.PHONY: README.md all: README.md @echo @echo "make cmds # will run all the Example demos and commands" @echo "make update # full git update of all the dependencies" @echo #make -C cmds/helloworld make plugins # should update every go dependancy (?) update: git pull go get -v -t -u ./... cmds: cmds-buttonplugin cmds-console-ui-helloworld cmds-debug cmds-helloworld cmds-textbox cmds-buttonplugin: make -C cmds/buttonplugin cmds-console-ui-helloworld: make -C cmds/console-ui-helloworld cmds-helloworld: make -C cmds/helloworld cmds-debug: make -C cmds/debug cmds-textbox: make -C cmds/textbox # sync repo to the github backup github: git push origin master git push github master @echo @echo check https://github.com/witorg/gui @echo doc: GO111MODULE="off" godoc -v # GO111MODULE=on go install github.com/posener/goreadme/cmd/goreadme@latest (worked Oct 20 2022) README.md: doc.go goreadme -factories -types -functions -variabless > README-goreadme.md clean: rm -f toolkit/*.so plugins: plugins-gocui plugins-andlabs2 plugins-gocui: make -C toolkit/gocui plugins-andlabs2: cd toolkit/andlabs2/ && GO111MODULE="off" go build -buildmode=plugin -o ../andlabs2.so # make -C toolkit/andlabs2 objdump: objdump -t toolkit/andlabs.so |less