package toolkit

// passes information between the toolkit library (plugin)
// This is the only thing that is passed between the toolkit plugin
// what names should be used? This is not part of [[Graphical Widget]]
// Event() seems like a good name. 
//	Event is used too much: web dev, cloud, etc
//	I'm using "Action". Maybe it should really be
//	"Interaction" as per wikipedia [[User interface]]
// TODO: convert this to a protobuf (?)

type WidgetType int // Button, Menu, Checkbox, etc.
type ActionType int // Add, SetText, Click, Hide, Append, Delete, etc

type Action struct {
	ActionType ActionType
	WidgetType WidgetType

	WidgetId int
	ParentId int

	Text string  // what is visable to the user
	Name string  // a name useful for programming

	// This is how the values are passed back and forth
	// values from things like checkboxes & dropdown's
	B	bool
	I	int
	S	string

	A	any // switch to this or deprecate this? pros/cons?

	// This is used for things like a slider(0,100)
	X      int
	Y      int

	// Put space around elements to improve look & feel
	Margin	bool

	// Make widgets fill up the space available
	Expand	bool

const (
	Unknown WidgetType = iota
	Root	// the master 'root' node of the binary tree
	Flag	// used to send configuration values to plugins
	Window	// in certain gui's (ncurses), these are tabs
	Tab	// internally, this is a window
	Frame	// deprecate?
	Grid	// like drawers in a chest
	Group	// like the 'Appetizers' section on a menu
	Box	// a vertical or horizontal stack of widgets
	Checkbox // select 'on' or 'off'
	Combobox // dropdown with edit=true
	Textbox	// is this a Label with edit=true
	Slider // like a progress bar
	Spinner // like setting the oven temperature
	Image // TODO
	Area // TODO
	Form // TODO
	Font // TODO
	Color // TODO
	Dialog // TODO
	Stdout // can be used to capture and display log output

const (
	Add ActionType = iota
	User // the user did something (mouse, keyboard, etc)
	InitToolkit // initializes the toolkit
	CloseToolkit // closes the toolkit
	UserQuit // the user closed the GUI
	EnableDebug // open the debugging window

func (s WidgetType) String() string {
	switch s {
	case Root:
		return "Root"
	case Flag:
		return "Flag"
	case Window:
		return "Window"
	case Tab:
		return "Tab"
	case Frame:
		return "Frame"
	case Grid:
		return "Grid"
	case Group:
		return "Group"
	case Box:
		return "Box"
	case Button:
		return "Button"
	case Checkbox:
		return "Checkbox"
	case Dropdown:
		return "Dropdown"
	case Combobox:
		return "Combobox"
	case Label:
		return "Label"
	case Textbox:
		return "Textbox"
	case Slider:
		return "Slider"
	case Spinner:
		return "Spinner"
	case Image:
		return "Image"
	case Area:
		return "Area"
	case Form:
		return "Form"
	case Font:
		return "Font"
	case Color:
		return "Color"
	case Dialog:
		return "Dialog"
	case Stdout:
		return "Stdout"
	case Unknown:
		return "Unknown"
	return "WidgetType.String() Error"

func (s ActionType) String() string {
	switch s {
	case Add:
		return "Add"
	case Delete:
		return "Delete"
	case Get:
		return "Get"
	case Set:
		return "Set"
	case GetText:
		return "GetText"
	case SetText:
		return "SetText"
	case AddText:
		return "AddText"
	case Show:
		return "Show"
	case Hide:
		return "Hide"
	case Enable:
		return "Enable"
	case Disable:
		return "Disable"
	case Margin:
		return "Margin"
	case Unmargin:
		return "Unmargin"
	case Pad:
		return "Pad"
	case Unpad:
		return "Unpad"
	case Append:
		return "Append"
	case Move:
		return "Move"
	case Dump:
		return "Dump"
	return "ActionType.String() Error"