package gui

import "image/color"

import ""
import _ ""

import pb ""

// All GUI Data Structures and functions that are external
// If you need cross platform support, these might only
// be the safe way to interact with the GUI
var Data	GuiDataStructure
var myAH	areaHandler

type GuiTabStructure struct {
	me		*ui.Tab
	parentWindow	*ui.Window
	firstBox	*ui.Box
	tabOffset	int

	EntryNick	*ui.Entry
	EntryUser	*ui.Entry
	EntryPass	*ui.Entry

	// this means only one table per tab
	mh		*TableData

	// stuff for the 'area'
	// this means only one area per tab
	fontButton	*ui.FontButton
	attrstr		*ui.AttributedString
	splashArea	*ui.Area

type GuiDataStructure struct {
	State		string
	Width		int
	Height		int

	// a fallback default function to handle mouse events 
	// if nothing else is defined to handle them
	MouseClick	func(*ButtonMap)

	// general information
	Version		string
	GitCommit	string
	GoVersion	string
	Buildtime	string
	HomeDir		string
	Debug		bool
	DebugTable	bool

	// official hostname and IPv6 address for this box
	Hostname	string
	IPv6		string

	// account entry textboxes
	Config		*pb.Config
	Current		*pb.Account

	// A map of all buttons everywhere on all
	// windows, all tabs, across all goroutines
	// This is "GLOBAL"
	AllButtons	[]ButtonMap

	// a tab (maybe the one the user is playing with?)
	CurrentTab	*GuiTabStructure
	// a VM (maybe the one the user is playing with?)
	CurrentVM	*pb.Event_VM

	// All the tabs
	Tabs		[]GuiTabStructure

	// stuff for the splash screen / setup tabs
	cloudWindow	*ui.Window
	cloudTab	*ui.Tab
	cloudBox	*ui.Box
	smallBox	*ui.Box

	mainwin		*ui.Window
	maintab		*ui.Tab
	tabcount	int

	// stuff for the 'area'
	MyArea		*ui.Area
	fontButton	*ui.FontButton
	attrstr		*ui.AttributedString
	splashArea	*ui.Area

type TableColumnData struct {
	Index		int
	CellType	string
	Heading		string
	Color		string

type ButtonMap struct {
	B		*ui.Button
	FB		*ui.FontButton
	A		*ui.Area
	Account		*pb.Account
	VM		*pb.Event_VM
	Action		string	// what type of button
	aTab		*GuiTabStructure

	custom		func (*ButtonMap)

type areaHandler struct{
	//	buttonFunc func(int, int)
	//	closeFunc  func(int)
	button	*ButtonMap


type CellData struct {
	Index		int
	HumanID		int
	Name		string			// what type of cell is this?

// hmm. will this stand the test of time?
type RowData struct {
	Name		string			// what kind of row is this?
	Status		string			// status of the row?
	// TODO: These may or may not be implementable
	click		func()			// what function to call if the user clicks on it
	doubleclick	func()			// what function to call if the user double clicks on it
	HumanData	[20]HumanCellData

	// The VM from the protobuf
	VM		*pb.Event_VM

// This maps the andlabs/ui & libui components into a "human"
// readable cell reference list. The reason is that there
// are potentially 3 values for each cell. The Text, the Color
// and an image. These are not always needed so the number
// of fields varies between 1 and 3. Internally, the toolkit
// GUI abstraction needs to list all of them, but it's then
// hard to figure out which column goes with the columns that
// you see when you visually are looking at it like a spreadsheet
// This makes a map so that we can say "give me the value at
// row 4 and column 2" and find the fields that are needed
// TODO: add back image support and the progress bar
type HumanCellData struct {
	Name		string			// what kind of row is this?
	Text		string
	TextID		int
	Color		color.RGBA
	ColorID		int

type HumanMap struct {
	Name		string			// what kind of row is this?
	TextID		int
	ColorID		int

// This is the structure that andlabs/ui uses to pass information
// to the GUI. This is the "authoritative" data.
type TableData struct {
	RowCount		int			// This is the number of 'rows' which really means data elements not what the human sees
	RowWidth		int			// This is how wide each row is
	Rows			[]RowData		// This is all the table data by row
	generatedColumnTypes	[]ui.TableValue		// generate this dynamically

	Cells			[20]CellData
	Human			[20]HumanMap

	Account			*pb.Account	// what account this table is for

	lastRow			int
	lastColumn		int
	parentTab		*ui.Tab
