOR, TEXT, BG, etc
// fields use between 1 and 3 values internally
func AddVmsTab(name string, count int, a *pb.Account) *TableData {
var parts []TableColumnData
human := 0
tmp := TableColumnData{}
tmp.CellType = "BG"
tmp.Heading = "background"
tmp.Index = human
parts = append(parts, tmp)
human += 1
tmp = TableColumnData{}
tmp.CellType = "TEXTCOLOR"
tmp.Heading = "name"
tmp.Index = human
parts = append(parts, tmp)
human += 1
tmp = TableColumnData{}
tmp.CellType = "TEXTCOLOR"
tmp.Heading = "hostname"
tmp.Index = human
parts = append(parts, tmp)
human += 1
tmp = TableColumnData{}
tmp.CellType = "TEXTCOLOR"
tmp.Heading = "IPv6"
tmp.Index = human
parts = append(parts, tmp)
human += 1
tmp = TableColumnData{}
tmp.CellType = "TEXTCOLOR"
tmp.Heading = "cpus"
tmp.Index = human
parts = append(parts, tmp)
human += 1
tmp = TableColumnData{}
tmp.CellType = "TEXTCOLOR"
tmp.Heading = "memory"
tmp.Index = human
parts = append(parts, tmp)
human += 1
tmp = TableColumnData{}
tmp.CellType = "BUTTON"
tmp.Heading = "Details"
tmp.Index = human
parts = append(parts, tmp)
human += 1
mh := AddTableTab(Data.Window1.T, 1, name, count, parts, a)
return mh
func ShowAccountQuestionTab() {
time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond)
Data.Window1.Box2 = AddAccountQuestionBox()
Data.Window1.T.InsertAt("New Account?", 0, Data.Window1.Box2)
Data.Window1.T.SetMargined(0, true)
func ShowAccountTab(i int) {
log.Println("ShowAccountTab() START")
time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond)
// Create the things for the Account Tab
abox := AddAccountBox()
// Set the parents and data structure links
// aTab.me = Data.Window1.T
// aTab.parentWindow = Data.Window1.W
// aTab.tabOffset = 0
if (i >= 0) {
log.Println("ShowAccountTab() InsertAt i=", i)
Data.Window1.T.InsertAt("Add Account", i, abox)
Data.Window1.T.SetMargined(0, true)
} else {
// TODO: After append try to discover the tab index #
log.Println("ShowAccountTab() Append")
AddBoxToTab("Create New Account", Data.Window1.T, abox)
func ShowMainTab() {
time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond)
Data.Window1.Box2 = makeCloudInfoBox()
Data.Window1.T.InsertAt("Main", 0, Data.Window1.Box2)
Data.Window1.T.SetMargined(0, true)
func GoMainWindow() {
// Data.Window1 = new(WindowMap)
func makeCloudWindow() {
Data.Window1.W = ui.NewWindow("", Data.Width, Data.Height, true)
// Window1.W.SetBorderless(true)
// create a 'fake' button entry for the mouse clicks
var newBM ButtonMap
newBM.Action = "QUIT"
newBM.W = Data.Window1.W
Data.AllButtons = append(Data.AllButtons, newBM)
Data.Window1.W.OnClosing(func(*ui.Window) bool {
return true
ui.OnShouldQuit(func() bool {
return true
Data.Window1.T = ui.NewTab()
// text := makeAttributedString()
Data.Window1.Box1 = ShowSplashBox(Data.Window1.AreaText)
Data.Window1.T.Append("WIT Splash", Data.Window1.Box1)
Data.Window1.T.SetMargined(0, true)
Data.State = "splash"
func AddVmConfigureTab(name string, pbVM *pb.Event_VM) {
CreateVmBox(Data.Window1.T, Data.CurrentVM)
// makeEntryBox(box, "hostname:", "blah.foo.org") {
func makeEntryVbox(hbox *ui.Box, a string, startValue string, edit bool, action string) *EntryMap {
// Start 'Nickname' vertical box
vboxN := ui.NewVerticalBox()
vboxN.Append(ui.NewLabel(a), false)
e := defaultMakeEntry(startValue, edit, action)
vboxN.Append(e.E, false)
hbox.Append(vboxN, false)
// End 'Nickname' vertical box
return e
// string handling examples that might be helpful for normalizeInt()
isAlpha := regexp.MustCompile(`^[A-Za-z]+$`).MatchString
for _, username := range []string{"userone", "user2", "user-three"} {
if !isAlpha(username) {
fmt.Printf("%q is not valid\n", username)
const alpha = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
func alphaOnly(s string) bool {
for _, char := range s {
if !strings.Contains(alpha, strings.ToLower(string(char))) {
return false
return true
func normalizeInt(s string) string {
// reg, err := regexp.Compile("[^a-zA-Z0-9]+")
reg, err := regexp.Compile("[^0-9]+")
if err != nil {
log.Println("normalizeInt() regexp.Compile() ERROR =", err)
return s
clean := reg.ReplaceAllString(s, "")
log.Println("normalizeInt() s =", clean)
return clean
func defaultEntryChange(e *ui.Entry) {
for key, em := range Data.AllEntries {
if (Data.Debug) {
log.Println("\tdefaultEntryChange() Data.AllEntries =", key, em)
if Data.AllEntries[key].E == e {
log.Println("defaultEntryChange() FOUND",
"action =", Data.AllEntries[key].Action,
"Last =", Data.AllEntries[key].Last,
"e.Text() =", e.Text())
Data.AllEntries[key].Last = e.Text()
if Data.AllEntries[key].Normalize != nil {
fixed := Data.AllEntries[key].Normalize(e.Text())
log.Println("defaultEntryChange() ERROR. MISSING ENTRY MAP. e.Text() =", e.Text())
func defaultMakeEntry(startValue string, edit bool, action string) *EntryMap {
e := ui.NewEntry()
if (edit == false) {
// add the entry field to the global map
var newEntryMap EntryMap
newEntryMap.E = e
newEntryMap.Edit = edit
newEntryMap.Action = action
if (action == "Memory") {
newEntryMap.Normalize = normalizeInt
Data.AllEntries = append(Data.AllEntries, newEntryMap)
return &newEntryMap
func makeEntryHbox(hbox *ui.Box, a string, startValue string, edit bool, action string) *EntryMap {
// Start 'Nickname' vertical box
hboxN := ui.NewHorizontalBox()
hboxN.Append(ui.NewLabel(a), false)
e := defaultMakeEntry(startValue, edit, action)
hboxN.Append(e.E, false)
hbox.Append(hboxN, false)
// End 'Nickname' vertical box
return e
func AddBoxToTab(name string, tab *ui.Tab, box *ui.Box) {
tab.Append(name, box)
tab.SetMargined(0, true)